Okay Yall help me out with this one


New Member
Why in the heck do folks thinks it's okay to walk up to you and put their hands in your hair? Last night I went to a party and a friend of my mine spoke to me and then proceeded to stick her hands in my hair. Then when I said something to her about it she had the nerve to get an attitude. I felt disrecpted because she didn't even ask and had the nerve to be mad because I defended myself:rolleyes: Yuck I know my hair is clean unlike her hands. I really wanted to slap the crap out of her.:wallbash:
that is a little to close for comfort. not your husband running his hands threw your hair but a chic. i feel violated for you, like monk on tv.
i like it when people are respectful enough to ASK you if its ok to touch your hair.

whenever i want to touch someones hair i make sure to ask them first.

i would just simply state "NO i didnt say it was OK for you to put your hands all in my hair" and keep it moving
I am so different from everyone else, I like my hair being touched. oh well.
when my hair is looking nice a couple of friends touch it all the time.
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Why in the heck do folks thinks it's okay to walk up to you and put their hands in your hair? Last night I went to a party and a friend of my mine spoke to me and then proceeded to stick her hands in my hair. Then when I said something to her about it she had the nerve to get an attitude. I felt disrecpted because she didn't even ask and had the nerve to be mad because I defended myself:rolleyes: Yuck I know my hair is clean unlike her hands. I really wanted to slap the crap out of her.:wallbash:

:ohwell:Was she really your friend then if you were so mad that she touched your hair? I mean, seriously, if my girl saw my hair looking nice and touched it, I would not get mad. She's my girl. We're cool. Now, if it's a stranger, than ya, I'd get annoyed. .
:ohwell:Was she really your friend then if you were so mad that she touched your hair? I mean, seriously, if my girl saw my hair looking nice and touched it, I would not get mad. She's my girl. We're cool. Now, if it's a stranger, than ya, I'd get annoyed. .

Here's the point: Friend or not you invaded my personal space. And she didn't just touch it she put her hands in my hair without asking me. If it was my hubby then fine, but just you're a friend doesn't you the right to disrespect me.
i get that a lot when i straighten my hair, this on particular girl at my job ALWAYS running her hands in my hair, and taking the clip outta my hair
Here's the point: Friend or not you invaded my personal space. And she didn't just touch it she put her hands in my hair without asking me. If it was my hubby then fine, but just you're a friend doesn't you the right to disrespect me.

I guess our definition of what a friend is is different. I have few friends, and all of them can touch my hair without me getting upset, b/c they're my friends and yes, we are all up in each other's 'personal space.' Ok, good day :)
I guess our definition of what a friend is is different. I have few friends, and all of them can touch my hair without me getting upset, b/c they're my friends and yes, we are all up in each other's 'personal space.' Ok, good day :)

Well I try too respect my friends personal space. If i want to touch the hair I ask it's that simple to me. And we do have different difinition because we are different. Ok you have a go day too...:grin:
I've seen other posts about people touching hair without asking, too.

This is strange to me because I've NEVER experienced this before whether it was someone touching without asking or touching after asking.

Also, I've never had the urge to touch someone else's hair either. There was one time in high school I touched a white girl's hair and it felt like straw which surprised me because I always thought their hair was just naturally soft. :rolleyes:
Why in the heck do folks thinks it's okay to walk up to you and put their hands in your hair? Last night I went to a party and a friend of my mine spoke to me and then proceeded to stick her hands in my hair. Then when I said something to her about it she had the nerve to get an attitude. I felt disrecpted because she didn't even ask and had the nerve to be mad because I defended myself:rolleyes: Yuck I know my hair is clean unlike her hands. I really wanted to slap the crap out of her.:wallbash:
I HAAAATE people to touch my hair with out my permission!!!!:angry2: You had every right to be angry , cause it's rude in any setting!!, As far as her having an attitude, LOL OH WELL, you shouldn't have to feel guilty about defending your right to your own personal space, property, body, etc. Lol it's funny cause whenever I even sense someone about to touch it , I lean back or block the hand!!:lachen:I bet your friend will think twice the next time.
:ohwell:Was she really your friend then if you were so mad that she touched your hair? I mean, seriously, if my girl saw my hair looking nice and touched it, I would not get mad. She's my girl. We're cool. Now, if it's a stranger, than ya, I'd get annoyed. .

