Pentecost Black Ladies with long hair

I know that many black Pentecostal ladies have long thick beautiful hair. Does anyone have any pictures or know their regimes? bonjour
This is something that has always fascinated me. I used to attend a Pentecostal church ...and the ladies are very simple in dress and wear NO make up or jewelry. BUT they WILL splurge on the hair. :) God's glory.

I've definitely seen some awesome tresses in the holiness churches :yep:

P.S. I don't think this is a topic I've ever seen discussed on LHCF. Hmm.
I remember once in college I asked my Pentecostal friend what she was doing to make her hair grow. She sure would not tell me. :lol: she just said "People's hair grow at different rates." :mad: Well, um, I knew that.

And look about 250 people have clicked on this thread without posting. Girl, those Pentecostals aren't going to tell you ANYTHING! Dream on. :grin:
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I am not pentecostal, but I have attended several "holiness" churches. I observed more women there wearing protective styles (buns and French rolls) or really pretty roller sets. Someone else who is actually pentecostal might know something more.
This is an interesting topic. I have never really paid attention until now. My granny was amember of the penticostal church for many years and yes her hair is long and thick and beautiful. My granny always kept her hair natural and wore protective styles. She would wear big plaited braids or keep it in a bun. SHe would wash it everyday with soap and airdry. She would only use hair grease and sometimes she would make hair lotion from Palm oil...similar to Ojon products. THat reminds me. I should try to learn how to make that hair lotion of hers.

I will keep an eye on this post.
Interesting topic! I didn't grow up in a Pentecostal church, but I've visited a few. You're right, lots of the female members DO have long hair! Hmmm.....maybe they have it anointed with some type of special oil??:scratchch:)
I think it could possible have something to do with their relationship with God. So He blessed them with long beautiful hair.
HUH????? If that was the case their would be a whole lot of women with long beautiful hair. I never say this but that statement doesn't make any sense at all.

I am not a pentecost but I would think that they keep their regimine simple and basic since that is the lifestyle that they live, very meek and simple and like it has been stated on here sometimes the simpler the better.

chica_canella said:
I think it could possible have something to do with their relationship with God. So He blessed them with long beautiful hair.[/quote]
LadyR said:
I am not a pentecost but I would think that they keep their regimine simple and basic since that is the lifestyle that they live, very meek and simple and like it has been stated on here sometimes the simpler the better.

Well, a quick internet search agrees with your statement. Here is an example....

There also appears to be books devoted to the subject.
LadyR said:
HUH????? If that was the case their would be a whole lot of women with long beautiful hair. I never say this but that statement doesn't make any sense at all.

I am not a pentecost but I would think that they keep their regimine simple and basic since that is the lifestyle that they live, very meek and simple and like it has been stated on here sometimes the simpler the better.

chica_canella said:
I think it could possible have something to do with their relationship with God. So He blessed them with long beautiful hair.[/quote]

Well, I was just guessing. I don't know.
I grew up Pentacostal and it is a fundamentalist religion which believes in the strict interpretation of the bible. Following that, a woman's hair is her glory etc. So they are very much against short hair. I cut my hair in high school and my mother went ballistic. Also, once you marry, and for most Pentacostal women that is very young (usually early twenties), you have to adopt a style of modesty. That means long clothes and not allowing anyone other than your husband to see your hair in exaggerated styles. Therefore, almost by accident, they often wear their hair in protective styles such as buns and french rolls, etc. and they certainly do not dye their hair. So when it adds all up, they retain length.

My point is, they are doing no more than any of the ladies here. So they have no divine wisdom due to their devotion. They are doing what we are doing it's just that they have been doing it much longer.

Hope this helps!
PME_LADY said:
I grew up Pentacostal and it is a fundamentalist religion which believes in the strict interpretation of the bible. Following that, a woman's hair is her glory etc. So they are very much against short hair. I cut my hair in high school and my mother went ballistic. Also, once you marry, and for most Pentacostal women that is very young (usually early twenties), you have to adopt a style of modesty. That means long clothes and not allowing anyone other than your husband to see your hair in exaggerated styles. Therefore, almost by accident, they often wear their hair in protective styles such as buns and french rolls, etc. and they certainly do not dye their hair. So when it adds all up, they retain length.

My point is, they are doing no more than any of the ladies here. So they have no divine wisdom due to their devotion. They are doing what we are doing it's just that they have been doing it much longer.

Hope this helps!

Yeah, I don't think they are doing more than we are doing or will achieve longer hair than we.... but they are doing more than the average woman ..

So before LHCF I was definitely amazed at them...
I'm a little confused by this thread. I'm pentecostal. Always have been. I don't understand what's the connection between being pentecostal and having long hair.
I've gone to many pentecostal churches and the women dress well to go to church but I don't know about being extra conservative. I wear my hair out all the time, even to church. I wear short skirts, makeup, jewelry whatever to church and I see the women there doing the same.
I don't dress like a hoochie but I don't dress like a nun either.
I've have short cuts before and have never heard anything negative about it. People in that church are individuals. There is no strict code of dress, hairstyle or anything of the sort.
Just my experience.
sweetcashew said:
I'm a little confused by this thread. I'm pentecostal. Always have been. I don't understand what's the connection between being pentecostal and having long hair.
I've gone to many pentecostal churches and the women dress well to go to church but I don't know about being extra conservative. I wear my hair out all the time, even to church. I wear short skirts, makeup, jewelry whatever to church and I see the women there doing the same.
I don't dress like a hoochie but I don't dress like a nun either.
I've have short cuts before and have never heard anything negative about it. People in that church are individuals. There is no strict code of dress, hairstyle or anything of the sort.
Just my experience.

Wow. I've even been to a Penecostal convention ...and I've never seen this.

I always felt like Jezebel in there with makeup and jewelry on. I guess I was with some very conservative people.
sweetcashew said:
I'm a little confused by this thread. I'm pentecostal. Always have been. I don't understand what's the connection between being pentecostal and having long hair.
I've gone to many pentecostal churches and the women dress well to go to church but I don't know about being extra conservative. I wear my hair out all the time, even to church. I wear short skirts, makeup, jewelry whatever to church and I see the women there doing the same.
I don't dress like a hoochie but I don't dress like a nun either.
I've have short cuts before and have never heard anything negative about it. People in that church are individuals. There is no strict code of dress, hairstyle or anything of the sort.
Just my experience.

Same here. I looked into this thread like :huh:. While there are many ladies in the Pentecostal church with long hair, there are many with short hair too.
Browndilocks said:
Same here. I looked into this thread like :huh:. While there are many ladies in the Pentecostal church with long hair, there are many with short hair too.

I would imagine it depends on the church. I grew up in a pentacostal church and they were pretty strict, however there were women who wore their hair short and it wasn't a problem. They didn't allow wearing pants, large earrings or heavy makeup though. I still don't wear pants to that church when I go back home. Actually many of them were pretty old school and frowned on natural hair more than anything. Alot of the women in my church had pretty damaged hair from too much relaxing and heat. My mother would not let me cut my hair and it was pretty long then but I hate that she ever put chemicals in it, I didn't even realize it until I got older because she only did it a couple times of year and my hair never got straight.
Ms Lala said:
I would imagine it depends on the church. I grew up in a pentacostal church and they were pretty strict, however there were women who wore their hair short and it wasn't a problem. They didn't allow wearing pants, large earrings or heavy makeup though. I still don't wear pants to that church when I go back home. Actually many of them were pretty old school and frowned on natural hair more than anything. Alot of the women in my church had pretty damaged hair from too much relaxing and heat. My mother would not let me cut my hair and it was pretty long then but I hate that she ever put chemicals in it, I didn't even realize it until I got older because she only did it a couple times of year and my hair never got straight.

