One Tip - No Repeat

If you're taking vitamins, you need to take them for AT LEAST 3 months to see any POSSIBLE benefit. You can't just take your vitamins for a month and rule them out if you don't see any positive effects. Give a vitamin regimen 3-6 months to build up in your body to see strengthening, shine, and maximum growth potential.
Looking at the FOTMs are can be VERY inspiring! Whether you have long hair or short hair, seeing beautiful heads of hair can trigger a boost in motivation to get to your goal length with no excuses.
Having problems with cantu shea butter heat it up in the microwave for a few seconds (no longer than 5) - instant magic and no white balls or specks in hair
Keep a spray bottle with your favorite moisturizer/conditioner at the office to spritz hair . (Especially during winter months when offices are dry due to heat)
I don't mean to encourage product junkies, but check out the men's hair care section too next time you're in the drugstore.
Maintain and keep extensions, wigs, phony ponies, etc clean and fresh. As they are an extension of your hair.
Using (cheap) brown masking tape, write date of purchase and attach it to hair products, DIY formulas. Especially oil products which may go rancid after a prolonged shelf life.
Place shedded hair in small snack baggies, and label baggie with date and what treatment you just completed. (i.e. weave, braids, deep conditioning, texlax, perm, etc.). This allows you to track any changes in shedding, breakage, hair texture , etc.
Store a list of the names of "cones", proteins, parabens, sulfates in your phone. Refer to the list when you are shopping for hair products.