What are YOUR 2006 Hair Resolutions???


New Member
What are your hair resolutions for 2006? My hair resolutions are to:

1)Shampoo and Deep Condition 1X per week
2)CW every other day
3)Moisturize DAILY with Elasta QP Mango Butter
4)Protective Styles ALL the time! (mostly buns and baggie method)
5)Go to the Dominican salon every 3 months for a deep treatment, TRIM, and blowout (to update the album and see growth progress)

What about you?
This is what i am going to do:

Wear a weave for 8 weeks and then 2 weeks off. During the 2 weeks, I will shampoo every 3 days and deep condition every time.

I will airdry more often.

I will do the 8 week sew-in/2 weeks off cycle 6 times before trimming and deciding what to do next.

That should get me through the year. I have been off weave for about 3 weeks not but, I am getting a weave sewn in next Saturday to start it off.

EDITED 12/5 3:15 p.m.

I changed my mind for a little while. I may pick up the weave rotation later if I cannot retain length, but am going to chill out on the weaves for a little while.

I will continue to shampoo and deep conditioner 2-3 times a week and wear my hair up, though.
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What i will do::
Try the cowashing daily...and washing once a week and deep conditioning...

Putting more care into my hair....

wearing more sew ins then braids.....

stop pjism...

visit a salon more often..and get a stylist and someone to go to on a regular basis until i get my hair at least to my shoulders...

MTG more.....

use products that i already have..instead of going and buying new products....

I already did this by buying a storage container on wheels...my dresser looks so so much better...but i separated and put my shampoos/conditioners/recontructors in one drawer...then i put gels/greases/oils in another drawer...then i hve makeup/skin products/lotions/perfumes separated in another storage container...and have zip lock bags marked with perfumes/makeup etc...ive never felt so organized lol...

Try stretching relaxers....reduce amount of time im relaxing

Stick with one relaxer...

Find a good regimen and stick with it...
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Getting back on track with my routine will be a GREAT start. I have really ignored my hair in the last two months and i cant seem to get the motivation to love it like i did when i first joined LHCF
I plan on give my hair a rest from the relaxer cycle for at least two months. My ends are doing good so no more trims.
Other than that what I've been doing, deep conditioning every few days, protective styling, MTG, vitamins, etc...........
continue using less products on wash day....

continue protective styling....

continue to ignore product hype...
bluediamond0829 said:
use products that i already have..instead of going and buying new products....

I am going to add this to my list, as well!!

This morning I was thinking, "I need to stop at Sally's and get some conditioner". Then it hit me that I have JARS AND JARS of conditioners in my closet already!!
Try to actually stretch relaxer to 12 weeks (normally do 8 to 10 now)

Wash every week and DC

Up hot-oil treatments to 2x a month

Curb Curb Curb PJism

Attempt to move up to protective styling 1/2 of the time
My main resolution is to get rid of this dry hair if it's the last thing I do. So that mean MOISTURE, MOISTURE, and MORE MOISTURE! Maybe then i'll be able to see some growth.
Great topic! I plan on doing the C & G method consistently, 2 months of braids or weaves, 2 months off. In between time deep or moisture treat, 2 co-washes per week, bun it up! Very simple. Also plan on being less of a PJ and sticking to a few product lines. I will be updating my albums more often like 6 times during the year and as always stretching the relaxers.:)
I plan to wear protective styles ALL the time if possible; this is going to take some getting used to.

I plan to try to drink more water.

I plan to use MTG at least 3 times per week.

I plan to get only 4 relaxer touch ups next year!!!! Yay for my wallet and my hair!!!:grin:

I plan to stop being a PJ, I plan to stop being a PJ, I plan to stop being a PJ.

I plan to conditioner wash every other day, wash and deep condition 1x per week.

I plan to stay out of the salon as much as possible. Ideally I would like to only go to the salon to relax my hair, or to get a wash and set on special occasions when I want to wear my hair out.

I plan to choose 1 hairdresser to go to relax my hair and stick with her

I plan to not get lazy with my hair.

