One Tip - No Repeat

ALWAYS have two or three different staples for each product category.

You should have two or three different shampoos you love, two or three different DCs, two or three different leave ins.

Companies are always changing ingredients and discontinuing products. If you have one staple conditioner or shampoo, if that company ever changes ingredients or discontinues the product it can make you incredibly angry. Then you will be searching high and low for the product or have to find a brand new staple.
Sometimes you should stay off of YouTube and the blogs because many times hair envy can make you feel worse about your hair. It's not thick enough or long enough or my hair pattern sucks. Stay off of the blogs and YouTube and focus on maintaining and achieving your own hair goals.
Make "vitamin paks"
Purchase 2" x 2" or 2" x 3" small plastic zip lock bags, like those attached to clothing with extra buttons and trim inside or used in jewelry findings locations. findings and in hardware stores. Cost is ~1.00 for 100 bags. Make a month's supply of "paks" by placing your daily supplements in the bags and putting them in a little storage container on counter, on shelf or in fridge (I store in fridge.). Now you can grab a pak each morning without having to take time to gather, open and close containers. You can even store some at work as a back-up, just in case you forget to grab a "pak" one morning.
Make "vitamin paks"
Purchase 2" x 2" or 2" x 3" small plastic zip lock bags, like those attached to clothing with extra buttons and trim inside or used in jewelry findings locations. findings and in hardware stores. Cost is ~1.00 for 100 bags. Make a month's supply of "paks" by placing your daily supplements in the bags and putting them in a little storage container on counter, on shelf or in fridge (I store in fridge.). Now you can grab a pak each morning without having to take time to gather, open and close containers. You can even store some at work as a back-up, just in case you forget to grab a "pak" one morning.

Now that's a great suggestion!
Never use products that work just okay on your hair. Every product in your regimen should work GREAT on your hair. I truly notice a difference in my hair when I use products that are mediocre on my hair. It ends up feeling rough and I have to moisturize more. My poo, DC, moisturizer all work great on my hair and I'm able to use less product and moisturize my hair every other day.
Consider financial sustainability with ALL products/regimens. Be sure you can afford the products (long-term) to maintain results.
That is a great tip and it's the reason I won't even try some products because using them long term would just cost way too much!

But I do have some special occasion and once in a blue moon with a great sale products.
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Start Christmas shopping early - From YOUR PJ STASH. Gift the extra and don't want/use anymore products to folks on your Christmas list.
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So true! There are too many products out there to just settle for mediocre. Everyone should have the experience of using "holy grail" products, not just o.k. products.
Never use products that work just okay on your hair. Every product in your regimen should work GREAT on your hair. I truly notice a difference in my hair when I use products that are mediocre on my hair. It ends up feeling rough and I have to moisturize more. My poo, DC, moisturizer all work great on my hair and I'm able to use less product and moisturize my hair every other day.
Have a base knowledge of what vitamins/minerals promote your intended goal, for example hair growth. Compare the ingredients of similar products (i.e. Hair Skin Nail supplements) to ensure the ingredients are known to support your intended goal before switching products.
Especially for natural hair newbies and/or those who are unaccustomed to doing their own hair:

To reduce mechanical damage and resultant breakage, you might try washing your hair IN TWISTS and conditioning your hair IN TWISTS.

  • This will help you keep your hair stretched, which in turn can reduce the amount of detangling needed.
  • Reducing the amount of detangling needed can drastically reduce knots, damage, and breakage.
  • Once you increase in your hair care skills, you can always return to regular washing and conditioning if you feel that doing so in twists isn't quite effective enough.
  • Here is a demo video from which I learned this strategy:


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Especially for natural hair newbies and/or those who are unaccustomed to doing their own hair:

One of the best, more empowering, most complete tutorials on how to do your own twist out can be found on pashtash's Youtube channel.

  • The tutorial consists of multiple videos.
  • Here is video #1:

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Detangle and moisturize your hair a lil before heading to the Dominican salon or your other salon it will save you from folks who don't have gentle hands for natural hair.