Opionions needed....

Well ladies thanks for your view point. From this point on this thread is just a disscussion thread. Me and him is a moot point.

More details:

I met him online so I am/was being very cautious. He's sorry was that he was a divorced dad living in Texas working for a construction company. He had been in Nigeria for a couple of months working on a job site. All sounded very good. He was suppose to be back in the states at the end of this month so he said. Well this morning he IMs me talking about he lost his wallet. We all know where this is going.... He needs my help. Can I send him $1750 so that he can finish the project. Bah bah bah. I told him no I can't. I am now believing that he is a scrammer from Nigeria thinking that he could get some poor stupid American woman to send him some money. Even if I had the money I wouldn't be sending it to a stranger. Oh well such is life!

Oh damn....I'm so sorry. But I'm glad you found out early before you could develop any feelings for him.

Ish like this is exactly why I'm over dating. People and their agendas.
MzLady78 At the bolded, I am so with you on this Mzlady. We just sitting here thinking, I just I will be single for life because I am about done.

Oh damn....I'm so sorry. But I'm glad you found out early before you could develop any feelings for him.

Ish like this is exactly why I'm over dating. People and their agendas.
@MzLady78 At the bolded, I am so with you on this Mzlady. We just sitting here thinking, I just I will be single for life because I am about done.

I don't want to feel that way, but it's hard not to. I'm a very real person. With me, what you see is what you get and I don't play games. Unfortunately, it seems like me and most men I come across don't have that in common.
MzLady78 I feel you as I am the same way, what you see is what you get. I don't have time for games and phonys.

I don't want to feel that way, but it's hard not to. I'm a very real person. With me, what you see is what you get and I don't play games. Unfortunately, it seems like me and most men I come across don't have that in common.
Well ladies thanks for your view point. From this point on this thread is just a disscussion thread. Me and him is a moot point.

More details:

I met him online so I am/was being very cautious. He's sorry was that he was a divorced dad living in Texas working for a construction company. He had been in Nigeria for a couple of months working on a job site. All sounded very good. He was suppose to be back in the states at the end of this month so he said. Well this morning he IMs me talking about he lost his wallet. We all know where this is going.... He needs my help. Can I send him $1750 so that he can finish the project. Bah bah bah. I told him no I can't. I am now believing that he is a scrammer from Nigeria thinking that he could get some poor stupid American woman to send him some money. Even if I had the money I wouldn't be sending it to a stranger. Oh well such is life!

Kudos to you for knowing better...we all know some folks would have fell for the okie doke.
So this is someone you've only talked to for a week and never seen in person, lives out of state, and currently lives out of the country? You would have gotten completely different answers from us if you had shared these details. I was assuming this was someone you were seeing/ dating for a bit, lived near you, and you knew for sure had a child, etc. I would not believe anything a stranger online told me:nono: because that is what he is. To me online people especially men are smoke and mirrors. It takes much longer than a week to know if they are telling the truth. Sorry he turned out to be a con artist/ criminal.
After reading the stories on here and irl, I will probably not be dating until my children are grown. I mean God is gonna have to literally just throw a man in my lap because I am not looking. Dang, why didn't I get it right the first time with ex-dh? This dating thing is too much!:wallbash:

OP, I hope it's gets better for you.
I'm sorry about the outcome. However, be aware of the signs. You had to know in your heart something didn't seem right. Another thing to focus on is patience. I was once in an awful relationship. It was right in my face and held onto it for dear life. I could kick myself now. Anyhooooo my mom talked to me. I cried, I prayed. She told me that one day I would wake up and top accepting it. I did. She said that God would send me someone when HE was ready. He's always on time. I waited and let go. Not long after a breath a fresh air blew into my life. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I didn't know I could be this happy. I only prayed for someone to love me.:yep:

P.S I'm not a devout Christian but I do have faith. I believe God changes things. Don't give up hope or dating. He just ain't ready for u yet. Believe me he's preparing someone for u as we speak. Let go and let god.
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hopeful When I first posted I really was just looking for other views. Since I knew in my heart that we just met I wasn't thinking anything serious. I didn't post all of the facts because I wanted to see what others would think just about the not dating for 10 years thing.

I would had gotten different answers which is why I didn't state all of the facts at first.

So this is someone you've only talked to for a week and never seen in person, lives out of state, and currently lives out of the country? You would have gotten completely different answers from us if you had shared these details. I was assuming this was someone you were seeing/ dating for a bit, lived near you, and you knew for sure had a child, etc. I would not believe anything a stranger online told me:nono: because that is what he is. To me online people especially men are smoke and mirrors. It takes much longer than a week to know if they are telling the truth. Sorry he turned out to be a con artist/ criminal.
Thanks MissCrawford, you are right about patience and waiting for the Lord. I really didn't know if something didn't seem right or not. I was just playing it out to see what would happened. I did know that something would show me if he was sincerne or not in due time and it did. I don't have any regetts as I didn't lose anything but a week worth of time. He doesn't have my phone number or any way of finding me and I'm sure not going to give him any money.

