NYC Meet and Greet 2.12.05 Come and see our pics!!!

MonaLisa said:
Webby u r a pretty lady and that kid of yours is scrumptious!

What?! :shocked:

Thank you girl...I was trying to stay so far away from the camera LOL.
All of the ladies were beautiful and I mean that. AJD's body doesn't even look like she has one child, let alone TWO. And I forgot to mention what a little lady MissK is. God bless that little lady :)
webby said:
What?! :shocked:

Thank you girl...I was trying to stay so far away from the camera LOL.
All of the ladies were beautiful and I mean that. AJD's body doesn't even look like she has one child, let alone TWO. And I forgot to mention what a little lady MissK is. God bless that little lady :)

You know Imma have to show this to MissK when she comes home from school... seeing that she's in the "club" and all. I don't even know why you're running from the camera either! For someone supposedly who's trying to lose weight, you look on the slim and trim side to me. Don't go "disappearing" on us. (Did I mention I'm between 135-140? That makes you only about 8 lbs heavier than me. If you go to 120lbs, will I be searching for ya? :rofl: ) Kiss my Chase for me. I see him and Lil' Papa will be running together. Quite the ladies' men, those two are. The girls can choose their flavor... chocolate or caramel... YUMMY! I hope I don't turn into one of those psycho Mom's "Who's this? What you want wit my baby! You lil' fas' tail girls keep callin' my house!" :nuts:
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AJamericanDiva said:
You know Imma have to show this to MissK when she comes home from school... seeing that she's in the "club" and all. I don't even know why you're running from the camera either! For someone supposedly who's trying to lose weight, you look on the slim and trim side to me. Don't go "disappearing" on us. (Did I mention I'm between 135-140? That makes you only about 8 lbs heavier than me. If you go to 120lbs, will I be searching for ya? :rofl: ) Kiss my Chase for me. I see him and Lil' Papa will be running together. Quite the ladies' men, those two are. The girls can choose their flavor... chocolate or caramel... YUMMY! I hope I don't turn into one of those psycho Mom's "Who's this? What you want wit my baby! You lil' fas' tail girls keep callin' my house!" :nuts:

LOL...Girl, I miss ya already.

Yeah, you look nice and svelt. I didn't have time to tell you how wonderful you looked. BTW, I'm going to send you a disc with the pics that I have. I have a few really nice ones with the kiddies.

I guess I'm gonna have to seriously have to take full body kick boxing to keep the girls off our boys :smirk:
What a beautiful group of ladies. It looks like you all had a great time!!!! Now I'm even more excited about my first DC meeting in a couple of months. :p
It looks like a great time had by all :) . I'm sorry I couldn't make it...I had a memorial service for one of my friends grandmothers and they asked me to speak so I had to be there.

I hope to attend the next NYC meeting :).
Looks like everyone had a nice time. You have a lovely family and I agree your son's hair looks so thick and pretty. Thanx for sharing.
I finally made it, You guys were all great. Sorry I had to leave before things got even more fun. I had a great time, everyone was so nice, we have to do it again. Diva, you are so funny, it was great meeting you. I had a ball, you are a great host. Your kids are amazing, lil papa is adorable and I wish my hair was soft like his. I should have took a picture with him since both of us was rocking the fro. lol. Webby, thanks for the ride, it really helped. You are so sweet, and baby Chase is so quiet and handsome, he is going to be a little girl pleaser, cant wait to meet up again. All you guys rock and I had a lot of fun. Taboo was great, I have to get that game. I cant wait for another meet. I like the idea of the lounge, we could get up and walk around and stuff. I had fun.
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You ladies all look BEAUTIFUL! Chase and Big Papa are ADORABLE! So many beautifuol heads of hair!
It was a good time. Every one was really cool. And Webby is so sweet. She also give good compliments too! Nfynit812 was hilarious. And you guys should have seen Diva's daughter trying to give us clues for Taboo it was too cute.

And Pat and MzJones were awesome at giving clues. Dang Diva, I need to be on your team! :lol:
CaramelHonee said:
You guys look great! I'm glad you all had a good time. Hopefully next time, i will b able to attend

Girl if you don't me and Crys and D are going to your house and drag you and little cuties. We'll knock on all the doors!:lol:
Very nice pics!! Saddity1 and Brnskngirl, you two are gawgeous!!
:cry3: I'm sooo sorry I missed you guys!!! I was diagnosed with muscle spasms and I was at the ER on Wednesday and I went to my regular doctor on Friday. I was put on 2 different muscle relaxants plus Motrin. I could hardly climb the stairs in my house and the computer is on the fourth floor!!!!
BklynHeart said:
:cry3: I'm sooo sorry I missed you guys!!! I was diagnosed with muscle spasms and I was at the ER on Wednesday and I went to my regular doctor on Friday. I was put on 2 different muscle relaxants plus Motrin. I could hardly climb the stairs in my house and the computer is on the fourth floor!!!!
Oh girl, muscle spasms are PAINFUL! I'm so sorry for you. Is your potassium level low? I get spasms when I'm low on potassium. A banana usually helps me.
Thanks Webby!! This is my first time having them so I'm going crazy! All of you girls look so beautiful!!! Now when I'm walking around I know I'll be staring at women to see if it's one of you guys!!! :lol:
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AJamericanDiva said:
Hey you! You shoulda been there, Ma! I didn't get any sweet potato pie. :cry: I wish my hair was like Lil' Papa's... but as fate would have it, I'm the Queen of 4a/4b. :rofl: How 'bout some modelling agencies turned down my little prince? <Gasp!> HOW DARE THEM!!! Eyes probably weren't blue enough!

Gurl...I'm so sorry! Next time, K? lol Between housewarming commitments and my pregnant cousin...I feel so spent after this weekend.

and uh-uh...forget modeling agency....I'm talking straight talent agent...commercial/tv work. I can tell his personality is affable for that type of work and he's visually a that's where u should be aiming for lil papa!

I'm hoping that skees will be there again for the next mtg. so I can subtlely stalk, admire her hair *cough*

Hi Webby!!!!
hello ladies.I had a great time meeting all of you.I'm sorry i had to leave early but i had made plans to be in LI later that day.However i wanted to drop by and say whats up to all of you first. :D

thank you Diva for hosting this event ,You are a great hostess!!Webby and Diva your children are beautiful.
I will see you all at the next meet and great!! :grin: :grin: :grin:
MonaLisa said:
Gurl...I'm so sorry! Next time, K? lol Between housewarming commitments and my pregnant cousin...I feel so spent after this weekend.

and uh-uh...forget modeling agency....I'm talking straight talent agent...commercial/tv work. I can tell his personality is affable for that type of work and he's visually a that's where u should be aiming for lil papa!

I'm hoping that skees will be there again for the next mtg. so I can subtlely stalk, admire her hair *cough*

Hi Webby!!!!

Girl you are crazy! :rofl:
goldensugar23 said:
hello ladies.I had a great time meeting all of you.I'm sorry i had to leave early but i had made plans to be in LI later that day.However i wanted to drop by and say whats up to all of you first. :D

thank you Diva for hosting this event ,You are a great hostess!!Webby and Diva your children are beautiful.
I will see you all at the next meet and great!! :grin: :grin: :grin:

Girl, my cousin was like: *whispering* "omigod, look at her hair S, oh it's so nice!"

She loved your hair golden! I agree, your hair is beautiful!
sengschick said:
Wow!!! What a wonderful meeting!!! You ladies look great and all of that pretty hair in one spot! Amazing :yep: !

You got that one right!!! Beautiful ladies!
skegeesmb said:
Girl, my cousin was like: *whispering* "omigod, look at her hair S, oh it's so nice!"

She loved your hair golden! I agree, your hair is beautiful!

thank you skegeesmb you and ur cousin had beautiful shiny hair as well. :D
u guys were fun to hang out with!
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