Pj Support Thread 2010 Pt.1

robot, Im sorry that happened to you with TonyaTko. I like watching her videos, but I havent ordered anything from her. I guess I wont now.
Yeah, umm that No buy:look:..well I have decided that I cant possibly go 6 whole months without buying a thing. I just did a month and a week and I feel pretty darn good about myself right now. I have decided that the occasional slip up is fine just as long as I dont go overboard. I wont buy online till the 6 months is up, I am allowing myself 2 "Under $20 total slip ups" and my slipups must be local and cheap. I used one an hour ago:lachen::lachen:I tried to be strong, but the Lemon Verbana was callin me.

I caved...

EO Conditioner Lemon Verbana conditioner 32 oz 8.99
BIO Emul crema vitalizante conditioner 35 oz 1.00
Biolage Matrix Sun Repair Treatment 5.1 oz 6.16
Does anyone roller set with magnetic snap rollers? I bought some today because I usually use and really like mesh rollers, sometimes I get too tight a set and the rollers feel uncomfortable as my hair dries. I could never get the hang off magnetic rollers with clips and pins.

I can't used the pins either but have used the snap roller on with no problems. I think I need to sale my flexi rods and magnetic rollers.
tonyatko on YT. i ordered some samples from her, which she claimed shipped nine days ago, BEFORE this storm even hit. i have yet to see ANY tracking updates from Fed Ex, including that the package has even reached the dispatch place. I think she printed a label, but didn't ship that sh*t. She said it shipped on the 3rd.

I emailed her today. We'll see what she says.

Uh huh. No email from her, but I see the shipping was updated. :rolleyes:
I really hope I don't like this kbb hair milk!
Girl, I am scared to even try it. Che had me sold on it but I am going to try really hard not to succumb.

I really love Qhemet BRBC. I just want to use up my AOHC. I tried to pass it off to my husband and he said it made his hair hard :rolleyes:
I really hope I don't like this kbb hair milk!
i hope you dont either:giggle:

yall let me tell yall what this lady did. in front of visitors she called me out and told me i was dong my job wrong. we do the same job at the same place but we are under a different company. so she is arguing with me in front of people i deal with every single day and then proceeds to call her boss to prove me wrong. her boss agreed with her but heres the gotcha, her boss trained me lol. and even if her boss told me we do it xyz i still cant do it because shes not my boss. so i HAD to report it to my boss because if her boss says something to the higher ups it makes it seem like i dont know my job. but im glad because my boss(actually two of them) agreed with me and told me to write a letter and put their names on it that they agree with me. so now we have to have a big meeting. im just pissed she called me out infront of all these people and because her boss agreed with her it makes it seem like i was wrong.
i hope you dont either:giggle:

yall let me tell yall what this lady did. in front of visitors she called me out and told me i was dong my job wrong. we do the same job at the same place but we are under a different company. so she is arguing with me in front of people i deal with every single day and then proceeds to call her boss to prove me wrong. her boss agreed with her but heres the gotcha, her boss trained me lol. and even if her boss told me we do it xyz i still cant do it because shes not my boss. so i HAD to report it to my boss because if her boss says something to the higher ups it makes it seem like i dont know my job. but im glad because my boss(actually two of them) agreed with me and told me to write a letter and put their names on it that they agree with me. so now we have to have a big meeting. im just pissed she called me out infront of all these people and because her boss agreed with her it makes it seem like i was wrong.
Wow, what a hater :ohwell::nono:
True That.:nono:

I hate Office Politics...................:ohwell:
girl yes. and the thing about it is that she doesnt understand that although we do the same thing we report to different people.
this how it went

her: thats not how its supposed to be done
me: yes it is. ive been here three years and they change it so often but this is the new procedure
her: no its not. we doing it like xyz. im going to call(her boss)
me: (laughing) i dont care, shes the one who taught me
her: (on the phone) dont we do it like this. yep i knew it
me: well you do it then(im mad now because if i did do it the way they said they can then go back in the system and say "well che is the one that screwed up"
her: no im not doing it. can he even do it (talking about the visitor)
me: hes not in the system but i have permission from so and so that he can
her: so and so can not give you permission. you need to call blah blah blah
me: :rolleyes: blah blah blah is YOUR boss. i DO NOT WORK FOR HIM.
girl yes. and the thing about it is that she doesnt understand that although we do the same thing we report to different people.
this how it went

her: thats not how its supposed to be done
me: yes it is. ive been here three years and they change it so often but this is the new procedure
her: no its not. we doing it like xyz. im going to call(her boss)
me: (laughing) i dont care, shes the one who taught me
her: (on the phone) dont we do it like this. yep i knew it
me: well you do it then(im mad now because if i did do it the way they said they can then go back in the system and say "well che is the one that screwed up"
her: no im not doing it. can he even do it (talking about the visitor)
me: hes not in the system but i have permission from so and so that he can
her: so and so can not give you permission. you need to call blah blah blah
me: :rolleyes: blah blah blah is YOUR boss. i DO NOT WORK FOR HIM.