With all due respect, I think it has more to do with boundaries people have set. I can understand TOTALLY, because this is MY issue as well ,and I'm fine with it , If you're ok with your friends touching your hair, that's ok too, but everyone if different, if you don't have issues with the hair touching, but it could be something else. Everyone has their own pet peeves. LOL and I could LOVE you to death!!! but I'm STILL very Territorial when it come to certain things!! I guess thats what make the world go round. Different people, If the tables were turned and it was my friend and I touched her hair (which I wouldn't do), because of who I am, but If I thought it was cool and did it anyway and she got angry.... I mean come on how can I get a attitude about someone else's body? friend or not. Now if she SAID she didn't mind that would be different , but don't automatically assume.
Well I try too respect my friends personal space. If i want to touch the hair I ask it's that simple to me. And we do have different difinition because we are different. Ok you have a go day too...:grin:

I was just about to say that everyone's personal space is different, therefore only an individual can define their comfort with family, friends, acquintances, strangers...the list goes on...as to what is acceptable and not acceptable to them :perplexed
I love when ppl touch my hair I let them do it all the time. Probably because they are amazed that natural hair can look pretty and soft and actually be pretty and soft. As long as they ask 1st I'm okay. Otherwise it is like Mortal Kombat: 1...2...3...FIGHT!
Ok I admit I am guilty of doing this. If I see one of my CLOSE friends or family members hair looking feirce. I have rubbed my fingers through it. It was while I was complimenting them. I will not do it to a stranger or friends or family that I am not close with and do not associate with on a daily basis. They never seem to have a problem with it and I never have a problem when they touch mine.
For me and my friends-- we're close like that, so I don't care and they don't care (but usually we only touch the tips/ ends of the hair anyway-- nobody really runs their fingers all through the person's hair and scalp lookin like :lick: LOL.) But if you don't know me like that, then I wouldn't want you to be all up in my head especially without asking.
Ok I admit I am guilty of doing this. If I see one of my CLOSE friends or family members hair looking feirce. I have rubbed my fingers through it. It was while I was complimenting them. I will not do it to a stranger or friends or family that I am not close with and do not associate with on a daily basis. They never seem to have a problem with it and I never have a problem when they touch mine.

She didn't compliment me, I think she was thinking it was hard.:lachen:Well her *** got fooled because my hair is always soft as heck. Also I think she was hating.:rolleyes::grin:
You have a right to your personal space.

For me its a matter of comfort zone. My close personal friends can touch my hair ...but acquaintances must ask first ...strangers...well lets just say :dead:
I wouldn't mind if a friend touched my hair and I wouldn't feel disrespected by it. Does your friend know about your "no touching" rule and she just said to hell with it??? In any case, i'll bet she knows now!!
I think it was really rude unless she asked to touch you. Some women are just super friendly like that and she probably didn't mean nothing by it. I'm with you on that I dont think it was cool.
This peeves the hell out of me when folks do that, especially if it's someone I don't know. I think it's mostly from my grandmother. When I was little and I had crazy long and thick hair, she would tell me not to let people play in my hair because they may get a piece of my hair and perform voodoo on it. I know it sounds crazy but I still think of that now as an adult...

Plus, I did have a lot of haters back then, even as a little kid so it did make sense...:ohwell:
I don't like for people to put their hands in my head. Not even touch the ends. It is a pet peeve of mine. Sometimes people do it and I just grit my teeth to keep from being rude.:perplexed
I hate it hate it hate it when anyone does this! If you are not my mother, my father or SO you do not have the right to touch my hair like that. Point blank period. Some of my gfs do it b/c I think they are secretly obsessed with my hair (seriously) and some of my guy friends do it bc they have this thing with long hair...which is anything longer than barely SL to them..on black girls.

IDK. She had no right to get mad at you when you asked her to stop. Friends should respect each other's boundaries.
W-O-W. I never thought something like this could be an issue between friends. :nono:

I guess it sorta makes sense, like some pregnant women don't mind at all when someone rubs the belly, and others mind very much!

At any rate, thank you for starting this thread OP. It brought awareness to something that many of us probably do, and didn't know was offensive (slowly raising my hand in shame). :look:
Iwouldn't ask a friend if I could touch their hair, that just seems odd to me. I wouldn't touch a strangers hair, and I wouldn't expect them to touch mine. She probably thought you were being funny, but hopefully now that you have made your preference clear hopefully she will respect it.
I don't like it either. Dunno, it feels so personal. :perplexed You have every right not to like it. It's not like you went off on her. You tried talking about it to her and SHE got an attitude.

What's more, they usually aren't doing it for a compliment, they usually do it feeling for tracks:rolleyes::rolleyes: Hands be raking against your scalp and everything.
What's more, they usually aren't doing it for a compliment, they usually do it feeling for tracks:rolleyes::rolleyes: Hands be raking against your scalp and everything.

So true!