Oils,Pomades,Grease,Butters,Lotions & Cremes 2013

How else do you use it MyAngelEyez~C~U?
Nix08, I only add it to my conditioner, but I'm thinking f steaming with it too.

MyAngelEyez~C~U Rice bran oil is my fall/winter go to for sealing my ends..If my hair is acting funny in the summer,I bring it right back out...It has been a recurring hit for me...It's a great addition for Dc's.

Happy Hair Growing!

Lita I love how much softness it gives my hair and the extra slip it gives mixed with my conditioner. Awesome stuff!
I'm doing the loc method tonight, using aloe vera water mixed with coconut water, castor oil and hemp seed butter to seal.
I used my sulfur oil on scalp; moisturized and sealed with DB Vanilla Delight curl detangling milk and sealed with camellia oil.
Oil rinsed with my ceramide rich oil blend. LOCO with rbo and gleau.
Scalp massage with a mix of: gso, rbo, cedarwood, peppermint and rosemary.
Shea butter with Aloe Vera gel, Castor oil, Amla oil, Wheat germ, Almond oil and liquid lecithin. Use it after washing but before rolling.
Doing a Henna Rx this a.m.

After I rinse it, I plan to Steam in some Oil for about 20 minutes. I think I may use EVOO.

And then Gleau with my Leave-In
Hey ladies!
Where can I find the code for that green magic?
I'm looking in the vendor forum,but I'm not seeing it...
Did LOCO this morning.

L= HV Hydra Silica tea mist
C= SD Creme de la Silk
O= more JBCO

This equals hair that is soft as butta. Baggying this baby in for 24 hours.
IDareT'sHair I know right! You just don't know. I've been drooling over these products for at least 6 months before I joined the forum and then it still took me another 6 months to hit the paynah button! I'm making up for lost time LOL!