Online dating


Active Member
if you meet someone online, you go out for a couple of dates. and you like the person . how soon after do you take your profile down?
how soon after do you take your profile down?

oh my...right after the marriage

seriously...I'd only do that if it were mutually serious
and if he said his was going down ......first..
I would not even offer least until that

ETA..Correction: I would not even offer mine to be taken off
until his was ALREADY down.....and he made it very clear he dint want
to share you with anyone and that he had no interest in any other woman
that's highly unlikely to happen this early... you are still getting to know him
don't be fooled by chemistry!..see if he even merits this honor :)

after only a couple of dates?? dates..yes? not a relationship right?
a bit premature..
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Only when he asks you to become his girlfriend and you both agree to an exclusive relationship.

(Is that what you're looking for? An exclusive boyfriend-girlfriend relationship?)
i just thought after you meet the person and the chemistry was there that you both would stop looking.

Oh absolutely not!

Not in online or real-life dating!

You are a free agent until someone makes you his girlfriend... and some would say, until you have an engagement ring on your finger!

Like you said, HE didn't take his profile down, did he?
Meant to add... it's fine to keep dating and talking to this guy, but date others as well until you get exclusive with someone.
No problem. We just don't want you to get hurt!

It always goes like this... girl likes dude and they go on a few dates and she's happy and doesn't want to date anyone else, meanwhile dude keeps dating... and girl is wondering why.

They're not thinking about this the same way. Plus, you don't know how many girls he's talking to either, and how many of them are really digging him as well!
I agree with everyone else so far. You took your profile down way too soon. I would wait until you two talk about being serious with each other. Taking down both profiles should be something both of you both agree to after talking about being serious.
another question:if the person is going through a crisis, says there going to call but doesnt do you feel offended. should you initiate contact to see what is going on. or just wait for them to contact you.
another question:if the person is going through a crisis, says there going to call but doesnt do you feel offended. should you initiate contact to see what is going on. or just wait for them to contact you.

What is this "crisis?"

I say don't initiate anything. In my experience, a "crisis" is a good excuse to start backing off from a woman or create space.

If a man wants to call you, he'll call.

And as a wise old woman once told me, "If a man hasn't called you, it's because he doesn't want to talk to you!"

(Yes, there are exceptions to this, but unless this crisis is him being in a coma or something, he should be able to find five minutes to call you.)

P.S. I wouldn't feel offended. Maybe disappointed, but not offended. If anything, I'd be glad that he started to show his true colors. You want a man that keeps his word, and if he can't even do that on the little things like making a phone call, how do you expect him to keep it with the big things?
That's Great you found someone online but, you better make sure!!!...I would keep it up for a few more months. I know too many online horror stories!!!.....please be very careful!!!
another question:if the person is going through a crisis, says there going to call but doesnt do you feel offended. should you initiate contact to see what is going on. or just wait for them to contact you.

I would like to recommend the Book " He's just not that into you ":look: