OMG! The Atlanta Meet Up was AWESOME!!!


Here I grow again!
19 ladies showed up for dinner tonight and what a WONDERFUL time we had!

I'm making this thread so that we can share pics and comments.

Thanks, Ladies. It was SO good putting faces with names. And everyone looked so good!

If you have pics to share from the event, please post them here. I'd love to get a copy...especially of the group pic!

I'm going to lay down now. I have SERIOUS -itis. :lol:


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1st pic: Janet' NJoy
2nd pic: pink gator handing out her swap items--a whole Mizani Butter Blends relaxing kit!!
3rd pic: Let the MAYHEM begin!!!!
4th pic: WriterGirl graciously modeled the relaxer, :lol:


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I am seriously jealous, I want a local meet up dammit lol. You all look so pretty. Hurry up and add names so I can stalk the one in the purple who is my hair twin except she is like two years ahead of me in growth.
I have a few random camera phone pics to add. I would've had more had I not been running my mouth the whoooooole time. :lol:


Oh!~ We had FUN!!! 19 Healthy Hair Divas in the house, taking over the joint! :lachen:

:lol: The girl in the pink beanie is my 21 yr old daughter, Chelsea. She's gonna love you for this comment.

It's a day later and I still can't believe you have a grown child. Black don't crack, for real.:yep:

I had so much fun! NJoy, you did an awesome job putting it together. Everyone was so nice and the food (and drank) was good! I can't wait til we hit up that beauty supply store!
Wow! Looks like fun! I love the pic where everyone is cheering about the hair products!

Girl, we were howling and screaming when pink gator pulled out all that Mizani. It was like she had a whole BSS in a tote. She shut it DOWN!!! Everyone in the restaurant turned to see what was up. :lachen:
Ooooooooooo weeeeeeeeeee look at all that hair porn!!! You ladies look great! I'm glad y'all had a good time!

Sent from Topnotch1010's Samsung Galaxy Tablet using LHCF
Ladies, there are a few ladies that I couldn't place faces with names--let me know so that I can edit the post!
The highlight of the evening was when pink_gator shut it down when she pulled out the Mizani. :lol:

We could have seriously opened up a BSS up in there.

So much fun ladies!
I couldn't make it to this one but I will NOT miss the next one. You ladies look awesome, I'm glad you had such a good time.