It's all good and such is life. I live in a small town so to me online sites were just another means to put myself out there.

I'm sorry about the outcome. However, be aware of the signs. You had to know in your heart something didn't seem right. Another thing to focus on is patience. I was once in an awful relationship. It was right in my face and held onto it for dear life. I could kick myself now. Anyhooooo my mom talked to me. I cried, I prayed. She told me that one day I would wake up and top accepting it. I did. She said that God would send me someone when HE was ready. He's always on time. I waited and let go. Not long after a breath a fresh air blew into my life. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me. I didn't know I could be this happy. I only prayed for someone to love me.:yep:

P.S I'm not a devout Christian but I do have faith. I believe God changes things. Don't give up hope or dating. He just ain't ready for u yet. Believe me he's preparing someone for u as we speak. Let go and let god.
WOW sorry to hear that I still stand by my original OP that this can be infact true for a man.

Good luck OP
If a man tells you that he has been divorced for 10 years and hasn't dated once since than what would you think?

He says that he has been focus on raising his son who he has full custody of. He says now that he feels this is the right time to start dating and finding a serious relationship. It has been just him and his son who is 11 all this time.

As for the divorce, he walked in to find his ex wife and his best friend in bed.

I'm just looking for what would be the first though in your mind when he told you that.

Well ladies thanks for your view point. From this point on this thread is just a disscussion thread. Me and him is a moot point.

More details:

I met him online so I am/was being very cautious. He's sorry was that he was a divorced dad living in Texas working for a construction company. He had been in Nigeria for a couple of months working on a job site. All sounded very good. He was suppose to be back in the states at the end of this month so he said. Well this morning he IMs me talking about he lost his wallet. We all know where this is going.... He needs my help. Can I send him $1750 so that he can finish the project. Bah bah bah. I told him no I can't. I am now believing that he is a scrammer from Nigeria thinking that he could get some poor stupid American woman to send him some money. Even if I had the money I wouldn't be sending it to a stranger. Oh well such is life!

What an a$$. These scammers stay on it. Glad you weren't fooled.
GodsPromises Thank goodness you didn't put yourself in harms way. Now you have just one thing to do. Place your order with with God and wait for your package to arrive. He ships to all areas and the shipping is free. Now that's a deal:grin:
Well ladies thanks for your view point. From this point on this thread is just a disscussion thread. Me and him is a moot point.

More details:

I met him online so I am/was being very cautious. He's sorry was that he was a divorced dad living in Texas working for a construction company. He had been in Nigeria for a couple of months working on a job site. All sounded very good. He was suppose to be back in the states at the end of this month so he said. Well this morning he IMs me talking about he lost his wallet. We all know where this is going.... He needs my help. Can I send him $1750 so that he can finish the project. Bah bah bah. I told him no I can't. I am now believing that he is a scrammer from Nigeria thinking that he could get some poor stupid American woman to send him some money. Even if I had the money I wouldn't be sending it to a stranger. Oh well such is life!
Wow, I'm just now reading this thread, but when I read that this man was looking for a queen, it was a tip off to me that the guy was African. There's an African song about an African queen that a lot of Africans know. I don't know the song, but one guy played it for me. One of his friends, who is Kenyan, asked him if I were his "African queen." so, I've heard that terminology a few times. Be careful, ladies. It seems that most of us fell for his story at the start. :nono: The sad part is desperate women are still getting scammed on these dating websites.
Wow, I'm just now reading this thread, but when I read that this man was looking for a queen, it was a tip off to me that the guy was African. There's an African song about an African queen that a lot of Africans know. I don't know the song, but one guy played it for me. One of his friends, who is Kenyan, asked him if I were his "African queen." so, I've heard that terminology a few times. Be careful, ladies. It seems that most of us fell for his story at the start. :nono: The sad part is desperate women are still getting scammed on these dating websites.

Some of us "fell" for the story because the OP intentionally left out pertinent details. Kinda did to us what he did to her.
hopeful - Sorry you feel that way. Once again the reason I didn't tell the entire story is because I wanted to know what people thought about that one topic, not about online dating, not about anything else but him not dating for 10 years. I know how things can be derailed on here and I really wanted to see what the opinions were about that one thing. I wasn't asking if I should keep dating him or anything like that, only what did you think about him not dating.

Some of us "fell" for the story because the OP intentionally left out pertinent details. Kinda did to us what he did to her.