Sounds like we went to the same church.:lol: The were alot of women with long pretty hair - always worn in buns, rolls, etc. under their prayer caps/scarves. But I have to admit that I never saw women with stylist imposed short haircuts. Many of them just had short hair. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if the Pentecostal church had a big hair secret, all of the women (at least in my church) would have had long, flowing hair. For many, that just wasn't the case.
One of my very good friends is pentecostal. Her secert is.........................................................NO TRIMS/NO CUTTTING!!!!!!!!! She said the way that they achieve long hair is by not cutting AT ALL!! And I believe her because I used the same products on my hair that I used on her when I did it on a regular basis. And I asked her how she got no split ends and she said through MUCH prayer! And I believe her because I have begun to pray over my crown and glory and it has NEVER looked more beautiful.
I'm Pentecostal.

There are different organizations of Pentecostals which is why some cut their hair and some don't. My organization doesnt believe in cutting the hair (even trimming), because of various verses in the Bible which I'll be happy to PM if anyone is interested. Aside from that, we do believe our hair is our glory.

In regards to the meek, simple, and basic lifestyle, which leads to a simple basic hair regimen...:confused:

About the hair, 90% of the women / girls I know use hot curlers or a curling iron everyday. It's not buns and braids all the time. I really wish I had pictures of a normal Sunday service hairstyle (I'm going to try to find some). They are elaborate, and go against alot of things taught on this board. The majority of the time, their hair is unhealthy because of this.

WL and beyond is normal in my church, but the hair is long because it's never cut. That's it.

*Disclaimer* I'm just telling you from my point of view and experiences, I'm not speaking for every Pentecostal.
Cholet112 said:
One of my very good friends is pentecostal. Her secert is.........................................................NO TRIMS/NO CUTTTING!!!!!!!!! She said the way that they achieve long hair is by not cutting AT ALL!!

AMEN SISTA! Cutting/trimming may work for some, but once I stopped letting stylists cut/trim my hair, my hair has never been longer or better.
I've never paid much attention but I will now. Actually, I do recall 2 sisters who I went to school with who were pentecostal and one had the hair you speak of and the other, :look: well let's just say she was working on getting there.
navsegda said:
AMEN SISTA! Cutting/trimming may work for some, but once I stopped letting stylists cut/trim my hair, my hair has never been longer or better.

I completely agree with you navsegda. It works for some but for me not cutting works great!
GlamourGirl said:
I completely agree with you navsegda. It works for some but for me not cutting works great!

Ok I almost thought you and navsegda were the same person! :lol: Both of you have some beautiful hair!
I attend a pentecostal church. And..they get dressed..mothers wear the big hats..sisters..wear they nice clothes. I don't see alot of make up at all..though..and usually no one wears pants. I wore pants one sunday..(after being a member for about 2 years)...I felt really weird..I woke up late and that was all I could find to wear that was clean.

But, no one looked at my crazy or said anything. I wear makeup..and no one says anything about that either.

In terms of hair...I don't see this long beautiful hair thing in my church. What I do see is some bangin' styles. I mean they never look like they are having a bad hair day. Eva.
Although I do not have long hair, I was raised pentecostal. Most of the women (and when I was younger and a regular church goer) had long hair. I believe it was due to a simplistic and clean lifestyle. Protective styles, buns, scarfs, hats...etc. Also many of the church women either don't go to beauty salons or all go to the same small group of beauticians. We were also taught that women should not cut thier hair because it was thier crown and glory. Fancy hairstyles that require too much manipulation were often frowned on because they were a sign of vanity and frivolity (spelling). Of course drugs, alcohol were frowned upon as well...That is the only thing I can think of...that would relate to hair....
TrustMeLove said:
I attend a pentecostal church. And..they get dressed..mothers wear the big hats..sisters..wear they nice clothes. I don't see alot of make up at all..though..and usually no one wears pants. I wore pants one sunday..(after being a member for about 2 years)...I felt really weird..I woke up late and that was all I could find to wear that was clean.

But, no one looked at my crazy or said anything. I wear makeup..and no one says anything about that either.

In terms of hair...I don't see this long beautiful hair thing in my church. What I do see is some bangin' styles. I mean they never look like they are having a bad hair day. Eva.

I attend an apostolic church and I dont see it either... and some Sundays, I'm actually looking around the church and quietly complimenting on the bangin hairstyles. Actually sometimes I'm in church wondering how some of the women sleep with their head on the pillow. I think if there is any correlation, its most likely without any intent.