Pics of daughter's hair journey

Well my daughter walked today. I have to say whether it is late or not it feels so good. she is next to my baby child. So she flat iron her hair for the graduation and when I first look at her I thought it was a weave. lol


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Congratulations to you both on your daughter's graduation!

And her hair looks great, curly or straight!

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Ok today my daughter got her hair done with a henna treatment with a mixture of henna and indigo. I did a clarifying shampoo and acv before I applied the henna. after I washed it out with conditioner I put the jane carter cdc


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Your daughter's hair is gorgeous and has made great progress! It's nice to see you helping your daughter grow healthy hair and even nicer that she is allowing you to help her!
I tell you it a very big difference from the first time I started doing her hair her curls are really poping right now.
well my daughter is about to get her hair done today with henna and deep conditioner. I will update with pics once we are about finish
I'm so sorry but I forgot to take pics so I am waiting for her to send pics I can tell you it is growing and her curl pattern is getting so much better.
ok my daughter just sent me some pics.


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Nice work:yep: @Shadiyah...she just need to only let you do her hair until she can figure it out.

She and her hair are so pretty:gorgeous:

I tell her but she really have it more together then my mother. she uses the curly girl method with leaving in the conditioner after she co wash. she does not like how her hair comes out with other products we have tried. and her hair is so very thick I use to hate having to do her hair when they were little if it was going to be something other than ponytails because you know how many rollers I had to use in her hair so that the clip would go over it. lol and masha Allah we have gotten that thickness back because the relaxer is the devil when it comes to her hair she would have bald spot it would just take her hair out. I told her but she wouldn't listen back then. her hair was very very dry one day after daycare she came home and her whole cornrow was pull off her scalp. who always have long hair but dry so ponytails were the best for her so I could keep it very moist.
Anakinsmomma thanks but all the credit goes right here on this forum... yes I have always had this hair on my head and my mother and so has my daughter because her hair is starting to look more and more like it did when she was little. but these ladies have helped me so much to get our regi together for our hair and not just buying what's on the market for black hair. I love you all for that. I am just trying to give a little back since I can not show my hair progress.
I just wanted to show some styles that my daughter do in her hair.


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I have more pictures and oh I need to do a length check while she is here.


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Her hair is so thick and healthy looking!! I wish I had a mom to help me take care of my hair. That is so sweet of you!
Thanks!!!! I have always been like this it is just that they had stop listening to me lol... I always said rock what you got no matter what texture it is just learn you..
My daughter wanted to see what she would look like in twist..... she thinks her head is big LOL


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great job her hair has progressed greatly. she looks cute with twists and her haed is not too big....tell her her hair aunties said so! :) she has such a pretty hair texture!