Pj Support Thread 2010 Pt.1

The Coco Lime Smells Wonderful!:lick: :yep:

Has Anyone tried the Egyptian Musk?
i think Esani likes the egyptian musk smell. kbb sent me a sample of a lotion in that scent and i hated it. its very strong and manly to me. sultry sandalwood is like a lighter almost sweeter version to me.
Well if thats the case I need a fullscale intervention. Im a fiend for a sale. If its on sale I can find a reason to get it.

In all honesty I think I could go the entire year without buying anything and I would still be good, but I like the thrill of the chase...the first sniff, knowing that I've got something good on me.

I am not an addict, just a product connisuer (sp).

:look: The First Signs of A True Addict.......:nono:

Acceptance is the First Step to Recovery:lachen:
i know i could go a year and the only thing i would need to repurchase are conditioners(co wash and deep). i go through them like water. but 90% of my moisturizers are butters and they have a shelf life of 1-2 years.
i know i could go a year and the only thing i would need to repurchase are conditioners(co wash and deep). i go through them like water. but 90% of my moisturizers are butters and they have a shelf life of 1-2 years.

I said 2011 in a previous post....But I think I could actually go to 2013:blush:
:look: The First Signs of A True Addict.......:nono:

Acceptance is the First Step to Recovery:lachen:

Well I accept that I have a problem...but at one point does one become a full blown junkie? I can restrain myself. I havent bought a product since the 8th..I'm not scratching just yet:perplexed.
I said 2011 in a previous post....But I think I could actually go to 2013:blush:

*peeks head in and sheepishly raises hand*

Same here...my problem is that I usually buy quickly and use it like its my last bit.:lachen:Knowing good and darn well I could poo, DC and douse the entire Duggar family for a year and a half!
*peeks head in and sheepishly raises hand*

Same here...my problem is that I usually buy quickly and use it like its my last bit.:lachen:Knowing good and darn well I could poo, DC and douse the entire Duggar family for a year and a half!

And.....you don't think You're Full Blown Uh??????:spinning:

I am so FURIOUS right now, I made my darn (excuse my language) appointment for my eyes and due what wasn't said, I have to move it. I have been imagining my eyes being cut up and clinching up all over the face then imagining the next day. first my steamer date moved then my eyes. what next, my shampoo!
Well I accept that I have a problem...but at one point does one become a full blown junkie? I can restrain myself. I havent bought a product since the 8th..I'm not scratching just yet:perplexed.

Well, Actually, we can all Restrain Ourselves:perplexed That's not the issue. We all do it every day.:look:

:ohwell:So you are gonna just call me out like that, huh? I mean I guess I am....:rolleyes:

Saying that you really wouldn't have to buy any products until 2013........and you could Do the Entire Duggard's Family Heads....ummm...that would be the issue.

*it's a support thread, hey....i'm just tryna' support you:look:*
I am so FURIOUS right now, I made my darn (excuse my language) appointment for my eyes and due what wasn't said, I have to move it. I have been imagining my eyes being cut up and clinching up all over the face then imagining the next day. first my steamer date moved then my eyes. what next, my shampoo!


You'll be Fine.:grin: I'm sure it will be worth the wait. (Both of them).:yep:

And........No, You Don't Need No 'Poo:lachen:
Well, Actually, we can all Restrain Ourselves:perplexed That's not the issue. We all do it every day.:look:

Saying that you really wouldn't have to buy any products until 2013........and you could Do the Entire Duggard's Family Heads....ummm...that would be the issue.

*it's a support thread, hey....i'm just tryna' support you:look:*

Well, now that you put it that way....

*shaking and crying in a corner*
Well, now that you put it that way....

*shaking and crying in a corner*

:hug3: Awww....Girl, You'll be Fine. I just repeated what you said:giggle:
It's a Process. A Daily Struggle. And it's difficult.:rolleyes:

At least you are Using Up Stuff, Making Lists of Future Purchases and Researching those Purchases.

That's a Huge Start (instead of just randomly buying stuff, just to be buying stuff).:nono:

You don't know me that 'well' (yet), but you will by the end of this Challenge:lachen:

And Hopefully, You'll feel like you are accomplishing something positive.:yep:
I mean its okay if I say it, but if someone else can see it and say it...that might mean I have a problem. I might need a 12 step program.

Step # 1 Back away from Giovanni.
Yes that's the one I'm looking for! My DD will be very happy. She's been ordering it online, but now I'll just pick one up for her.. and look around for myself LOL Burlington is just 10 minutes away, can't believe I've never bumped into it. Thanks!

Girl it is Beford, not Burlington, Beford!

I always get them mixed up.
Hey ladies, just working from home even tho its late and also trying to study, lurk and get a rollerset done before midnight.

I watched my grandbaby over the weekend and to "reward" me my DD brought me a jar of Miel y Canela deep conditioner. She got it from a BSS in NY. I was happy of course LOL I love the cinnamon smell. I steamed for an hour and I'm about to go wash it out. I don't want to rollerset my hair because I will miss my steamer LMAO but I gotta give it up for a week.

Good night! IDareT'sHair, don't forget to turn off the lights.

Girl it is Beford, not Burlington, Beford!

I always get them mixed up.

