on the verge of tears

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i never let anyone help me take hair out, i don't care how big or small

id on't understand why people let folks chop their hair up knowingly sitting there thinking about the possible damage and get mad after the fact (just thinking of other threads and stories)

hope you left and all is well with your hair
I hope you aren't still there!!!!! You have been on this board for more than a few days. We all know that what they are doing to your hair ain't right! Get up and walk out!
I took down my micros with myself and my closest friends. You don't need amateurs other than yourself doing that lol. *sings Jojo Leave* Leave. Get out. Right now!
I hope the reason your not responding is because your driving and not because your having a nervous break down...

I'm scared when people come near my hair with scissors if I saw them pull out a razor, I'd be like "OOOOOO HEEEEEELLLL NO!" Run, girl, please run for your hairs life.
Please, please, please tell me that you aren't still sitting there. You're setting yourself for a major let down if you are. Take it from those that now know better.....LEAVE!!!!
A razor??? Girrrrl, take those things down yourself!!!! I took mine down in just a few hours and my hair was completely intact and healthy afterward (except the edges I had already lost from getting them in the first place... :look:)
A Razor what is this the 90's!?!? that was the last time I saw people using razors to take out braids. I'm praying you left

You have to tell us what salon is doing this.. street.. name.. so I can stay clear of it.
i was using a razor when i was taking down MY OWN micros. i was being very careful and STILL ended up cutting my own hair more than a few times..

so just think of how much cutting will be done by SOMEONE ELSE who DOESN'T CARE about your hair and just wants to hurry and get the job done...

i hope you're on your way home right now.
if you get micros with knots at the end then you have to use a razor because you wont be able to loose the hair without breaking the knot first & not even a fine tooth comb can do that. That's why i dont get them anymore.
I don't know if that's the case with you OP but if I had all that pretty hair that you have in your avi, I wouldnt be playing with it. Do you want them to jack up your hair?

Look in my previous posts and see what I said about my setback. I went from BSL to barely grazing APL. She tied my micros in a knot ON TOP OF MY REAL HAIR and didnt braid all the way to the end of my hair...

I will be checking back for the update hun... But I'm sure your lesson has been learned. If you see something THAT DRASTIC, tell them do NOT put that razor to your head unless they want to fight...
There is NEVER EVER ANY reason to use a razor when taking out micros...knotted or not!!!!!! If done right, and knotting is your choice of securing the braid...they are supposed to be braided past your hair own hair then knotted. I really hope you didnt stay.
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Look in my previous posts and see what I said about my setback. I went from BSL to barely grazing APL. She tied my micros in a knot ON TOP OF MY REAL HAIR and didnt braid all the way to the end of my hair...

I will be checking back for the update hun... But I'm sure your lesson has been learned. If you see something THAT DRASTIC, tell them do NOT put that razor to your head unless they want to fight...

@ bolded...this is a problem with alot of lazy braiders, not sure why some of them dont care about your own hair...better yet dont think YOU care :perplexed
umm? you gone? i hope you don't have "ceiling length hair" (lol...... too soon?)

don't turn that razor on her if ya do!
umm? you gone? i hope you don't have "ceiling length hair" (lol...... too soon?)

don't turn that razor on her if ya do!

Like this?


Sorry, I had to post it. That pic is to dang ole funny. :lachen:
Sis, you should probably leave right now. Just say no to little combs and razors! If you feel like crying that's not a good sign. It may take you forever to take them out but at least you'll be gentle with your hair. Don't feel pressured to stay it's okay to leave if you want.
Uh Gals, we may need to raise bail money,( "cause I know I'd definitely need a lil help getting outta jail if some lady came at me with some darned razor-comb-thingy!)
Maybe she's locked up or on her way to the pokey:look:
:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: (Praying that you're gone and that nobody has to get hurt because sometimes a setback is a setup for a beatdown) :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
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