Pentecost Black Ladies with long hair

Ok well im in a pentacostal church, Church Of God Of Prophecey to be exact, and not everyone has long hair, but most of them have healthy hair, some ladies have short halle berry style cuts, and what not, and some have past shoulder legnth.. midback hair, some got dyes, and heighleights, some got cut low/TWA's/shaved (, whigs etc etc and no one see's a problem with this. We can also wear whatever we want to church...and asfar as im concerned.. i showed up didn't i? i don't think one should be concerned with what one wears to church, i wear jeans, tennis shoes...and a tshirtand hoody to church, that is not going to effect my fellowship, its not going to be any different whenim wearing a ears will not stop listening to the word..Sorry i digress. But theres no hair secrets at my church, they all tend to just go to the good salons, and look after it eg moistorize/trim... the stuff that we do here at LHCF

Crissi, x
Hot topic!!

I was born and raised Pentecostal. My church definately not strict (Our pastor was and is a woman and my aunt who by the way used to be a hairdresser and always had long beautiful hair, yes she trimmed and even cut it a few times... So with the pastor being a woman, we already were against scripture according to others. The congregation was and is still very much blessed).

We wore make-up, jewlry, and pants. (We did not wear pants to Church). I laughed, while reading this thread because I am a Pentecostal woman that has cut myself off from the shears. I was 13 when I had my first hair cut and just stopped cutting it 1-1/2yr ago.

Now, I refuse to put shears (scissors) in my hair. That is just my personal preference, nothing to do with the Word. I dont believe that me cutting my hair has anything to do with my salvation. I have always kept my hair up long or short, that's just grooming and common sense.

I know SOME other churches that were very strict and their hair was not always long, as a matter of fact alot of them had short dry hair. I could never understand why they wouldnt get their hair done. But honestly, I think that also has to do with the part of the country I grew up in. I noticed that black women in the south and east coast get their hair done more often than women in the Pacific Northwest. Just my opinion.

I just talked to one of my "Strict" going Pentecostal friends about this, she said she wants to know the secret too.:lol: (she cant seem to get past shoulder length) I just say regimine, protective style here and there, and yes pray pray pray. He will give you the desires of your heart!!

I love this site. I have learned so much. My hair has grown so much and so quickly. When people ask me my secret, I tell them LHCF:p . You all are the best.
Mynappturalme said:
Hot topic!!

I was born and raised Pentecostal. My church definately not strict (Our pastor was and is a woman and my aunt who by the way used to be a hairdresser and always had long beautiful hair, yes she trimmed and even cut it a few times... So with the pastor being a woman, we already were against scripture according to others. The congregation was and is still very much blessed).

We wore make-up, jewlry, and pants. (We did not wear pants to Church). I laughed, while reading this thread because I am a Pentecostal woman that has cut myself off from the shears. I was 13 when I had my first hair cut and just stopped cutting it 1-1/2yr ago.

Now, I refuse to put shears (scissors) in my hair. That is just my personal preference, nothing to do with the Word. I dont believe that me cutting my hair has anything to do with my salvation. I have always kept my hair up long or short, that's just grooming and common sense.

I know SOME other churches that were very strict and their hair was not always long, as a matter of fact alot of them had short dry hair. I could never understand why they wouldnt get their hair done. But honestly, I think that also has to do with the part of the country I grew up in. I noticed that black women in the south and east coast get their hair done more often than women in the Pacific Northwest. Just my opinion.

I just talked to one of my "Strict" going Pentecostal friends about this, she said she wants to know the secret too.:lol: (she cant seem to get past shoulder length) I just say regimine, protective style here and there, and yes pray pray pray. He will give you the desires of your heart!!

I love this site. I have learned so much. My hair has grown so much and so quickly. When people ask me my secret, I tell them LHCF:p . You all are the best.

Oh yea that to, my pastor is a woman..
This is a great thread! :) i always wondered about that chick I went to school with, but I just forgot about it until recently with this thread. This thread reminds me of the popular thread about Haitian girls having "hair secrets" that they weren't willing to share. I think it turned out like this thread in that it was finally concluded that they did some form of protective styling that involved oiling, and braiding the hair up at night.
Lol i attend a pentacostal chuch.... nothing about it is plain and not very many have natural long hair. a lot wear weaves.

I agree. My church is Pentecostal but I can't say there are many women with BSL and longer. In fact I have to close my eyes during praise and worship 'cause if I see a sister with thin looking hair i start creating a regimen for her in my head :look: There are few sisters with long relaxed hair but their hair is usually thin.

People come up to me for advise on styling natural hair and how to transition. I think it's funny because I'm only APL. Somehow I feel like I can't qualify as an expert until I reach full BSL.
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At my church all you see are bouncy roller sets and black rinses! Either that or short Halle Berry cuts. :lachen:

This is an interesting thread.
No secrets. A lot of the women just don't cut their hair per scriptural instruction.

I grew up in an Apostolic church (the Pentecostal church's cousin :giggle:) and some women (who were not perpetual bunners) would hold on to hair that was 99% neck length and five stings of shoulder or longer length hair just for the sake of not cutting. :lol:. Of course that's not exclusive to the Pentecostal church as I see non church members do the same. :lol:

My church was not so strict as the years progressed.
I remember when my mother did the Halle Berry cut for the first time and pastor gave her the side eye for a while. It's old school. Many people (that pastor included) are moving away from that idea of long hair (regardless of health) is better than short hair any day.
bumping...I just visited a Pentecostal church. I see beautiful long hair with buns, braids, quaffs and at least hip length on 5 woman. I just started so I'm still It's funny because I don't like to wear buns, but this year I decided I wanted to go from my usual regimen, and reach my terminal length. It all started from wearing wigs and singing in choir, and realizing all the fast growth I got from covering my hair esp. my crown. I then decided to "hide my hair" and seal my ends. The Pentecostal Church was a coincidence, because I didn't realize that's the kind of church it was, but had been wanting to try it since I heard that the people are so nice. They ARE nice, and the first day I had my daughters hair in a bun and mine in a braidout. We blended right in ha ha and I didn't even plan it. Now I am motivated, and gonna lay off the scissors for a while because I actually trimmed this year without even realizing I made it to mbl. :darkcloud:
I am born and raised Apostolic and wasn't allowed to cut my hair and trims had better be minimal enough for no one to notice. We were always taught hair is a womans glory. Even husband gets a strange look if he sees me trimming and comes over to watch. We grew up and still attend the same church. Growing up my hair was washed and pressed 1-2 times a month. The off weeks I would wash and put in braids. I finally wore my mother down and was allowed to get a relaxer in high took my grandmother MONTHS to get over it! Most of the women in my church keep it simple which I believe helps as there isn't a ton of manipulation. More recently I see many going natural, a lot of the younger teens as well. My hair is HL and I often get questions in the congregation, especially because they typically only see my length 2 times per year. Other than that I bun, french braid or do twist outs. I do pray about my hair and use blessed olive oil from church in all my oil blends, with conditioners etc...

On another note we aren't allowed to wear pants to church EVER. Makeup is minimal, arms covered etc...we also don't have female pastors so I guess we're probably more conservative than some as I was surprised about some of the things allowed more recently in a few of the posts above.
Ok, I came in here to say the scissors were wearing me down, but after reading your post I'll be a little more patient. Thank you