Oh ok. I just Googled it and its straight up Mass Ave so it would be a 20 minute drive. Never been to Bedford so maybe this weekend I'll pay a visit.
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I am trying the qhemet BRBC instead of the AOHC tonight. Thanks ltown:yay:!

I used the sample I have on my kids the other day. The BRBC is probably better for my daughter but my son's hair is thicker and coarser and the BRBC doesn't seem to be doing much for him.
im going to try a twist out again tonight. my tiwst out never turn out right but tonight im going to try it by doing chunky flat twists. im going to mist my hair with ojon and twist using coconut confidence. if it doesnt turn out right then i give up on twist outs and will just work on perfecting my braid outs since they tend to come out somewhat descent.
Chebaby, I feel you on the twist out I can't get a good one either. I did a braid out and others like it but I did not. I'm transitioning and have only 1" of relax ends. I think it just I'm not used to that hair style and need to let it grow on me.

I just started incorporating twist outs into my routine and they do take some getting used to. ITA that you have make the twists uniform or else it looks lopsided. Also you have to embrace the big hair look too in order to rock this style. I am by no means a big hair person since I'm already 6' tall so I'd be really tall with big hair. Also looking neat and clean has always been my style so twist outs don't necessarily fit into that category. I saw keep trying it switch up with the braid outs and just perfect your technique and products. Also the longer you keep the twists before releasing them also plays into how the twist out looks. I used Jessicurl Aloeba leave in, Almond glaze and my soft butter mix and it came out soft moisturized and nicely defined. It also was free flowing and not weighted down either. Keep trying Che.

there's another poster here who just made a thread about her braids that she got yesterday too. hers are phenomenal! mine are actually pretty thin (density-wise) because they're not tiny, which is fine with me, but i was expecting the finished result to be a lot thicker.

Love your hair Robot. Are those Sengalese (sp?) twists? I am so toying with getting some of those in the spring. I took out my friends twists this weekend and she had the cutest twist out from it.

I washed my hair this weekend for a dinner party and used the jessicurl line. Too Shea to cowash, WDT to DC (with heat 1hr then w/o) and the Aloeba leave in. My hair was so soft just from the Too Shea I almost didn't DC. :lick: I really love this line so far. I'm going to use it again after my henna on Sunday to see if it can really hold up on the moisture.

I'm still waiting on my Jasmine's. I think I'm going to give this away to some church friends that did me a really big favor. My heat cap should be here by the weekend so I'll have to use it with my after henna DC.

I'm definitely sticking to my mission statement after this splurge. I nearly bounced a check with the Jessicurl, Jasmine's and heat cap purchases all hitting my account in the same week. :wallbash::wallbash:Also since I'm not cowashing much all my condish is just sitting there collecting dust which is so not cool.:nono:
MrsdeReyes, where did you stay? OMG you're so lucky to get a break from this cold weather. I was born in Santo Domingo. Haven't been down there for about 8 years. My DD is getting married there next year.

BM, my sister lived in Santo Domingo for 4 years, she moved back to the states last year. I got married in Punta Cana, it was so beautiful.

I went to Punta Cana in May '08 with my classmates as a graduation gift to myself. It was absolutely gorgeous. Funny thing is everyone thought we were from there and couldn't believe we were from the USA. There were about 8 of us. We had a ball. I would love to go to Santo Domingo.:yep: Shoot I love to travel I'll go anywhere and get away from this depressing winter weather.
mkd you just reminded me of my qhemet. i hardly use it anymore because im stuck on shea butter. i guess i need to start using the heavy cream and the honey balm again.
I'll revisit my BRBC this weekend when I twist up for next week. It didn't do much for me during the summer but maybe with the cold it will not just sit there and weigh down my hair. If its a no go I'm willing to donate its about 3/4 full or so.
Me: My name is TamedTresses and I'm a product junkie.
Group shouts: Hi, TamedTresses :lachen:

I have tried to keep this to myself, but they say that admission is the first step so here goes...I am a product junkie. I normally buy everything in 2s even if I never tried the item. I love the ORS line and so I ended up with 4 bottles of shampoo and 4 of the conditioner. I decided to teach myself a lesson today so I brought back 2 bottles each of the shampoo and conditioner (were purchased within the last 60 days). Because I did such a good job of returning those excess items I decided to treat myself. I bought a set of caruso rollers, 3 packs of the jumbo flexi rods, 2 headbands, and 3 pretty hair clips. :wallbash: At least I managed not to get the curlformers. I'll save that for the next time I decide to teach myself a lesson. :lachen:

Oh well, I chalk it up to me deserving it. Actually, I have so many sayings to justify my purchases its ridiculous..."I deserve it"... "I work hard so I have to play hard"..."the heart wants what it wants"...and my personal favorite, "I can never spend too much money on myself" :grin:

But no worries, its not like I go over budget or anything. I just increase the pj budget to suit my needs. Off to do some online shopping while everyone is asleep and I have no witnesses :look:
I Hope there are Some Posts today about Massive Amounts of Products Being Used Up in this Thread.:naughty:

We are 3 Weeks into the New Year.......We have to Start off 'Strong' and Set the Tone for Serious Recovery or by March will be faltering........:look: And I can't Fail.:rolleyes:

:orders:So, Let's Stay Focused on our 2010 Mission Statements and Accomplish something
I'm back! Here are some pics of our resort and such!



