OMG! What did I do?!! Help! Save me! Lol. Ugh!

Princess Tam Tam

Well-Known Member

Ok, today I did a big no no in my book of dating. No kissing without actual date.

I shared a steamy kiss with my co-worker in the breakroom. I don't know what happened, one min we were just hugging next minute ....:blush:.. we're kissing. He had asked me out couple of times. But, I kept on putting him off cuz he's not my usual type. He's like Method Man and I always go for Lenny kravitz. :drunk:

We talked later on the phone, he listened my concerns about rushing things, he said stop regretting it and how u have live life once, and some other stuff. I cant remember everything cuz my *** was still in shock. :perplexed

I don't know what to do. If there could have been a future relationship did i just fudge it up by kissing him?
Relax chile. U prolly trippin bcuz you enjoyed it. It ain't like u screw'd him in da breakroom. It was just a kiss. It takes two.

But meanwhile back at da rancho, keep dat on da low low at work.

Have fun and enjoy the simpler things in life.
Stop, do not past go, do not collect $200. Work and personal life should not be mixed. You have to learn some self control. Sharing a steamy kiss at work, just doesn't happen.
I hope you dont look for anything serious after this. In MY personal opinion, I dont think guys who are truly into you or respect you start off like this. Workplace or otherwise.

Sounds like he's tryna get you to freak him. Not sure he has any other thougts beyond that. But what do I know about your situation. I just go by age old behaviors and their typical outcomes.
If he wants to have a relationship with you then the fact that you kissed (after months of him hitting on you) before your 1st date won't make a difference.

Did you have fun? Was it good?
No, you didn't ruin anything. If he is a good guy, you didn't do anything that would make him less interested in you.

But step back and take it slow from now on if you like him and find out your hr departments relationship policy.

What do you want? Was it just a kiss or are you into Method Man? :)
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I don't know what to do. If there could have been a future relationship did i just fudge it up by kissing him?

Not necessarily, but hold your horses :lol:
I personally think (although it depends on how much you truly know this guy) you are skipping ahead a bit quick in thinking about relationships. You haven't dated him yet, don't even sound sure whether he's your real type and you don't know what he's looking for lol.

As far as I'm concerned it doesn't matter if I kiss a guy, or flirt back, that means nothing in terms of whether he's good enough to share my life with! He should know that too, I subtley make sure of it:look:. I practice discernment and despite any given initial situation, they will still be decided over and assessed lol. I retain my personal power at all times. Don't be worrying about the kiss.

Anyways you would do best to play it slow and find out the information you need at this point and figure out if he is what you want.
i guess im the only one who got excited by this story. and by excited i mean, HAPPY for you, lol. but then again im a complete romantic. i probably envisioned it way sweeter than it really was. in my head i imagined something like this


which probably isnt what happened. anyway, if you cant tell by now i have nothing useful to add, other than i wish you the best OP :-)
Umm, why is there an assumption that this man just wants to hit when he's already asked her for a DATE several times. It's not like he's just been telling her that he likes her, he's backed it up with bonafide offers to take her out. She's the one who has been rebuffing him. They kissed. So what? He'll probably ask the OP out again and hopefully this time she'll say yes cause she's obviously attracted to dude.
Umm, why is there an assumption that this man just wants to hit when he's already asked her for a DATE several times. It's not like he's just been telling her that he likes her, he's backed it up with bonafide offers to take her out. She's the one who has been rebuffing him. They kissed. So what? He'll probably ask the OP out again and hopefully this time she'll say yes cause she's obviously attracted to dude.

Wait so correct me if I'm wrong here. A man doesnt just want to hit it if he's done the bolded?:ohwell:

Good luck OP with whatever you decide to do.
Ummmmm....idk but I will say that the guy who liked me at work made a huge effort not to engage in anything more than a wink, smile, wave, high-five, how you doing?, fist-bump encounter. He stated that he wanted to keep it respectful at work and not have everyone in our business or speculating about anything. We dated for a short while and outside of work was an entirely different story. I really appreciated him for trying to be discreet.
Don't engage in anymore PDAs in the workplace. I know it was prob. A spur of the moment, caught up in the rapture kinda movement but :nono:
Also, get over it. It was just a kiss. I hope you enjoyed it. He prb excited as all get out. His persistence has paid off. No one should have a "type". Why put yourself in a box then ask all the men you date to climb in that mug witchu? Very sad state of mind to be in.
runwaydream said:
i guess im the only one who got excited by this story. and by excited i mean, HAPPY for you, lol. but then again im a complete romantic. i probably envisioned it way sweeter than it really was. in my head i imagined something like this

which probably isnt what happened. anyway, if you cant tell by now i have nothing useful to add, other than i wish you the best OP :-) too..
Wait so correct me if I'm wrong here. A man doesnt just want to hit it if he's done the bolded?:ohwell:

Good luck OP with whatever you decide to do.

If ALL a man wants to do is hit it he doesn't even bother with those steps. I didn't say this dude doesn't want to hit, but there is likely to be a bit more to it than just that.
Yea that probably shouldn't have happened..its really not that big of a deal and really shouldn't affect whether you two date or not. Just don't do it work. :)

Dating co-workers - I understand in principle why its a no-no...but time and time again, I come across people who met their future wife/husband at work. My boss did. Most of the consultants I work with who are married..seem to have married a fellow dunno.:ohwell:
If ALL a man wants to do is hit it he doesn't even bother with those steps. I didn't say this dude doesn't want to hit, but there is likely to be a bit more to it than just that.

One would be surprised at what some fools will take themselves through just to hit. They like challenges too. But I get what youre saying too.
Don't engage in anymore PDAs in the workplace. I know it was prob. A spur of the moment, caught up in the rapture kinda movement but :nono:
Also, get over it. It was just a kiss. I hope you enjoyed it. He prb excited as all get out. His persistence has paid off. No one should have a "type". Why put yourself in a box then ask all the men you date to climb in that mug witchu? Very sad state of mind to be in.

Weirdly, enough just before reading your post I realized I had been putting myself in the box. I don't like the whole sad state of mind comment. But, then again truth hurts.

I wont be engaging anymore PDAs at work.

The reason why I kept putting the dates off was cuz I knew deep down he wasnt for me. It was mistake and I learned my lesson. :lol:...:perplexed
Well, I married my breakroom kissing buddy. Except replace breakroom with walk-in fridge and freezer. :look:

We did have one date first before the undercover kisses started.

However, when we did actually become a couple, our work relationship would be awkward at times b/c he didn't know how to leave ish at home and would instigate an argument.

So I guess I'm not sure what my advice would be exactly except to take things slow. Kissing him wasn't the end of the world, just don't go planning your wedding just yet either. It might not turn into anything and it could. I think what you may have to ask yourself is if losing your job worth it. And I don't just mean higher ups finding out, but if you guys don't work out and in fact fall out to the point where you can't stand the sight of him, are you willing to find another job. Or even if it does work out but the job has a no fraternizing policy, are you willing to leave?
One would be surprised at what some fools will take themselves through just to hit. They like challenges too. But I get what youre saying too.

I def get your point too. But people like that tend to also have serious issues. When a dude is going through all of that just to say he got the draws he's got some screws loose. I'd hope this dude isn't a sociopath like that.