April 5, 2010- I did my BC! *Pic heavy*

So so pretty and so are you!

If your DH is like mine, he'll say something neg at first but then, eventually, he comes around:)

In the meantime, bask in your beauty and your courage!
Your hair is beautiful!! :congrats: :D

You look to be around mostly 3a to me. I consider the 2's to be wavy, not curly and you look curly ;)

Awww, thanks! Yes, now it's starting to curl some but looser. It's 3a/3b, with products giving more or less definition. I love my curlies! :love:

Congrats lady! Your hair is just gorgeous! Love it! It looks great on you!

Awww, thanks! I appreciate that. I've been getting a lot of negative lately.

LOVE It... LOVE It...!!! Did I tell you that I LOVE IT!!! Congrats and have fun falling in love with your hair.

Thanks! The love is soooooooo there! I don't care if others who aren't in my natural circle don't like it. You all give me strength!

So so pretty and so are you!

If your DH is like mine, he'll say something neg at first but then, eventually, he comes around:)

In the meantime, bask in your beauty and your courage!

Thank you! And if he ever wants to get some, he'd better come around! :lachen:

I don't think I was prepared for how bold, courageous and confident a BC makes you feel. It sets you apart & shows that you are confident and daring. I am enjoying my mental transition and the FORTITUDE it's giving me. It also helps me know who is shallow and superficial around me. :)