Over 25's, Men & kids


New Member

I was reading a post earlier on how long folks waited to have kids. Thought I'd start this one so as not to hijack someone else's post.

This is for the single ladies in their late 20's upwards who have never had a kid.

Ladies do any of you feel it's harder to find a man cos he thinks your biological clock ha stopped ticking?
I'm Nigerian so where I come from this is a big deal if I am to generalise. I can't say it bothers me that much cos I hope whoever I end up marrying does not base our being together on whether or not I can conceive. It only bothers me scientifically and statistically. A friend of mine in Cali had this happen to her. She's 37, the guy wouldn't entertain the idea of marriage until she got pregnant, I think he was looking for proof she could still get pregnant. That should have been her major warning sign that the guy wasn't really into her. Anyways, she did, unfortunately he left her 7 months into the pregnancy. Funny thing is, I thought she'd say she doesn't regret having a kid but she said if she had to do it over again she wouldn't. I thought that was odd but I don't know exactly what she's going through.

So ladies, does anyone originate from a culture where this is an issue, do you feel once u hit 25 and are not married with kids it'd be harder to meet a man who won't be sceptical about being with you if he wants kids.

PS, I know being under 25 is no guarantee that a woman can conceive.
That might be a cultural thing.

Most guys that I meet are ELATED that I'm over 25 and don't have any children.
That might be a cultural thing.

Most guys that I meet are ELATED that I'm over 25 and don't have any children.

Same here. They sometimes question if I like kids, but once I confirm that I do and I wouldn't mind having one once married, it's all good.
I haven't had a man be disappointed that I don't have kids. I've even had some that don't want kids AT ALL, so it was definitely a plus.
Girl, I've even gotten a "Whew, thank God!" before.

Usually these kinds of responses come from guys without kids themselves.

LOL! Yep. My ex didn't have any and didn't want to deal with any more women who did.

My preference is none as well, but considering my age range is 30-40, it's getting harder to come by.
I don't think it has really been a problem for me, at least not yet. Like the other ladies said, most men that I meet are very happy to meet a woman that doesn't have children yet.

However, I do see what you are saying OP. I belong to a few personals websites and I notice that a lot of men that don't have children but want them, have 35 as the cut off point for the mate that they're seeking. I assume it's because they want someone who will be more likely to conceive.
However, I do see what you are saying OP. I belong to a few personals websites and I notice that a lot of men that don't have children but want them, have 35 as the cut off point for the mate that they're seeking. I assume it's because they want someone who will be more likely to conceive.

That's my point. Men I meet and the same when I tell them I have no kids, they like it that way, I think it's prob cos they don't have to worry about running into baby daddy. However, it def is a cultural thing with me being Nigerian. It's not a nigerain man thing, it's cultural, I get it from my mum atleast once a week.
yeah we are a lost breed apparently because guys are shocked. I'm nigerian also. I get more questions from family members then the guys I date.
yeah guys are shocked when i say i dont have children. i do feel where your coming from because older people do react like when are you gonna have kids. i dont think of it as they think i'm infertile but like you aint complete with out kids.
my moms was married with 2 kids by my age so they think i'm slow.
i think the older you get the more questions your gonna get.
Wow, this is so interesting to me! Nigerian men must really want to be fathers. Some cultures are like that. Asian man, and Arab men, tend to really value having kids, too.

In New Orleans, the men would approach me with the line "How many kids you got?" :perplexed It was never even considered that I might not have had any yet... and I was under 21! They would be shocked that I had none. It would take them a minute to fully comprehend the idea. :sad:

I'm glad that DH didn't have any kids when we met. I would NOT be interested in raising someone else's children. :nono: I adore mine, but I'm not trying to be somebody's stepmom. :nono:

He wanted kids, and would even have considered dating a woman with children.
Yes, this is a typical cultural thing.
In many African countries a woman's "stock" actually rises after she has children because that proves she isn't infertile. :yep:
However, if you live in the US hopefully Nigerian men will realize that a woman's worth isn't just in having children. :)
That might be a cultural thing.

Most guys that I meet are ELATED that I'm over 25 and don't have any children.

Same here. I've been told I was a gem...
My fiance also told me he wouldn't have been interested in me as well and as quick if I had kids since he wanted his own family, not a ready made family.

But...at 28, I do wonder about my fertility. I've been on BCP for the last 10 years and my sister has intentionally avoided having kids so I hope I'm able to when the time comes..oops...soo off topic:perplexed
I haven't met any guys who were disappointed that I don't have any. When I tell them how old I am and that I don't have any kids they get that weird look in their eyes. It's hard to explain, but it's equivalent to someone seeing dollar signs. They get all excited, EVEN IF THEY HAVE KIDS THEMSELVES. Weird.

I did have one ex who, at one point, was REALLY stressing the issue of us having a kid together. I think his biological clock was ticking or something. I really wanted one too at that point, but not with him. I wasn't ready anyway.
I met a guy at church last week, he asked me if I had any kids...I said no.

His eyes bugged out, I thought they'd fall out and roll around on the floor! :rolleyes:
He made me take his phone number, e-mail address, brought friends over to me to give me "references"...I was like, WHAAAAAT?

Guys are usually elated to hear I have no kids, they practically dance a jig. :yahoo:
I've never met one that had a problem with it.
That's my point. Men I meet and the same when I tell them I have no kids, they like it that way, I think it's prob cos they don't have to worry about running into baby daddy. However, it def is a cultural thing with me being Nigerian. It's not a nigerain man thing, it's cultural, I get it from my mum atleast once a week.

Ohh Naija girl... we are>>>HERE<<<

I feel your pain completely.. :sneakyhug: I am Nigerian as well..I am 28 and according to my Mum.. She doesn't know what I am waiting for. For the moment she said she has peace, but has warned me I better not be single by the time I hit the big 30.

Most people don't get it and I can't expect them to understand either. I get a phone call every week on my status, and she has got my cousin trying to hook me up with men that are not really on the same wave lenght as I am.

And to make it worse, she claims... My life would be so much easier if I married an ibo (people from the east of Nigeria) man. In other words..get married to an Ibo man.

My tactics.... I will get engage when I am 30.. by then she will want me just to be married she wouldn't care with whom. :D