"OMG, what are you doing?!!!!!!" My BC thread (pic heavy)

Talk about hair porn, your hair is gorgeous!!! It's so thick, fluffy looking, and healthy!

*Off to your fotki*
Your hair is so beautiful! And you style your hair so well, i need to try those mini twists. They're mini because you don't twist them all the way to the end, right?
Thanks for sharing.
Wow that's a lot of pretty hair for 13 months. . .gives me hope. maybe I can transition. . .:look: I am two months(9 wks) post right now.
YOUR HAIR IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!! This thread has made me make up my mind about going natural. I will keep on with my transition. I love your hair styles and I cannot wait until I can do that with my hair!!!!!!!!
How in the world do you get your twists to come out so perfect and beautiful. Tutorial please :grin:

I'll try to do a tutorial on my next refresh.

Your hair is so beautiful! And you style your hair so well, i need to try those mini twists. They're mini because you don't twist them all the way to the end, right?
Thanks for sharing.

I call them mini because they are tinier than the twists I would typically use for a twist out. I don't like to twist all the way to the end because it doesn't fall the way I like.

Wow. Your hair is absolutely beautiful!

What is your goal length?

I want to get to MBL and then see how I feel. I can't grow it too long because I'm short and don't want it to overpower me.

Wow that's a lot of pretty hair for 13 months. . .gives me hope. maybe I can transition. . .:look: I am two months(9 wks) post right now.

Do it, do it, do it! :grin: