on the verge of tears

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So I can get me some micros:bdance:,happy your ok and your back, but DETAILS on your hair now, Is it the same as when you walked in and why you didn't leave sweetie, you had us worried.
if you get micros with knots at the end then you have to use a razor because you wont be able to loose the hair without breaking the knot first & not even a fine tooth comb can do that. That's why i dont get them anymore.
I don't know if that's the case with you OP but if I had all that pretty hair that you have in your avi, I wouldnt be playing with it. Do you want them to jack up your hair?
I used to get the kind with the knot and I never cut it I used to work the knot it out with a comb taking out micros takes patience but is worth it.
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Glad to hear you escaped with most of your hair intact OP and I share your sentiments I took my micros out after just 2 weeks and still lost my edges and ends will not be getting them again.
im glad your hair turned out ok.... but i still cant see how u got that long hair in micros, evn with 20 inch.. your hair looks too long!!! pretty.
it is a lesson learned for you.... You will be fine. I do my own braids and take down my own braids. The only thing I cannot do is cornrows.
ok so your back, now i can ask YOU, why the hell would you let a Bltch go all up in ya head with a fine comb???? and them come screaming to us like we supose to save you, when all ya had to do was simply GET UP & GET OUT!

ETA: im soo glad everyting still worked out!! shhhhhuuu

Drama? Attention?
Drama? Attention?
I don't wanna get reported on this forum so imma keep it calm and collected.I posted because i had to let it out at that moment and this is an appropriate place to do so.I had no idea ppl on here had so much time on their hands that they would go through a post that's so pointless to them and waste their time commenting.I don't like drama and I don't need any more attention than i already get from HATIN' *** ******* EVERYDAY:massmoon:
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I'm quite surprised a braider would put micros in your hair since your hair is pretty long.

I'm glad you didn't have too bad of an experience getting the micros removed.
LOL at this thread. I began with the first page and kept going and just couldn't understand the necessity of 100 people all coming in to say the same darn thing.. If you see that 20 people ahead of you said something it doesn't need to be said AGAIN. Plus some of you are unnecessarily mean. It's not always as easy as "just get out of there", some people are timid or actually have manners. I sat through a lot as a teenager in salons, almost never spoke up but in time you learn to open your mouth, we're not all made that way though so have a little sensitivity :rolleyes: and I hate that smiley but I had to use it lol...
LOL at this thread. I began with the first page and kept going and just couldn't understand the necessity of 100 people all coming in to say the same darn thing.. If you see that 20 people ahead of you said something it doesn't need to be said AGAIN. Plus some of you are unnecessarily mean. It's not always as easy as "just get out of there", some people are timid or actually have manners. I sat through a lot as a teenager in salons, almost never spoke up but in time you learn to open your mouth, we're not all made that way though so have a little sensitivity :rolleyes: and I hate that smiley but I had to use it lol...
Hey, this is a forum, so it's gonna happen. It's not the first time, and it's definitely not the last time. A lot of the members were just concerned (since this has happened to other members here).
i appreciate everyone's concern and there was only ONE NEGATIVE PERSON who posted...this is supposed to be a community where everyone can come and share their concerns and thoughts and no one should get mad about how a thread turns out or what a post is about
Mmm....if u are refering to me i have said nothing far out or different to anyone else. Why you angry? Take a chill pill. Hey u even got someone scared and made them remove their Thanks from my post - Lol. I can take a hissy fit - i'm a big girl.

Oh u say ur fed up of people always hating on you....perhaps you shouldn't be so sensitive .
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OP, I'm glad your hair turned out ok!

And just ignore some comments, there are posters who never made a mistake concerning their hair, always were DIYers, never let a stylist do something they didn't want, and never vent when things go wrong with their hair. Which is why their hair is perfect and you should embrace their constructive criticism:look:.
I don't wanna get reported on this forum so imma keep it calm and collected.I posted because i had to let it out at that moment and this is an appropriate place to do so.I had no idea ppl on here had so much time on their hands that they would go through a post that's so pointless to them and waste their time commenting.I don't like drama and I don't need any more attention than i already get from HATIN' *** ******* EVERYDAY:massmoon:

