Perceptions of Natural Hair from Black and White Men


New Member
I know this has been a topic on here before but I'm really just intrigued by it all. I think it's just so fascinating for some odd reason. But I stumbled across this article today (it's a little old) and thought I'd share. **Be sure to click the White Male Perspective link too.**

WARNING!! It gets a little deep here:

The hubby and I had a disagreement about this last night, as I was telling him that because so many athletes and black men in main stream media and otherwise prefer dating/marrying women of other races (to some degree) that the tables are slowly turning. And it's the non-black men that seem to be appreciating black women with their natural hair more so than black men. Which I argued was ashame!! If anybody should love us naturally, it should be black men!!

The disagreement got a lot deeper and hit on a lot more topics like complexion and if women or men define the standard of beauty in our society, and how those images trickle down and affect women by the decisions we make, (i.e., how we look and what we buy, etc.).

That's part 2 to this, but I want to get feedback on the black male/white male portion first.

So what are you thoughts? I'd also like to know the thoughts and/or opinions of your SO's about this as well?