Okay ladies, what are your New Year's Hair Resolutions?


hair bored
And I'm not talking about a long list of things that you promise yourself you'll do and then abandon by Jan. 3rd! :D I mean 1 or 2 real hair resolutions for the upcoming year that you really plan on trying to implement, whether it's a change to your routine, or a change in your attitude towards your hair. :)

Okay I'll go first: I'm going to get the last couple of inches of relaxer out of my hair and start embracing my curls and wearing my hair that way! I know it sounds simple, but I'm still very uncomfortable w/ my curls, and I almost never wear it curly b/c I don't think it's long enough. But I'm gonna start wearing my hair curly so that by the summer, I'll be a bad mamma jamma! LOL
I'm going to try to take my hat off more when I go out somewhere.. I never go out w/o my baseball hat.. but I don't plan on doing that till later in the summer..:lol: but, that's the plan.. I just want more growth before I do that.. I have alot of scab hair though..so I'm not too sure what to do about that.. if I cut it all off..I'd hardly have any hair left..:(

Who is that in your avatar ayanapooh?
So far the only thing I'm going to try to do is no heat for a full year. I only used it 5-7 times this year but I want to see if I can go without it :)
Good Morning everyone!!!

My New Years Hair resolution is to be consistant in taking my vitamins.
**raising right hand** I vow to be more regular with my deep conditioners & pre-shampoo coconut oil treatments. My hair LOVES the coconut oil but it's a bit time consuming (anything that takes more than 10minutes I consider time consuming... :lol: )
My resolution is to establish a regimen and stick with it.
1.Wash and deep condition once a week
2.Touch up every 10 weeks(at least)
3.Oil ends w/Keracare essential oil, shea butter oil and cocoa butter oil-daily
4.Grease scalp once a week w/At One with Nature super gro hair & scalp conditioner
5.Learn how to wrap my own hair
6.Tie hair up every night before bed.
I want to be more consistent with doing pre-poo treatments. The last month I have been saying i'm doing it but it hasn't gotten done. But I am going to do it in 2005 even if I have to force myself to do it.
I will consistent with my regimen, and I will not go out getting new things unless I have to replace something (ideally :perplexed ).
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My resolutions are:
1) Continue on my journey to natural hair
2) Cut off the relaxed ends at some point this year
3) Get back to washing my hair twice a week instead of taking the lazy route and doing it only once a week, or sometimes every two weeks, like I've been doing lately.
To find some more decorations for my buns. I want to keep them from looking so boring while I TRY to stretch 8 more weeks.

Other than that, I think I'm staying consistent with everything else.
I would like to be consistent with my regime, but I'm sure it will change since I am transitioning. I also would like to keep doing to bun challenge but I know I will wear my hair down sometimes. So one main hair resolution I have is to keep being gentle to my hair. Also, to keep moisturizing and conditioning my hair!
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My hair resolution is to continue with no heat and protective styles and also to be more patient with my growing process, although I've made great progress I tend to expect more and get dissapointed when I'm not where I want to be in the time I expect. So from now on I'm going to just relax and enjoy my hair!
1. Wash/Co Wash hair every 5-7 days.
2. Use minimal heat and use protective styles esp. baggie method
3. Moisturize daily
4. Be consistent with my regimen
1) Wear my hair "up" til late spring/early summer. (Up, meaning, buns, twists, etc)
2) Take my vits at least 2x wk.
3) Continue to pamper my hair, giving it loads of TLC.
Just take more time in dealing with my hair on a regular basis. Meaning, take the time to cover my hair at night, deep condition weekly, moisturize my hair daily. Also, take my vitamins regularly.
Like about 2 months ago, my hair was shedding A LOT and I couldn't get it to stop. My mom recommended that I use wax, and maybe it would strenghthen my hair. I started to to use it about a month ago, and it really cut the shedding. My goal this year is to keep my hair strong, and to be consistent with the products I use.
My only resolution is to get the middle back part of my hair to grow even with the sides. It's currently about an inch shorter than the rest, which sux! Oh well, we'll see what 2005 brings. Good luck ladies with your resolutions!:)
i'm going to cut out heat again. i started blow drying and flat ironing just occasionally but everytime i do i notice split ends and breakage afterward. also i'm gonna try and stretch my touch ups to 16 weeks instead of 12
my hair resolution is to....

take my vitamins religiously
pre-poo treatment
wear protective styles the majority of the year
thicker and healthier hair:)
I'd like to develop effective regimens for when my hair is in and out of braids. I also plan to figure out how long I can stretch my relaxers when I'm done with my braid challenge (around July).
For 2005, I resolve to be more gentle with my hair. To be more consistent about wearing protective styles and keeping my ends moisturized.
To perfect my rollersets, and braid/twist outs.
Well, I'm about to cut off my relaxed ends, so... I guess my hair resolution will be to grow it out long, healthy, beautiful, and most of all, natural. Wish me luck! Good luck to you ladies!
Just one:
Vitamin Consistency. I've tried different vitamins and haven't stuck with any longer than a month or so at a time. I want to decide on one simple regimen and be consistent with taking my vitamins every day :)
  • continue being gentle to my hair
  • continue keeping my hair as healthy as I can
  • continue doing well with not purchasing products that I don't need