Pics of my hair


New Member
Hey, I have finally got a camera and I have lost my mind taking pics. I have gotten good advice from several along with just reading and taking notes. I believe I am off to a good start.
you did lose your mind taking pix :lol: i'm kidding girl, but WOW you ARE off to a good start! you'll be at your goal in no time! you Grow girl :)
Pretty hair, nice length and cool color. Bet you'll have no prob reaching bra-strap. Good luck and thanks for sharing.
Hair is looking good.

Looking at your album reminds me that I have to get to Walmart and get a standing cart for my hair products (need to get organized).
Thanks everyone and Anky yes I am a admitted PJer and do not plan on stopping the next ones are the conditioners you rave about. I don't plan on stretching my relaxer that long again. This s&^t was thick. I am just going to take good care of it and keep it in protective styles which I am still trying to master. Right now I keep it up in a pony using the baggie method and my phony pony depending on who I feel like being that day. :lol: