***Online Dating Support Thread***

So Marine Guy and I may be coming to an end. Although we speak every day, I haven't seen him in two weeks. His work schedule has gotten pretty hectic and he just has no time to cultivate something to grow. Plus he is just way too far and may have orders to a new place within 6 months. I want a serious relationship with someone close so we can have dates, etc.

I think I am going to have the talk with him soon and just let him know this isn't working for what I want. Plus, I just started a new job in Crystal City. Who knows who I may meet.... I want to be open for that.
Omg. This girl thought she was doing me a favor when she told me to install the Glide app. :pullhair:

Straight hood / thugged out version of Tinder. With video chat. :rolleyes:

I keep it purely to make my day go faster. Wow. :rofl:
Persian guy asked me to send him a pic from the back. This dude is gonna make me block him.

Egyptian guy and I are getting along great! Odd cuz he's an Aries and I usually don't get along with them. I'm excited to see him on thursday, he's making plans for our day right now ^_^
Match.com really lets people fly their racist flags high. I immediately become disinterested when I see this.

OK cupid isn't any better with their questionnaire.
There is a question, "Would a person making negative comments about another race offend you?" One of the options is depends on which race. And some anus chose that answer. :rolleyes: This same dude also answered that he would prefer to date and have children with his own race. Which I don't have a problem with but he is clearly a racist.

Now that I think about it, those questionnaires expose people on various levels. :lol: Especially the question asking if you clean up after yourself or use paper place in order to avoid doing dishes. :look:
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i have been having a surprising amount of luck liking profiles back on okcupid. i dont have alist so i cant tell who likes my profile, but generally if i see a guy id be interested in, i like it and its a match, and then he messages me.

i liked a guy this morning who had a picture of him standing on a stage and his body/legs were UNF :lick: he just messaged me... but im not in the mood for conversation right now :rofl: i am trying though.
Is it possible for a voice to make you sing "seems like you're ready"?.... Just had a FaceTime with a pof dude...good Lordt..
So Marine Guy and I may be coming to an end. Although we speak every day, I haven't seen him in two weeks. His work schedule has gotten pretty hectic and he just has no time to cultivate something to grow. Plus he is just way too far and may have orders to a new place within 6 months. I want a serious relationship with someone close so we can have dates, etc. I think I am going to have the talk with him soon and just let him know this isn't working for what I want. Plus, I just started a new job in Crystal City. Who knows who I may meet.... I want to be open for that.
And it is done. Back in the fishing pond
Just stayed up for two and a half hours on the phone with egyptian guy. he said he likes me already. It was a great convo and I felt so comfortable talking to him. I'm getting a lil sprung I know. Just gotta calm down and wait for our first date. ^^
i have been having a surprising amount of luck liking profiles back on okcupid. i dont have alist so i cant tell who likes my profile, but generally if i see a guy id be interested in, i like it and its a match, and then he messages me.

i liked a guy this morning who had a picture of him standing on a stage and his body/legs were UNF :lick: he just messaged me... but im not in the mood for conversation right now :rofl: i am trying though.

so im trying to get a conversation going with this guy... idk if im just not in the mood for talking or hes boring as **** but UGH dude give me SOMETHING... im working my *** off here
Let me tell ya'll about my date with the Egyptian dude.

SO the original plan was to meet up after work at a hookah shop and then go to a hookah bar. So I get off work and start driving and lo and behold my radiator explodes. He meets up with me on the freaking side of the interstate while I'm waiting for a tow and then proceeds to drive me to the car repair shop and then back to my place. He didn't come inside but we kissed in the car........ :look:

I think he is moving way too fast. I asked him today what he wanted from the two of us and he replied that he wants to be with me. Already? After our first date? I'm still feeling this guy out. Ye he is nice but nice means only so much to me. He's showing more emotion than I like. Part of me wants to just not speak to him ever again but that's mean. Still.... I don't like being chased too hard. I like a challenge.
So...I'm old school ...had no luck on match...just got fussed out by two guys on OK Cupid...bout to go back into hibernation....SMH
I lasted 48 hours on OK Cupid. I was hoping the black male selection had increased over the last couple of years. Nope, tons of white boy messages and the black dudes that sent messages were lames. POF has the best selection but it is meat market city....
Well I had a mutual liking on okcupid but then he never contacted me.
After a few days I decided to send him a message.
Nothing! Crazy.
I unliked him. :look:

POF is a bust.
Match.com is at a stand still.
I don't have a membership so I can't read my mail, see who liked me or anything.
sometimes ill read a few lines into a profile and just be like you SOUND stupid, i can tell you didnt go to college. it is really noticeable!
Dude lost me when he, 38, talmbout he live with his mama, granny and auntie and there ain't no hot water to take a shower cuz the ladies go first and how he about to send some of their furniture to his cousins in Mexico. :look:
I don't understand how you go from having a great conversation online through emails and when you finally exchange numbers, *___________flatline*. This is the second time this has happened to me. Did they meet someone that quick and lose interest in a matter of minutes/ hours? :lol: That's the only reason I can think of. :ohwell:
am i the only one who gets annoyed if there is too much effort to pick a day for a first date? yes we are both busy but this is annoying.
I don't understand how you go from having a great conversation online through emails and when you finally exchange numbers, *___________flatline*. This is the second time this has happened to me. Did they meet someone that quick and lose interest in a matter of minutes/ hours? :lol: That's the only reason I can think of. :ohwell:

They're just flaky mofos. Next! :rolleyes:
I have a date tonight that I'm thinking about cancelling. I thought it was weird that we'd be meeting up without ever having a phone conversation first (he's never attempted to call me). So I asked him to call me last night and the conversation was...awkward. :perplexed

Maybe he knows he's awkward on the phone and that's why he was trying to avoid it? Has anyone ever experienced this - awkward phone convo but ok in person? Idk...my gut is telling me it will prob be the same in person. :ohwell:
I have a date tonight that I'm thinking about cancelling. I thought it was weird that we'd be meeting up without ever having a phone conversation first (he's never attempted to call me). So I asked him to call me last night and the conversation was...awkward. :perplexed Maybe he knows he's awkward on the phone and that's why he was trying to avoid it? Has anyone ever experienced this - awkward phone convo but ok in person? Idk...my gut is telling me it will prob be the same in person. :ohwell:
yes. me :lol: i hate talking on the phone and do not do it unless he insists. im not awkward but i dont enjoy it whatsoever.
i talked on the phone once before a first date and that was only because i picked up not knowing it was him. had i known i wouldn't have answered.:lol:

i hate talking on the phone and avoid it like the plague.
i talked on the phone once before a first date and that was only because i picked up not knowing it was him. had i known i wouldn't have answered.:lol:

i hate talking on the phone and avoid it like the plague.

I used to be a phone person but now, I HATE taking on the phone. It slows me down, can't get things done, just stuck on the phone...ugh so annoying. I have enjoyed some nice convos but I like those to be for times we cant see each other, not as a reg form of communication.
i just remember there being a whole bunch of riffraff on pof. what filters do they have for blocking messages? and is it like okcupid where they still let them send you messages, but they go into a different folder?
^^^The THIRST is real on POF! I leave my profile hidden for the most part and just message ppl I want to talk to. Once in a while if I'm bored I'll leave it up for like an hour and then hide it again. But like previous poster stated, there are some gems on there. I've had a few solid dates. But just prepared to do a lot of sifting!

And there are filters to block ppl's messages (age, location, etc.).
My Sephora girl met a millionaire on POF. She recently moved in with him in Scarsdale.

She ended up leaving Sephora after :( Gotta get my free stuff from someone else now