Pics of daughter's hair journey

Well my daughter has taken her weave out for a breather and her hair is really thriving. I always loved her natrual hair. This is truly the first time in her adult life that she is seeing her own hair and a lot of it because her hair would break so much that she would have bald spots from the perms and she just didn't get it and kept doing it over and over again. Now she has a very healthy head of hair on her head and she never had it this long on her own before. I tried to remind her of how her hair was at 11 and 12 yrs old but you know kids they never LISTEN !!!!!!!


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Ok here we go, I know you all ask for updates on my mother but I have them for my daughter first. As you can see she has shaved one side of her head I was just glad it was not both lol.


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Her hair looks so silky around the shaved section. The contrast is striking.

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