Okay ladies, what are your New Year's Hair Resolutions?

1. Take my vitamins
2. Keep my hair braided in between deep condition washes for six months.
3. Drink my carrot juice and protein shakes consistently.
4. Continue exercising.
5. Moisturize hair frequently.
5. Be patient and take one day at a time.
6. Be happy!!!!!!!!
-Be more consistent wearing buns.
-Be consistent in taking my vitamins.
-Cut off the bone straight relaxed ends.
-Get back to dryer my hair in cool setting when roller set.

Mine is:
Take better care of my newly relaxed hair by laying off the heat, more protective styling, and moisturize the hair consistently.
-- Be more consistent with my vitamins

-- Be more consistent with wrapping my hair at night

-- Try not to buy so many new products
-Be consistant with vitamins
-No heat
-No color, (only henna allowed)
-keep hair in protective styles 95% of time
-Split end inspections and dustings as needed
My resolution is to be consistent with my hair care and products.

I do have quite a few products to get through, but overall, I want to find staples and stick to them.

Mine are:
Drink more water.
Lay off the flat irons.
Give hair care products a chance before rushing to dump it.
Eat more healthy.
Try to extend my relaxer.
Condition, condition, condition.
Use up all my hair stuff, esp my protein conditioners. Then pare down to a few essential products and stick with them.
My new year's resoultions involving my hair are to continue to keep moisture in my hair daily, take my vitamins daily, to try and drink more water and to not perm at least until February if at all possible. To continue in my baggie and grow out challenges and just be patient with my hair.
1. Be attentive to the condition of my hair.
2. Wash and condition weekly.
3. Limit use of heat.
4. Touch up and trim every eight weeks.
5. Wear a hat to protect hair from the wind, cold, and precipitation.

I want to perfect the art of flat-twisting. I can do it for other people but can't seem to get it right for my hair.
My resolutions are;
-to curb the product junkie within (*2 mths recovering)
-no SLS'S or ALS'S,
-to have patience, the growth is coming slowly but steadily
-to appreciate what I have, I could have been completely bald without LHCF!
-to treat my hair with tlc, I thought breakage was normal!
-to be creative with styles
-to love and honour my hair