Wow. This thread is taking a turn for the worse. I was genuinely concerned and genuinely relieved to find that things turned out well. I'm gonna assume the bolded comment is not directed towards all of us who took time to post out of concern otherwise, that's a huge slap in the face. I do think it was appropriate to make the post because the board is about support and you sounded very upset. I, for one, thought that we were being supportive, even if expecting you to haul buns seemed unreasonable or "unpolite" (Tho I don't understand how decorum has anything to do with self-preservation...so to speak). But, that's cool. Bottom line, all's well that ends well and the consensus is, we're relieved.
i think i lost my mind way back 2 weeks ago when i got these braids smh i was not good to my hair today but never again:nono:

Why did you take them out after only 2 weeks? I'm just curious. They take soooo long to put in I'd try to get atleast 6 weeks out of them.
I guess I didn't want the OP to make the same mistake I have made many times-allowing someone to mess up my hair. I really don't want to see anyone else go through that same thing if I can help it. So OP it was all out of love and I am so glad your hair turned out ok.
Why did you take them out after only 2 weeks? I'm just curious. They take soooo long to put in I'd try to get atleast 6 weeks out of them.

Maybe they were causing damage around her hairline. I took my twists out after only 1 week one time for that reason.
Yeah, especially when they make you press down the braid at your scalp so they can get it in there extra tight without pulling your own hair out. Oh, but it doesn't come out then but it comes out later when you see those white follicles sticking out!
Its aight all love in here. I was concerned about your hair though.
Glad everything worked out for you.
Hey, this is a forum, so it's gonna happen. It's not the first time, and it's definitely not the last time. A lot of the members were just concerned (since this has happened to other members here).

Exactly, I don't think I have enough fingers and toes to count the threads that have been started with this subject matter in 2010 alone. We have to take charge of what God gave us, our hair our bodies, our minds. To some people it may not be that serious, but if you're on LHCF it must be that serious.
Wow. This thread is taking a turn for the worse. I was genuinely concerned and genuinely relieved to find that things turned out well. I'm gonna assume the bolded comment is not directed towards all of us who took time to post out of concern otherwise, that's a huge slap in the face. I do think it was appropriate to make the post because the board is about support and you sounded very upset. I, for one, thought that we were being supportive, even if expecting you to haul buns seemed unreasonable or "unpolite" (Tho I don't understand how decorum has anything to do with self-preservation...so to speak). But, that's cool. Bottom line, all's well that ends well and the consensus is, we're relieved.

I think that comment was only directed at that one poster. It think the OP appreciates everyone else's posts and concern.
I know!!! I sure would be like, "Huh, I need to go to the corner store and get some Tylenol and a Coke. I'll be right back."

Shiiiiiiiiiiit, I would walk out that salon and get right in my car and swerve off!!!!:lachen:

:lachen: I've done it, that's why I suggested it.
In 07' a braider said she needed to charge me $30 more than she told me over the phone. I reluctantly agreed. Then she bust out this pink grease and an extra-small tooth comb and attempted to comb out my already detangled and blow-dried natural hair. After two passes, I told her I was going to go to the store to get something to drink. Everyone in there looked at me :lachen:

I put my scarf on, left my umbrella, power-walked across the street (out of their line of vision) to the next block and went 3 bus stops down from where she was located.
When I got home, I had four missed calls from her on my caller ID.
ok can someone point out exactly what i said that was worse than many of the other posts here? If i came across as a ***** then i will apologise but please tell me how what i said was THE most hating post.
ok can someone point out exactly what i said that was worse than many of the other posts here? If i came across as a ***** then i will apologise but please tell me how what i said was THE most hating post.

Not that I want to get involved, but I don't think her comments were directed at you.
ok can someone point out exactly what i said that was worse than many of the other posts here? If i came across as a ***** then i will apologise but please tell me how what i said was THE most hating post.

IMO, your post wasn't as bad as the OP made it seem :look: However I can understand why she was as defensive in her response as she was. We all know how just one post suggesting something negative about a member's attitude or personality can be blown way out of proportion and lead to flame wars.

Your "suggestion" that the OP may have made this thread because she wanted to cause drama or attention to herself on the boards could lead others that may not have read though the entire thread to take it as fact that the OP is a "troll" and start spreading rumors or E bullying her in other threads she may start or post in. I've seen it happen plenty of times.

No one else in this thread suggested that the OP created this thread just for "drama" or to become an infamous member of this forum.

Most everyone else was suggesting what she should do next or what they would do if they were in that situation. Your suggestion can easily be misconstrued as calling the OP a liar and a mean spirited poster, which would destroy her reputation. I'm assuming that since she pays for being able to post in this forum that she wants to post and have people not shun her threads or posts because they can't trust her.

but that's just my :twocents:
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