I plan to stay on the LHCF bandwagon!
I will start braiding and twisting my hair using extensions and they will look presentable. I refuse to pay $200 + dollars for something I should be able to do myself.
I want to simplify my Regimen and not get overwhelmed by the amount of products I have. And remember to wash once a week.
My resolutions consist of

~Moisturizing my hair 2x a day
~CO washes 3 times a week
~Deep Conditioning treatments/ Light protein treatments 1x a week
~Stretching relaxers for at least 12 weeks
~Using MTG faithfully along with vitamins

Basically sticking to my regimne which has given my hair a new breathe of fresh air!
I've found my banging products so i'm ready to start 2006! :grin: first off, I want to say thank you to everyone on this site, and this site itself for having been created :look: b/c without it, whew... who knows what length I would have... I'm actually happy with my hair right now. Of course, that's still not my final goal but whenever I take my hair down, I get all :D b/c I see the fruit of my work...

now 2006 is for more harvestin' baby! I'm a little high off WATER right now :look:
I will:
*follow my simplied regimen. It actually works for me now b/c it's not too complicated
*not buy new products, unless it's like a leave-in or something
*learn to rollerset and do those when i'm sick of airdrying
*DUST only, or for the most part. I'm starting to get the hang of this now :)
*Grow my hair to 28" or 29"
*Enjoy my hair: wearing it down when I need to without feeling guilty... I have to admit, that's pretty hard :look:
*Keep the hair MOISTURIZED! big one right there!
*Exercise and have a good diet for my body and my hair
Deep condition on a consistant basis (once a week)
Wash/conditioner wash less (1 to 2 times a week)
Stick to a set of products for the year to see full benefits of consistant usage
Go no more than 4 months without trimming
*CO Wash more often~3 times a week
*Use less heat~Once every 3 months
*Wear my hair down more often~atleast once a month
I had a conversation with a friend of mine about stretching relaxers and I told her there was no way I could do it, but...

For 2006, I am going to try to strech relaxers to 12 weeks (I normally only go eight weeks at the most).

I am also going to wash and deep condition once per week.

And I'm doing the 2006 bun challenge. Already thinking about when my two "free" days are going to be.
My hair resolutions are:

Try to perfect a CW
Get this scalp problem under control
Successfully transition
Learn how to do my own flat twists
Find the right products for my hair...

Sounds daunting but Im ready!!!
My Resolutions for 2006:

1) Little to no Heat
2) Stretch Trims
3) Keep Transitioning
4) Wear Braids for Second Semester of School
1. Heat only with salon visits (or every self relaxer).
2. Relaxer every 10 weeks.
3. MTG 2-3 times a week.
4. Slowly cut hair until the back catches up.
5. Take vitamins daily.
6. Increase water intake.
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Wear braids for as long as possible (of course I'll get sections redone monthly). Then, when ready, GO TO A PROFESSIONAL and get a texturized bob. Then, I'll keep that up w/ wash and go's and only PROFESSIONAL touch-ups and trims.

I'll also keep up w/ my Nioxin multivitamins.

What an easy program. I'll just have to keep finding cute styles to wear w/ my braids. :D
1. To stretch AND retain lengthy on my 4a coily locks.
2. To not dust or trim until my next retouch in April.
3. To be consistent with my vitamin regime.
4. To stretch without braids as long as possible (I got a lot of product I want to use up).
5. Minimize combing to wash days only.
6. To map out my hair regime, i.e. make the calendar for protein treatments,clarifying,etc...

That's it for now.
To learn to better take care of my ends while my hair is natural...I gotta do better with these things.
To stop being a PJ!
Co-washing at least twice a week.
Relaxing less often, so I don't overprocess my hair.
Eat healthier.
Decreasing the amount of heat I use on my hair (I'd like to eliminate it completely).
Baby my ends!
My resolution is to continue with what works: minimal heat, protective styling, frequent washing and patience.
~This Year in 2006 I plan to:

-Pay more attention to my ends. I feel like my ends need more babying. I need to focus more attention on KEEPING the hair that I'm growing. I feel like I'm doing a good job in getting hair growth now, but I now need to do some work on KEEPING the hair I grow.
-Moisturize my ends with olive oil every 3/4 days. This goes in line with paying more attention to my ends.
- Wear a protective cap to bed everynight. This INCLUDES when I'm taking naps! I've been slacking off a little lately, so I need to continue this.
-Comb my hair less harshly, and less frequently. Sometimes I can comb my hair a bit rough trying to get tangles out of my hair.
- Continue my regimen of doing one shampoo and CO wash a week.
- DECREASE my visits to the salon. I want to see if this makes any difference in my hair growth/health. I like my stylist, but I feel like sometimes it helps to just do your own hair yourself. Afterall, we know our hair the best. :)
- Take my vitamins everyday. I've been slacking off lately, but I want to make sure this becomes almost like clockwork.
- Wear more protective styles. I DO wear protective styles, but they seem to be the same old bun. I want to change it up for 2006.
- Strive to limit my "bad hair days" in 2006. I seem to be having a lot of bad hair days lately. Just because I'm stretching my relaxers doesn't meant that my hair has to look like crap. I will buy more cute little hair accessories and change up my protective styles so that I can look "cute" and be practising good hair care techniques at the same time. ;)

Hopefully I will see a great improvement in my hair by 2006! :up: