Pink Oil Moisturizer - worst product ever???


Active Member
I noticed in the 'what would your regime be w/out this board' thread that a number of you mentioned that you'd still be using Pink Oil. I used to use Pink Oil ages ago before it dawned on me that it was doing more harm than good. This stuff sucked the moisture out of my hair like crazy, and the more I used the drier my hair got. Lots of us here seem to hate this product. Who else hated this stuff, did we all hate the same thing about it, and how long did it take before you realized it wasn't moisturizing your hair at all? And what's your hair type?

I know that some of you ladies had/have no problems with Pink Oil. For those of you who still use it, what do you like about it? And what's your hair type?
Pink Oil... The flashbacks only come every few days now...

This stuff managed to make my hair feel greasy, stiff and dry all at the same time.

But the worst product ever (dis)honor would have to go to that brownish black gel that black hairstylists love to use. I'm convinced that the main ingredient is tar...
I kept using this when I was using heat on my hair was stuff and straw during this time...the ads claim that it protected hair from heat...boy was I gullible (sp?)
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sassygirl125 said:
Pink Oil... The flashbacks only come every few days now...

This stuff managed to make my hair feel greasy, stiff and dry all at the same time.

But the worst product ever (dis)honor would have to go to that brownish black gel that black hairstylists love to use. I'm convinced that the main ingredient is tar...

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LOL..I thought I was the only one!
I still have not noticed it, I was just going to buy some last night, I thought it was good for my hair, I did not really see bad results, ummm
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Kitkat said:
Lots of us here seem to hate this product. Who else hated this stuff, did we all hate the same thing about it, and how long did it take before you realized it wasn't moisturizing your hair at all? And what's your hair type?

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Hey, KitKat!
I have to tell you, before joining this board, I bought some Pink Oil Moisturizer in the Light formulation. I really hated the stuff, because like you said, it sucked all the moisture out of my hair and leaving it dry like cut grass clippings. I stopped using it when I realized it was the worst product ever on the market. It didn't moisturize my hair at all!
I ended up giving the stuff to my sister, and my mom uses the regular formulation as well. BTW, I have 3a fine natural hair. I'll never use Pink Oil again as long as I live. I'll take B&amp;B's Castor Oil moisture lotion any day, if necessary.
i dont think it is the worst. for me the secret has been using a TINY amount when my hair is damp (since it is really greasy). you really need a lil amount on damp hair. it smells good too.
lol yeh wen i used it, it made my hair so greasy and yet if was ALWAYS dry and every time it felt dry i used it more! can u say duh!!! anyways i've stopped usin it despit ethe fact that i have a big bottle of it upstairs but it cud have been linked to the fact that i conditioned my hai lik one in 6 months and i'll try it agen wen i get my hair relaxed to see coz the dryness was probably linked to the conditionin forbia i had
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wen i used it, it made my hair so greasy and yet if was ALWAYS dry and every time it felt dry i used it more!

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Same here!
I just didn't make the connection. My hairdresser used it, so I figured it was a good product...
I think I used that stuff for over a year before I discovered liquid oils like Hot Six Oil and Kemi Oil. At that time, I still wasn't going to put anything with water in it on my hair...
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sassygirl125 said:
at that time, I still wasn't going to put anything with water in it on my hair...

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lol sassy girl thats what i did coz u kno how bad water is, so i wasnt bout to put moisture in my hair coz that'd be lik washin it and u kno afro hair shudnt be washed often unless u want to strip yo hair of all the oil it has!!
how can one be so ignorant and continue to breathe??
lol yeh daviine i am goin to relax my hair but not in the next two yrs
i think i'm gettin worse coz i'm already plannin on the products i'll be usin wen i relax in 2 yrs!!
oh well @least ther's worse pj out there
Okay cool---at least when yo relax your hair you'll have beautiful relaxed hair since you've done so much research on this board....which reminds me of a question I've been wanting to post.....

You know, it's funny, I used the pink oil moisturizer years ago and my hair fell out, but a friend of mine has been using it in her hair for the past year. She never does her own hair. We go to the same salon, and even when she washes, it's at the salon. All she does to her hair is use this pink stuff in her hair daily, and her hair is in excellent condition! Her hair keeps growing and growing, and she is the same friend I've had since high school (back then she had no hair). I guess her hair loves the stuff.

I just now realize that the products you use that go well with your hair may really have to do with hair type. I'm guessing she's a 3b. I think our race is so mixed that even though you find someone with the same hair type as you, the texture may not be the exact same. I think that we really have about 10 hair types because some women here are saying that they are 4b but their hair looks to be a 3b to me.
I used to love this, and still find it hard not too buy it, I may do that, I think its good enough for my ends,
I used to use it too until one day I had a moment of clarity and turned the bottle over to read the ingredients. Now I know why I was having so many problems with my hair. Luckily enough I met a woman who taught me how to research natural oils and make my own oil blends.

Everytime I see a woman in the store buying that junk I want to scream: NOOOOOOOOOOO DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanted to do that once , at walgreens, a lady was getting it for her mother, And I wanted to say no no,
but minded my own business, do u think its too bad even for ur ends?
Happylocks, I wouldn't even use it for my ends. If you are looking for something for your ends try Elasta QP mango butter or ORS Olive oil lotion, Protectiv long and healthy (works best on damp hair. I say chuck the pink stuff and find something better.
DatJerseyDyme said:
sassygirl125 said:
Pink Oil... The flashbacks only come every few days now...

This stuff managed to make my hair feel greasy, stiff and dry all at the same time.

But the worst product ever (dis)honor would have to go to that brownish black gel that black hairstylists love to use. I'm convinced that the main ingredient is tar...

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LOL..I thought I was the only one!

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Pink oil doesn't even come close to that brown gel mess. It oughtta be a law banning that stuff!
I used Pink oil on my daughters hair for years, her hair loved it!! and it always looked beautiful and soft and healthy. i hated it for me though
Pink oil was HORRIBLE for me! Blech! It dried out my hair something terrible and it was so brittle!

But like BabyCurls said, BB Oil Moisturizer is great! I think it's because of all the castor oil.
I used Pink Oil moisturizer years ago. It made my hair dry and hard. It weighed my hair down. My mother wears her hair in a short natural and she still uses it. It works fine for her but not for me.
Yuck! My hair hated it. It was dry dry dry dry. I knew nothing of hair care then, but I knew better to to keep usin' that stuff. And the consistency is like....uh!....I can't even describe it. I cringe everytime I look at the package. I made my mom give some of the old stuff that she had in her closet away
Poor person that got it though!
Okay... I'll admit that pink oil doesn't work well for my grown folk hair.
BUT for some reason it can make the pig tails on a "busy-bodied" little girl, lay down just right! I'm not sure what it is with that stuff,
but only with the pink oil does those 20 ponytails and braided ends stay together and looking good on a 5 year old, after recess.
i use it out of habit. plus everything else frizzes my hair up. ( i only use it for presses) i like some of their other porducts though. pink ain't all bad.
i agree!!! i got my BB oil moisturizer and my hair loves it.
that pink lotion it seemed like u had to keep putting a lot of it on and then your hair feels greasy but still DRY.