Okay Yall help me out with this one

Adults should really remember their manners and ask before touching. I don't like random people touching my hair, unless it's a guy :grin:. I had two 4 y/o girls playing in my hair yesterday @ a b-day party and didn't mind until I got to wondering where their hands had been...
mj, you post a lot (on this board and others) that people are disrespecting you re: your hair. Do you think, just maybe, there's something you're doing to bring this energy your way?
NO, Let me see if I can explain to you. Where I live in Chicago, I hardly ever see naturals most of the woman I see around here have bad relaxed hair or jacked up weaves. So yes I get a lot of dirty looks and nasty comments behind my back. Of course this was someone I know and I still didn't care for the fact that she just stuck her hands in my hair without asking.
I have a problem w/ invading my personal space PERIOD. I don't even like my kids to invade that space. I don't like when ppl touch me anywhere on my body w/out asking....its so disrespectful. Its not because I have something to hide, its just irritating ppl in my space.

As for white ppl touching my hair, they are so intrigued "by you guys hair"...:rolleyes:right....just let it go.

As for black ppl, I think its just to do weave check or "quality" check, trying to see if it feels as good as it looks. I will admit I have seen plenty of sista's hair that I thought was so pretty, but never once felt compelled to check it. I respect ppls space because I want the same in return.
It's strange that people do that. I mean they go deep into you scalp too. It trips me out that people feel they have a right to do this. It reminds when I hear how people just go up to strangers and tell them how fat they are. Okay that's more extreme but similar.
:ohwell:Was she really your friend then if you were so mad that she touched your hair? I mean, seriously, if my girl saw my hair looking nice and touched it, I would not get mad. She's my girl. We're cool. Now, if it's a stranger, than ya, I'd get annoyed. .

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe the word 'friend' was used loosely?
I know that if I'm having a bad day, I might not welcome it even IF it is my friend. When people get called out on their behavior most people will get defensive. Especially if other people are around so I think there should be some allowance for that.

"mj, you post a lot (on this board and others) that people are disrespecting you re: your hair. Do you think, just maybe, there's something you're doing to bring this energy your way?"

Good point to notice.