Does Photos Like This Ever Make You Maddd?!

The thing that struck me about those fotos was although they have various ethnic background. All were caucasian or white skin none of them were African America. That's all I had to say about that.
No thank you! SL is long enough for me, maybe BSL. Long hair like that, is not flattering. Dh would be very irritated if I grew hair like that:perplexed.
heyal no! Not only would it be impractical but long hair like that looks soooo dated.

There is nothing flattering about floor length hair.

I would rather a have Rhiana bob or halle pixie cut.
No offense to any one, but... eeewww! That's waaayyyy too much hair. I'll be satisfied w/ MBL... no hair gluttony over here!
hair that long makes me say eww. sorry ladies but that too long. i have just recently decided that i want wl hair but i may change my mind when i get to mbl depending on how thick it is. with that said im also only 5 even so im very short.
There is a point where long hair ceases being pretty and becomes impractical. These lengths are impractical. The hair is too heavy to hold any style other than bunning.

The only people I know who want this hair or desire women who have hair like this have fetishes. :ohwell:

I can only remember a couple of pics where women had hair like this and they were Indian. It was thick, well oiled, and sleek. These people have hair that is just...there. Not aesthetically pleasing at all.

Oh yeah. I wouldn't eat nothing from nary one of these chicks. :lachen:
Thin, ratty ends look terrible no matter how long the hair is. Also, floor length hair seems unhygienic to me - similar to those Guinness World Record long fingernail people. :nono:
No it does not make me mad,I would neever want hair that long my hair is to much work as it is.
u know ur hair is TOO DAG-ON LONG...if u put it up in a high ponytail....and it's still dragging on the floor
Or, does it just give you that, "Extra Kick" and motivation to try harder.

You know ladies, it's because I've seen so many people with all this super long hair, most of my life, that has driven me to grow my hair very long. I didn't see any photos of sisters, otherwise I would have included them as well.

Just curious to see how you feel about this....My question is, "How did they grow it like that?, what are their regimes, etc.?"

No, pictures like that gross me out.
I always think it's gross when I see hair that long cuz all I see is the hair dragging on the ground behind them or not being washed for long periods of time (and other races besides black and African can't do that because their hair gets so oily, at least that's what I've been told). So yeah...I either see that or hedge clippers :lachen: I'm much more motivated by seeing a black woman with healthy relaxed hair, shoulder length and longer. Gives me a more relevant goal to aspire to.:yep:
Makes me think of the movie The Ring. Can you imagine natural 4a/4b hair that long stretched? Imagine how big the afro would be. Imagine the size rollers you would need for a roller set...I think the person would get lost inside the afro!
Who needs clothes when you can wear your hair! These women can literally cover almost their entire bodies with their hair! That is crazy! If I had hair that long, I would definitely do a nude photo shoot, covering my naughty parts with my hair! Yes!
:lachen::lachen: thats what I would do

its like a blanket
Who needs clothes when you can wear your hair! These women can literally cover almost their entire bodies with their hair! That is crazy! If I had hair that long, I would definitely do a nude photo shoot, covering my naughty parts with my hair! Yes!
I would say it makes a lot of women a little envious. I mean we are down to talking about ratty ends and outfits... and I only skimmed through this thread :lachen: Aint no reason to be mean about it when all the people need is a hefty trim to get rid of old ends... it's not like their hair is unhealthy if it's that long.

Anyways, no it doesn't make me mad. It makes me intrigued. I wouldn't personally like having my hair quite that long, but I do admit it can be striking... and it's so uncommon that I find it has it's own kind of beauty. I admit that sometimes the ends are thin and need trimming, but there are also people with ultra long hair that is nice and thick all the way through.
I think their hair is absolutely gorgeous! I want to grow my hair out to ridiculous lengths too. :cloud9: I'd be able to do all sorts of intricate buns and twists and do it into a single braid to use as a scarf in the winter and... (blah, blah, blah)

It'd be a pain to take care of, but I wouldn't mind that. It's not like I don't spend a ridiculous amount of time on it now...
Ok, I guess I'm in the minority on this one. Again! :grin: (That's OK by me) I agree with CotM.

When I look at pics of extreme length, I do feel some jealousy and sadness. I've wished for hair like that my whole life long, since I was a little girl watching Crystal Gale on TV. It's the epitome of feminine beauty, :imo:.

I wish I could grow my hair out that long, but I don't think I'd be willing to make the sacrifices that such an extreme length would require, and that saddens me.

DH would not be pleased with hair any longer than WL... he's kinda :ohwell: about my plan to grow my hair to classic length. Shrinkage is the only thing that makes it tolerable in his book!
Oh that long does not look cute to me. I wouldn't want that length and also their hair looks thin, i don't like thin hair. How would i wash, and it would take me centuries for my hair to get dry, i would never be able to get a rollerset, or even do a bun without assistance.....HELL does not make me mad, it makes me GLAD that my hair is not that long.
There's a woman at my job with butt length hair, I swear I cringe at the sight of that stuff, lol

Then she had the nerve to get it colored some bright ugly red color, pew!
Yeah, I'm with the odd ones, but that might be because I've been more exposed to hair that long, and I know what can be done with it. Also - the thoughts of hygiene/etc, never cross my mind - because I already know how they wash it and take care of it and etc, etc, etc.

I like seeing hair that long - even if it is on non-black women - because I find it amazing. :lol: It seems cool and gorgeous to me. I'd never want their hair (though if I could get their length, I'd be all over it) because I don't want straight hair - its' more tricksy to get to stay in styles - which is why I'm growing my hair.