Folx are so "Edgy" these days (and Dramaful:nono:). I think it's the weather:rolleyes:

*she's the 'one' that looked/sounded stoopid & clueless*
:lachen::lachen::lachen: Girl, You Crazy!
I'm so serious! I get so sick of seeing ashy knuckles and such, mainly from boo. He got mad @ me the other night when I looked down @ his knees and ankles and said "Uh, your last name shouldn't be White____, it should be WhiteKNEE!" He was like "Not funny, Cookie." I tickled myself with that one :laugh: That man is constantly on the white side of dark. His reasoning, "Well at least you know I wash my hands!" What about the rest of your body, playa?
too tired to do hair tonight, was too busy reading and organizing my hair/skin products. I am doing good on the no buy tip, but my "to buy" list is getting long, boy oh boy.
I'm so serious! I get so sick of seeing ashy knuckles and such, mainly from boo. He got mad @ me the other night when I looked down @ his knees and ankles and said "Uh, your last name shouldn't be White____, it should be WhiteKNEE!" He was like "Not funny, Cookie." I tickled myself with that one :laugh: That man is constantly on the white side of dark. His reasoning, "Well at least you know I wash my hands!" What about the rest of your body, playa?


For real, though, why are men okay with that??? :nono: But don't let us walk around like that. No, we have to be nice and soft and smooth. :look:
I sent an email to that blackonyx website. I want to see what's in those ingredients before I buy some crap all willy nilly.

And if she gives me that lame @ss "secret blend" crap, I probably won't be buying. Just answer the damn question.

Sellers done got me all salty today. :rofl:
Hey ladies!

yall know how i do with the rundown posts, well this one is no different! :lachen:

First things first, Ima need Charz, E, and the Curlformer clang to stop coming in here mentioning stuff! Yall have me over here :drunk2: "ooooh"ing and "aaahh"ing over things I didn't even know i wanted. Special mention goes out to Boston Maria, stop coming in here with your mixtress ingredients, and then acting like you're sorry for spending...you ain't (yes, aint) sorry!:pinocchio :lachen:

With all that said, ladies who have ordered from Que craft from etsy (esp dmv ladies) how bad was the shipping damage? I'm in NYC, so I figured you all would be able to give me the best guestimation. :sekret: Also, E, Robot, and Vonnie (and any other mixtresses) may you please help me out on this body butter tip. Like, what ingredients are uber moisturizing? I need some recipes and like procedure guides. lol. I understand if your recipes are near to your hearts and you dont want to share, but can you at least help me make my own recipes? pretty please?! *sorry to hear about the seller bs Robot, fire off the emails like in White Chicks, "I am a black woman in America! As a connaisseur consumer in hair products, I do not appreciate poor customer service!" :lachen:

MKD, I used to roller set with the snap on rollers, but as my hair grew it was taking too long for it to dry; so, i moved on to the bigger ones that i just use bobby pins to clip 'em in. sooo much easier and gentler than those stupid metal prong clips. Also, you didnt let me know if you want a sample of the hv gelly. *again, thanks for the law school help*:kiss:

T, how's your scalp love? How's the hair and wiggin' it going? just want to say again, love your spirit...thank ya maam

Natura and Itown, keep strong...rebuke the pjism from yall's wallets! must. resist.

Lamara, my mani from yesterday would've made you a proud mama. i thought i was doing a whole lot with my orange sticks and eeer thang. girl, as i was getting dressed this morning, it all went to ish:nono: Chip galore from just putting on a headband:ohwell::look: But, I see you and La doing yall thing in the nail and make-up (La) threads, so I gotta get back on this here horse. will post a pic of my next mini. How mad would yall be if I posted pics of my toes (what? they come out perfectly!)? lmfao :lachen: :look:
La, I'm praying for you girl that your weekend and everything works out fantastically. *hugs*

Che, check your pm by tomorrow:sekret: and dont worry about that foolish girl. you know we will be there like :bat::bat: if need be. just keep your head high and dont stoop to her level. just put her on your "dont trust that *itch list." many will make the list, few will redeem themselves off of it. :ohwell:

Sharifieh, did you ever get the redken?

Washnset, sorry that your weave didnt work out. Oh, and I am in NYC too; and, may have a vatika frosting for ya so if you're interested in a trade or whatev...i'm just saying *coughs, he ltr leave-in*

Shay, I love your determination and style in transitioning keep it up. you're inspiring me to stick with it.

Lastly, Charz, I have a bbs near me that sells drc for $44.99 plus tax. so if that works better than ordering online and you would prefer to get it there, just add a bit for shipping (prob only 5/6 bucks)...i gotcha (looking along my route to see if any other sells it cheaper):sekret:

Alright ladies, sorry for the long post. Headed back to my readings now :bookworm: Whoever told me senior year was the easiest :pinocchio. I'm also gonna go back to :drunk2: and looking at some products.

