Pibbs 514 vs 510


New Member
:look: Ladies I've been looking into purchasing a Pibbs 514 for X-MAS..... I'm very excited but can someone please tell me what's the difference between the Pibbs 514 vs the 510????
:spinning: I'm totally confused I thought that the 514 and/or 510 was a measurement of some sort?? So naturally I thought the higher the # the better the dryer (i.e, more settings, higher wattage, etc..)

If you ladies have any clue please chime in???
this 510 looks like a newer model because the price is around the same as the 514 and the other models (512) are a lil cheaper. I have a 514 and love it!
i have NO idea what the difference is but its called the dryer express lol...no joke....
Thanks ladies for the feedback..... I was just a bit confused!! But I think I'm going to go ahead & purchase the 514..... I may have a few questions about it, so I may be asking you all!!!! Thanks for the help!!! I can't wait to sit under this thing!