Pentecost Black Ladies with long hair

My SO is Penecostal, but I never thought about the fact that all of his sisters (nine!) have long hair because they are Penecostalor vice versa. The youngest sister just tells me to use anything like grease and stuff that says "growth" or "grow long hair" on it (yeah, right!) and the others just told me that they keep it simple. It could have something to do with the fact that none of them were allowed relaxers until they were 21 except the youngest.
Cholet112 said:
One of my very good friends is pentecostal. Her secert is.........................................................NO TRIMS/NO CUTTTING!!!!!!!!! She said the way that they achieve long hair is by not cutting AT ALL!! And I believe her because I used the same products on my hair that I used on her when I did it on a regular basis. And I asked her how she got no split ends and she said through MUCH prayer! And I believe her because I have begun to pray over my crown and glory and it has NEVER looked more beautiful.

thanks so much, cholet112... i am going to try the prayer thing in addition to my haircare regimen....
chica_canella said:
I think it could possible have something to do with their relationship with God. So He blessed them with long beautiful hair.

I might have to agree with chica on that one. I started going to a pentecostal church about a year ago and now that you've mentioned it, they do have long, thick,beautiful hair. I wanna catch up to them!
sweetcashew said:
I'm a little confused by this thread. I'm pentecostal. Always have been. I don't understand what's the connection between being pentecostal and having long hair.
I've gone to many pentecostal churches and the women dress well to go to church but I don't know about being extra conservative. I wear my hair out all the time, even to church. I wear short skirts, makeup, jewelry whatever to church and I see the women there doing the same.
I don't dress like a hoochie but I don't dress like a nun either.
I've have short cuts before and have never heard anything negative about it. People in that church are individuals. There is no strict code of dress, hairstyle or anything of the sort.
Just my experience.

Wow, you're experience is very different than mine. I'm not Pentecost, but I am Baptist. My paternal grandmother was Pentecost and was for 25 yrs of my life before she passed away. When I was younger and a teenager and went to church with her, they were very strict. She never wore pants, my entire life. She never cut her hair and the sisters in the church never allowed their daughters to cut their hair, wear nail polish or even get their ears pierced. My grandmother used to get mad at my mom for allowing me to get my hair cut. According to her a woman's hair is her glory and shouldn't be cut. I heard the Jezebel passage OFTEN when in bible study with the other teens at her church.

I guess they do things differently at the Pentecostal churches down south.
FAMUDva said:
Wow, you're experience is very different than mine. I'm not Pentecost, but I am Baptist. My paternal grandmother was Pentecost and was for 25 yrs of my life before she passed away. When I was younger and a teenager and went to church with her, they were very strict. She never wore pants, my entire life. She never cut her hair and the sisters in the church never allowed their daughters to cut their hair, wear nail polish or even get their ears pierced. My grandmother used to get mad at my mom for allowing me to get my hair cut. According to her a woman's hair is her glory and shouldn't be cut. I heard the Jezebel passage OFTEN when in bible study with the other teens at her church.

I guess they do things differently at the Pentecostal churches down south.

Probably. I see a general consensus about the strict dress codes and not cutting your hair. But my experiences were completely different. I still go to a pentecostal church every Sunday (It's a mostly Indian congregation) and all the women are there with with red lipsticks, stilettos and done nails.
I do know that it's rare to find a woman in the church wearing pants but that's because that's how we did it back home and it's hard to break the habit. The pastor does insist that when you come to church you dress your best which means no jeans, sneakers or that sort of thing.
But I've never heard of the not cutting your hair thing.
Anyway, my post was to draw attention to the fact that there are some longhaired black sisters out there that have a similar view of taking good care of their hair, protecting the length and minimal manipulation and consistency. I think that what they do is a support to what we are tring to achieve. Religious beliefs are a separate issue for me. But I believe that for many of them, their belief system was a major catalyst for them being able to achieve and maintain their long hair. I believe that any one who has never had long hair or believed they could has to have some catalyst as a motivational factor. bonjour. keep the comments rollin'
Well I'm not pentecostal, but I've noticed that since I've become a Charasmatic Christian (which is similiar to pentecostal in a lot of ways) that my hair and skin and just me all together look so much better. I think credit has to be given to the Holy Spirit .... your annointing shows in your appearance.

In my opinion, people who go to church "religiously" have other strict regimens as well, like getting their hair done every Saturday (or every other week). It was true in my case: got washed every couple of weeks on Saturday and pressed either that night or Sunday morning (in the kitchen).

I kinda think the freeze curls and rollersets play a roll, too. I've known girls who didn't comb their hair at all for a week or could see a little dandruff at the roots, but the style was tight.
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Lol i attend a pentacostal chuch.... nothing about it is plain and not very many have natural long hair. a lot wear weaves.
I am penecostal.........and now that I think about it many of the women in the church have heads full of beautiful hair. I'm sure part of that is due to minimal manipulation...........however when I go back home I will pick my great grandmothers brain about this..............she's been penecostal for 80+ years (she's 92 now)
sweetcashew said:
I'm a little confused by this thread. I'm pentecostal. Always have been. I don't understand what's the connection between being pentecostal and having long hair.
I've gone to many pentecostal churches and the women dress well to go to church but I don't know about being extra conservative. I wear my hair out all the time, even to church. I wear short skirts, makeup, jewelry whatever to church and I see the women there doing the same.
I don't dress like a hoochie but I don't dress like a nun either.
I've have short cuts before and have never heard anything negative about it. People in that church are individuals. There is no strict code of dress, hairstyle or anything of the sort.
Just my experience.

I think that it really depends on how conservative the sect is. Just like there are conservative Jewish and Islamic sects. My mother was pentacostal before she married my father, a souther baptist:lachen: , and she was also not allowed to wear jewlery, make-up, or other types of adornments. She certainly wasn't allowed to post a picture of her tiny waist and beautiful hair in her avatar.:D NEWAY, I agree with everything else that has been said and that they just do more than the average woman does which is why they appear to have long hair...I look at some of them now after being on LHFC and get that LHFC know the one..."Her hair is only's not really that long.":grin:
hmm i've never been to a pentecostal church in my life so i don't know what you ladies are experiencing. I am catholic. i go to church every sunday. there is definetely a connection between long hair and prayer. I prayed for long hair for years. I believe God guided me to that Shamboosie book 3 times before i finally decided to read it and follow its advice. God does answer questions, a lot of ladies praying for it aren't opening their ears and eyes to the answers.
Would you say that there are more relaxed haired Pentecostal ladies or more natural of those whom you know or have observed? And would you saya that most of them fall into the shampoo every week or every two weeks or longer? bonjour
I went to high school with one. I believe she said that it was against her religion to cut her hair. Yet, she had long, classic-length, RELAXED hair. What? How is it against your religion to CUT it, yet, it's okay to permanantly alter the texture your God had given you?????
mango387 said:
I am not pentecostal, but I have attended several "holiness" churches. I observed more women there wearing protective styles (buns and French rolls) or really pretty roller sets. Someone else who is actually pentecostal might know something more.

Same here. The girl I mentioned in my previous post wore brained buns, and donut buns 98% of the time. When asked how she got her hair to grow she said "14 years of hard work". Bullsh*it. I wanna know WHAT THAT HARD WORK WAS!!!
There is a Pentecostal Woman who goes to the same salon that I go to. From my understanding, the particular sect she belongs to does not allow her to trim her hair
rdm said:
There is a Pentecostal Woman who goes to the same salon that I go to. From my understanding, the particular sect she belongs to does not allow her to trim her hair

It's not that any particular "sect" doesn't allow it because ultimately the decision is between you and God. The teaching is based upon 1 Corinthians 11. I've bolded the parts that pertain to this discussion. I believe that Pentacostal women who follow the Word in this manner are blessed with long hair for their loyalty and God honors that (See footnots as well):

1 Corinthians 11 (NLT)

1 11:1 And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ.
Instructions for Public Worship

2 I am so glad that you always keep me in your thoughts, and that you are following the teachings I passed on to you. 3 But there is one thing I want you to know: The head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.[a] 4 A man dishonors his head[b] if he covers his head while praying or prophesying. 5 But a woman dishonors her head[c] if she prays or prophesies without a covering on her head, for this is the same as shaving her head. 6 Yes, if she refuses to wear a head covering, she should cut off all her hair! But since it is shameful for a woman to have her hair cut or her head shaved, she should wear a covering.[d]

7 A man should not wear anything on his head when worshiping, for man is made in God’s image and reflects God’s glory. And woman reflects man’s glory. 8 For the first man didn’t come from woman, but the first woman came from man. 9 And man was not made for woman, but woman was made for man. 10 For this reason, and because the angels are watching, a woman should wear a covering on her head to show she is under authority.[e]
11 But among the Lord’s people, women are not independent of men, and men are not independent of women. 12 For although the first woman came from man, every other man was born from a woman, and everything comes from God.
13 Judge for yourselves. Is it right for a woman to pray to God in public without covering her head? 14 Isn’t it obvious that it’s disgraceful for a man to have long hair? 15 And isn’t long hair a woman’s pride and joy? For it has been given to her as a covering. 16 But if anyone wants to argue about this, I simply say that we have no other custom than this, and neither do God’s other churches. Order at the Lord’s Supper

17 But in the following instructions, I cannot praise you. For it sounds as if more harm than good is done when you meet together. 18 First, I hear that there are divisions among you when you meet as a church, and to some extent I believe it. 19 But, of course, there must be divisions among you so that you who have God’s approval will be recognized!

20 When you meet together, you are not really interested in the Lord’s Supper. 21 For some of you hurry to eat your own meal without sharing with others. As a result, some go hungry while others get drunk. 22 What? Don’t you have your own homes for eating and drinking? Or do you really want to disgrace God’s church and shame the poor? What am I supposed to say? Do you want me to praise you? Well, I certainly will not praise you for this!
23 For I pass on to you what I received from the Lord himself. On the night when he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took some bread 24 and gave thanks to God for it. Then he broke it in pieces and said, “This is my body, which is given for you.[f] Do this to remember me.” 25 In the same way, he took the cup of wine after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant between God and his people—an agreement confirmed with my blood. Do this to remember me as often as you drink it.” 26 For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are announcing the Lord’s death until he comes again.
27 So anyone who eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord unworthily is guilty of sinning against[g] the body and blood of the Lord. 28 That is why you should examine yourself before eating the bread and drinking the cup. 29 For if you eat the bread or drink the cup without honoring the body of Christ,[h] you are eating and drinking God’s judgment upon yourself. 30 That is why many of you are weak and sick and some have even died.
31 But if we would examine ourselves, we would not be judged by God in this way. 32 Yet when we are judged by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be condemned along with the world. 33 So, my dear brothers and sisters,[i] when you gather for the Lord’s Supper, wait for each other. 34 If you are really hungry, eat at home so you won’t bring judgment upon yourselves when you meet together. I’ll give you instructions about the other matters after I arrive.


  1. 1 Corinthians 11:3 Or to know: The source of every man is Christ, the source of woman is man, and the source of Christ is God. Or to know: Every man is responsible to Christ, a woman is responsible to her husband, and Christ is responsible to God.
    1 Corinthians 11:4 Or dishonors Christ.
    1 Corinthians 11:5 Or dishonors her husband.
    1 Corinthians 11:6 Or should have long hair.
    1 Corinthians 11:10 Greek should have an authority on her head.
    1 Corinthians 11:24 Greek which is for you; other manuscripts read which is broken for you. 1 Corinthians 11:27 Or is responsible for.
    1 Corinthians 11:29 Greek the body; other manuscripts read the Lord’s body.

  2. 1 Corinthians 11:33 Greek brothers.

Some choose not to take the above highlighted scripture "literally" but IMO, better safe than sorry. I am not missing out on life because I don't cut my hair. I wear my hair in buns (for protective styling only!:lol:) but I also wear it out. God does not say we shouldn't relax our hair. Most of us were relaxed before we got saved anyway and many of you know, once you're relaxed you have to maintain it. Either way, Pentacostal women's lives aren't more "simple" because we don't cut our hair, wear pants, or pile on the make up and wild jewely and don't conform to this world. We have cars...NICE cars not horses and buggies, we have indoor plumbing not outhouses, we go to the grocery store, we have families, bills, arguments, etc., just like everyone else, we just refuse to "adapt ourselves" to the worlds standard of beauty. Didn't mean to go off topic, but I was a little irked by the "Back woods'ish comment a previous poster made regarding the lifestyles of Pentacostal women.

Either way, even IF we were wrong about the hair issue, are we missing out on something with God by choosing not to cut our hair? Nah.

Be Blessed,

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KBragg: Whatever the reason, they are reaping bountiful rewards with the hair. I have always admired their hair, and regret that I did not have that kind of knowledge at the time when I was whacking mine off all the time. I have since taken that to heart as part of knowledge and understanding even when it comes to the hair on my head. And I am not Pentecostal, but that does not mean I discredit the message. bonjour
cmw45 said:
I think that it really depends on how conservative the sect is. Just like there are conservative Jewish and Islamic sects. My mother was pentacostal before she married my father, a souther baptist:lachen: , and she was also not allowed to wear jewlery, make-up, or other types of adornments. She certainly wasn't allowed to post a picture of her tiny waist and beautiful hair in her avatar.:D NEWAY, I agree with everything else that has been said and that they just do more than the average woman does which is why they appear to have long hair...I look at some of them now after being on LHFC and get that LHFC know the one..."Her hair is only's not really that long.":grin:

:lol: :lol: Too Funny.

But back to the topic. I went to school a this family of 3 girls who were Pentecostal and they all had long, thick, healthy hair. I never really thought about it having anything to do with their religion though.:ohwell:
kbragg said:
Some choose not to take the above highlighted scripture "literally" but IMO, better safe than sorry. I am not missing out on life because I don't cut my hair. I wear my hair in buns (for protective styling only!) but I also wear it out. God does not say we shouldn't relax our hair. Most of us were relaxed before we got saved anyway and many of you know, once you're relaxed you have to maintain it. Either way, Pentacostal women's lives aren't more "simple" because we don't cut our hair, wear pants, or pile on the make up and wild jewely and don't conform to this world. We have cars...NICE cars not horses and buggies, we have indoor plumbing not outhouses, we go to the grocery store, we have families, bills, arguments, etc., just like everyone else, we just refuse to "adapt ourselves" to the worlds standard of beauty. Didn't mean to go off topic, but I was a little irked by the "Back woods'ish comment a previous poster made regarding the lifestyles of Pentacostal women.

Either way, even IF we were wrong about the hair issue, are we missing out on something with God by choosing not to cut our hair? Nah.

I stand behind this statement. I am not Pentacostal but I am a Bible Believing Christian and I don't cut my hair (at ALL). Relaxing is an option and I don't know about you but I need it. I got 4Z type hair! I will admit my ends are looking pretty ruff (right now) but that's due to years of life without LHCF!

With prayer I AM triumphantly going to have long, healthy, beautiful hair from root to tip!

kbragg said:
Some choose not to take the above highlighted scripture "literally" but IMO, better safe than sorry. I am not missing out on life because I don't cut my hair. I wear my hair in buns (for protective styling only!:lol:) but I also wear it out. God does not say we shouldn't relax our hair. Most of us were relaxed before we got saved anyway and many of you know, once you're relaxed you have to maintain it. Either way, Pentacostal women's lives aren't more "simple" because we don't cut our hair, wear pants, or pile on the make up and wild jewely and don't conform to this world. We have cars...NICE cars not horses and buggies, we have indoor plumbing not outhouses, we go to the grocery store, we have families, bills, arguments, etc., just like everyone else, we just refuse to "adapt ourselves" to the worlds standard of beauty. Didn't mean to go off topic, but I was a little irked by the "Back woods'ish comment a previous poster made regarding the lifestyles of Pentacostal women.

Either way, even IF we were wrong about the hair issue, are we missing out on something with God by choosing not to cut our hair? Nah.

Be Blessed,


Thank you for posting this. Some of the assumptions on this thread made by non-Pentecostals about Pentecostals are :eek:. OT, do you belong to the UPC organization?? Your post sounds like it.
sugarose said:
Thank you for posting this. Some of the assumptions on this thread made by non-Pentecostals about Pentecostals are :eek:. OT, do you belong to the UPC organization?? Your post sounds like it.

We're not affliated with UPC. We're a non-denomiational Holiness Bible Beliving organization, but can be considered Pentacostal.:)

TrustMeLove said:
I attend a pentecostal church. And..they get dressed..mothers wear the big hats..sisters..wear they nice clothes. I don't see alot of make up at all..though..and usually no one wears pants. I wore pants one sunday..(after being a member for about 2 years)...I felt really weird..I woke up late and that was all I could find to wear that was clean.

But, no one looked at my crazy or said anything. I wear makeup..and no one says anything about that either.

In terms of hair...I don't see this long beautiful hair thing in my church. What I do see is some bangin' styles. I mean they never look like they are having a bad hair day. Eva.

My situation was similar to yours. I grew up in a pentecostal church (Church of God in Christ to be exact)
Women don't wear pants there although every once in awhile a guest might show up wearing them.
They wear makeup, but the founding pastor (RIP) was against red nail polish. I couldn't wore that growing up because of that and I still don't. It's funny though cause the church pews and carpet were/are red. :lol:

Anyways about the hair thing. Folks get their hair done I'm in Detroit so know the hair has to be tight for church. Lol), but there weren't/aren't a lot of people there with long hair.

I never heard anything about not cutting hair. :confused:
Apostolics and Pentecostals differ so slightly, they can be condsidered the same.
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sugarose said:
Apostolics and Pentecostals differ so slightly, they can be condsidered the same.

Church of God In Christ is indeed "pentecostal". They strongly believe in the events occuring on the Day of Pentecost, ie. speaking in tongues and being filled with the holy spirit.

No two churches are exactly alike, even within the same denomination...and also, the church evolves over time. When I was young, nobody in my church wore pants...ever. I didn't wear pants until my senior year in highschool (I was rebellious). Red nail polish meant you were a whore...things aren't nearly as strict now. My mom will even wear gauchos now when she

By the way, one of the main differences between Apostolic and Pentecostal is that Apostolics believe you must be Baptised in "Jesus' name". Pentecostals baptise in "the name of the father, son, and the holy ghost"......I believe it makes no difference to your "salvation", just tradition.
caribeandiva said:
hmm i've never been to a pentecostal church in my life so i don't know what you ladies are experiencing. I am catholic. i go to church every sunday. there is definetely a connection between long hair and prayer. I prayed for long hair for years. I believe God guided me to that Shamboosie book 3 times before i finally decided to read it and follow its advice. God does answer questions, a lot of ladies praying for it aren't opening their ears and eyes to the answers.

Very interesting,

I am not a traditional Christian or Pentecostal. I am Nazarene Israel also called "The Way" , we observe all Feasts of Yah (god) and believe in the Messiah who was crucified, 2000 years ago.(Not to be confused with Church of the Nazarene)

But yes, what you said, I do believe we can pray to have a healthy head of hair. It has worked for me and is working for a friend of mine who is also Nazarene.:yep:

Shalom Alechem Acotim!! (May Peace Be with you my sisters)
pistachio said:
I went to high school with one. I believe she said that it was against her religion to cut her hair. Yet, she had long, classic-length, RELAXED hair. What? How is it against your religion to CUT it, yet, it's okay to permanantly alter the texture your God had given you?????

LoL, that would be my question also. I don't recall any scripture that says for a woman not to cut hair (in Torah "OT"or Messianic writings "NT") but a woman should have long hair and men shorter hair. Atleast some sort of distrinction between the sexes.