Ciao ladies! Keep safe and warm!:kiss:
This thread has helped me curb spending. I think my decisions are more informed and well thought out than before.

I came in for support, too... So - I think you are right!!!:yep: I have recently seen lots of - 'oh I am ordering....this or that' - so I was just wondering!!!
Lucky's Mom, I know you dont know me like that (lol), but I read youre the og mixtress. so, would you mind helping me? I want to mix a body butter but have limited knowledge. I need something uber moisturizing and cost effective. My skin is sensitive too. Do you have any ideas/recipes?
Lucky's Mom, I know you dont know me like that (lol), but I read youre the og mixtress. so, would you mind helping me? I want to mix a body butter but have limited knowledge. I need something uber moisturizing and cost effective. My skin is sensitive too. Do you have any ideas/recipes?

Girly - I am just trying to make stuff... so my hair won't die.....:lachen:

anyway.... I keep reading about shea Butter - and how you can melt and mix that with softer oils ( like sunflower...whip - and roll on!!!)

That is all I know about Body butters!!!
Lucky's Mom, I know you dont know me like that (lol), but I read youre the og mixtress. so, would you mind helping me? I want to mix a body butter but have limited knowledge. I need something uber moisturizing and cost effective. My skin is sensitive too. Do you have any ideas/recipes?

I have eczema and have been mixing shea butter with coconut butter(sticks) and coconut oil, tea tree, carrot, emu oils. I have also mix in olive oil with in sometime, both have saved my skin this winter. I usually put them in a jar place in pot of water to melt. Once melt stir and then place in refrigerator to get solid.
Lucky's Mom, I know you dont know me like that (lol), but I read youre the og mixtress. so, would you mind helping me? I want to mix a body butter but have limited knowledge. I need something uber moisturizing and cost effective. My skin is sensitive too. Do you have any ideas/recipes?
I love shea butter and you can make many simple concoctions. Shea & organic extra virgin olive oil or shea and organic virgin cocout oil for example. There are many oils to choose from but these two are very cost effective and double up as cooking oils also so you can buy them in bulk. Cocoa butter is lovely also but you only need a tiny bit or it goes rock hard.

Make a small batch first so you are happy with the consistency then you can make larger batches that will last you for a few months. I mix mine for 5 minutes then freeze for 5 mins and keep repeating until it starts to set.

You can add essential oils for scent. As your skin is sensitive I think it is best to avoid fragrance oils as they are synthetic. Lavender esential oil would be very good and soothing, citrus essential oils may be irritating for you.

Found this link for essential oils to avoid if you have senstive skin.

I have eczema and have been mixing shea butter with coconut butter(sticks) and coconut oil, tea tree, carrot, emu oils. I have also mix in olive oil with in sometime, both have saved my skin this winter. I usually put them in a jar place in pot of water to melt. Once melt stir and then place in refrigerator to get solid.
What carrot oil do you use? Thanks in advance
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I love shea butter and you can make many simple concoctions. Shea & organic extra virgin olive oil or shea and organic virgin cocout oil for example. There are many oils to choose from but these two are very cost effective and double up as cooking oils also so you can buy them in bulk. Cocoa butter is lovely also but you only need a tiny bit or it goes rock hard.

Make a small batch first so you are happy with the consistency then you can make larger batches that will last you for a few months. I mix mine for 5 minutes then freeze for 5 mins and keep repeating until it starts to set.

You can add essential oils for scent. As your skin is sensitive I think it is best to avoid fragrance oils as they are synthetic. Lavender esential oil would be very good and soothing, citrus essential oils may be irritating for you.

Found this link for essential oils to avoid if you have senstive skin.

What carrot oil do you use? Thanks in advance
I brought if from Garden of wisdom, first time using it someone suggest carrot oil.
So I'm still trying to find products for my hair, I like Afroveda oils but the butters are not doing anything. If anyone wants the 4 samples I have that are still quite full let me know(free)!
Lastly, Charz, I have a bbs near me that sells drc for $44.99 plus tax. so if that works better than ordering online and you would prefer to get it there, just add a bit for shipping (prob only 5/6 bucks)...i gotcha (looking along my route to see if any other sells it cheaper):sekret:

Alright ladies, sorry for the long post. Headed back to my readings now :bookworm: Whoever told me senior year was the easiest :pinocchio. I'm also gonna go back to :drunk2: and looking at some products.

Ciao ladies! Keep safe and warm!:kiss:

The Quecraft has a flat rate shipping price of 2.95 anywhere! Isn't that great??


Can you PM me your paypal? I will let you know by next weekend, it might be cheap at a BSS here too then! Thanks for looking out! :grin: