Not attracted physically but he's REALLY sweet


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever been stuck between a rock and a hard place while dating? I am right now. I don't know what to do :nono: I met this guy who is totally sweet but I'm not physically attracted to him in the slightest bit. Anyone been in this situation? What did you do? How did it turn out?

Doubtful that it will work out right now if there is no physical attraction but do you know how he feels about you? Considering that you two are just dating, I don't think it could hurt to keep things casual if he's not head over hills for you AND if he's not looking to be exclusive at the moment. In other words, don't burn your bridges but don't lead him on or try to make things work if you are not attracted to him. You never know how you might feel down the line.

I've been there, I came across some great guys but the physical attraction was not there :nono:. Of course it would not have worked, but months/years later I crossed paths with a few and boy did my feeling change! Unfortunately by then it was too late so if I could do it again I would have tried to keep them around in some way as long as I knew they were capable of carrying on a casual/friendship-based relationship with me. So if you no longer want to date him, then don't date him, just find a way to keep in contact occasionally and continue to be friendly because we could all use sweet people in our lives regardless.
A relationship will not work if you do not find him attractive. If you begin to have feelings for him then he will become very attractive to you. But if you do not find him attractive you obviously do't have feelings for him.
I wouldn't do it....

If you have absolutely no attraction to him at all... there is a likely chance that the feeling won't change. I also wouldn't force it. I've been in a situation like this, I met a guy when I was 19 and he was sooo kind and sweet and nice to me, not only to me, but just a great guy in general. Fast forward to my adult years, I started to go out w/ said guy when I was 25 and I felt more mentally mature but those feelings of unattraction were still there no matter how much I tried to rationalize the fact that he's a phenomenal person. I took my time, and we use to hang out on a platonic tip for about 3 months, one night we went out for dinner, we both were a little tipsy, outside of the restaurant he gave me a hug and tried to kiss me and I turned my head, in spite of my tipsyness, I cringed inside at the thought of being that close to him but my mind felt bad b/c I think he's really and truly a great guy. I'm an overthinker, so it bothered me... I tried to dig deep w/in myself to see if there was a reason(s) why I couldn't be attracted to someone who would make a damn near perfect mate. I started to feel really bad b/c I knew he was very attracted to me, and he genuinely likes me as a person, and I think it's only fair that the same passion is reciprocated towards him. I'm now 28 and I still think he's such a great catch, he has all the real qualities you'd want in a man, not the superficial ones that many of us go for. However, I still don't think I'd get with him, that umph is just.not.there. :nono: . The thought of him touching me gently just kinda makes me tense.

At the end of the day, we really can't help who we are attracted to and fall in love with. I think it just sort of happens sometimes, of course there are traits that we are looking for, but there is something else there that causes us to really fall for someone.
I totally disagree with what the other ladies have said. I say give him a try. You'd be surprised at how your feelings can change and grow. I wasn't all that interested in DH when we first met, but he was very sweet and inteligent, and he was also persistent. Because of his persistence, I really grew to know and like him a lot, and then I wanted him around more and more. Now I can't imagine life without him.

I know a lot of ladies on this board don't agree with my opinion, but if you're always looking for Boris Kodjoe, "butterflies," and supersized well-experienced crayons, I think you miss what I think is most important. A real relationship. That's just my opinion.
I wouldn't do it....

If you have absolutely no attraction to him at all... there is a likely chance that the feeling won't change. I also wouldn't force it. I've been in a situation like this, I met a guy when I was 19 and he was sooo kind and sweet and nice to me, not only to me, but just a great guy in general. Fast forward to my adult years, I started to go out w/ said guy when I was 25 and I felt more mentally mature but those feelings of unattraction were still there no matter how much I tried to rationalize the fact that he's a phenomenal person. I took my time, and we use to hang out on a platonic tip for about 3 months, one night we went out for dinner, we both were a little tipsy, outside of the restaurant he gave me a hug and tried to kiss me and I turned my head, in spite of my tipsyness, I cringed inside at the thought of being that close to him but my mind felt bad b/c I think he's really and truly a great guy. I'm an overthinker, so it bothered me... I tried to dig deep w/in myself to see if there was a reason(s) why I couldn't be attracted to someone who would make a damn near perfect mate. I started to feel really bad b/c I knew he was very attracted to me, and he genuinely likes me as a person, and I think it's only fair that the same passion is reciprocated towards him. I'm now 28 and I still think he's such a great catch, he has all the real qualities you'd want in a man, not the superficial ones that many of us go for. However, I still don't think I'd get with him, that umph is just.not.there. :nono: . The thought of him touching me gently just kinda makes me tense.

At the end of the day, we really can't help who we are attracted to and fall in love with. I think it just sort of happens sometimes, of course there are traits that we are looking for, but there is something else there that causes us to really fall for someone.

I was in the EXACT same situation only a few weeks ago. The guy was PERFECT on paper; very intelligent, affectionate, considerate and open to a long term committed relationship. We hung out a few times a week for months but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't get past thinking of him as anything other than a friend.

I thought that spending a weekend together would help me to apply logic to the situation, unfortunately it didn't and I ended up mentally cringing at the thought of anything other than a hug. I broke it off with him a couple of days later and, I must say, he wasn't very happy about it. I think he felt slighted and 'strung along' a little.

My advice? Let the guy go. The only outcome is hurt feelings. Would you like to be in a relationship with somebody who had doubts about their physical attraction to you?
Preciouslove, it sounds like this is a guy that you just met rather recently. If that's the case, I'd say that it's too early to be worrying about physical attraction.

Now, I definitely think that physical attraction should be a part of a healthy relationship. There are men who physically turned me off in the past, and no matter how sweet they were, it was NOT going to happen. One guy was 5'9", 265 pounds... sorry, but that's just NEVER going to be attractive to me and I wasn't going to push myself to give that man a chance.

But, in the case of reasonably decent looking guys who just might not be my usual type (say, 2-3 inches shorter than my ideal, not chiseled but not fat, a little dorky, etc.), then I give them a chance. Women I know in happy relationships often found themselves warming up to a man AFTER he pursued them... I know so many women who love their husbands' dirty drawls now who said that initially, they were just like "eh" about them.

I think one of the biggest mistakes many women make is to dismiss too many potential Mr. Rights too soon while hanging on to too many Mr. Wrongs.

So, I'd say keep dating the guy and just see what happens. Stop having expectations right now for the future and just enjoy each date, one date at a time. Let yourself at least be open to the possibility of loving him.
I totally disagree with what the other ladies have said. I say give him a try. You'd be surprised at how your feelings can change and grow. I wasn't all that interested in DH when we first met, but he was very sweet and inteligent, and he was also persistent. Because of his persistence, I really grew to know and like him a lot, and then I wanted him around more and more. Now I can't imagine life without him.

I know a lot of ladies on this board don't agree with my opinion, but if you're always looking for Boris Kodjoe, "butterflies," and supersized well-experienced crayons, I think you miss what I think is most important. A real relationship. That's just my opinion.

I agree give it a shot, he may grow on you.
I think you should give it a try. I actually had something similar like this happen years ago. But as I spent more time with him, I started to really like him, and the physical attraction grew too. It's too early at this point.
Yes.... This happened to me a couple of times....actually quite a few...

They were really sweet guys but I just couldn't do it, we remained friends to see if I would become attracted to how they treat me but I couldn't do it... I have to be somewhat attracted that person...

For those who could... To each its own...
Once again I am on both sides of the issue. Although I wasn't hot for DH when we first met or for most of our friendship (I didn't realize how handsome he was until I saw him without glasses and in street clothes.....he has that Clark Kent thang going:grin:) he didn't repulse me either.

Personally if the idea of a guy ever touching you repulses you to the point of giving you the heebie geebies I'd say let him go. I think in those instances when you have a physical reaction like that perhaps there's something biological turning you off. Maybe he's a carrier for a genetic defect or your genes are too close which would result in multiple miscarriages or birth defects etc. Maybe he has an underlying health condition, low sperm count, etc.

IMO our bodies communicate with use very clearly and it's important to listen to them.
I strung along way too many guys this way. They were so sweet, but I couldn't be that way with them. Most times it just doesn't happen. Maybe you should give him a chance, but I think you should cut the guy loose. If he's developing real feelings for you, it'll hurt him more in the long run.
i say "RUN FOR THE HILLS ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i have tried to do this more than once and it ended in disaster!!! i made myself a promise that if i can't find 1-2 things physically attractive ( skin, smile, eyes, body type, etc.)about a guy then i need to leave his arse alone.of course its a given that their personality should sparkle and we should be semi-compatible.
I'm in the exact situation as the OP. My mom wants me to date my recently ex-roommate who is really sweet and just an overall nice guy but I'm not physically attracted to him (in addition to other concerns). My advice is do not get with him if there is lack of physical attraction on your end. Sometimes physical attraction can manifest itself but if it hasn't by now chances are it won't. It may work for a little while but not in the long-term.
How long have you two been dating? Are you repulsed by him when you think of kissing him or if he tries to kiss you? Does he have bad breath, horrible skin, buck teeth? If he looks decent and smells decent and he does not repulse you, then I guess it wouldn't hurt to give him a little more time. Just be careful to not try to convince yourself you like him if you still don't. Don't let his feelings for you make you feel guilty either if it doesn't work.
The slightest bit? Let it go. There needs to be something there. I like getting that flirty feeling in my stomach when we make eye contact.
I feel bad about saying this, but if I am not attracted to someone from the get go then they don't even get a chance.

I don't know if that makes me shallow, but whatevs...Guys do the same thing.
I wouldn't do it. I tried with someone and he just wasn't attractive AT ALL in the face. I really tried because he had everything else going for him socially, financially, bodywise. We dated for awhile. I just couldn't imagine my kids looking like that. I now cringe at the thought :ohwell:
i say "RUN FOR THE HILLS ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i have tried to do this more than once and it ended in disaster!!! i made myself a promise that if i can't find 1-2 things physically attractive ( skin, smile, eyes, body type, etc.)about a guy then i need to leave his arse alone.of course its a given that their personality should sparkle and we should be semi-compatible.

what happened with each case?
=I know a lot of ladies on this board don't agree with my opinion, but if you're always looking for Boris Kodjoe, "butterflies," and supersized well-experienced crayons, I think you miss what I think is most important. A real relationship. That's just my opinion.

That's not what I was necessarily referring to. Also, for myself, looks don't play the most vital part in my attraction to someone. For example, I find Boris to be very attractive objectively speaking, but I'm not attracted to him. I just think for you to be with someone you must have some type of romantic attraction to them also. I'm sure you grew to look at your hubby in that wayor else he prob wouldn't be your hubby. The romantic attraction is not necessarily instanteous, I'm not even talking about some 'oooh he makes my panties wet at first sight'... nah, not even, but over time as you get to know the person, some form of romantic feelings should begin to blossom.
so uh....why don'tchu elaborate n give us a brief description on what da boy looks like....

Once again I am on both sides of the issue. Although I wasn't hot for DH when we first met or for most of our friendship (I didn't realize how handsome he was until I saw him without glasses and in street clothes.....he has that Clark Kent thang going:grin:) he didn't repulse me either.

Personally if the idea of a guy ever touching you repulses you to the point of giving you the heebie geebies I'd say let him go. I think in those instances when you have a physical reaction like that perhaps there's something biological turning you off. Maybe he's a carrier for a genetic defect or your genes are too close which would result in multiple miscarriages or birth defects etc. Maybe he has an underlying health condition, low sperm count, etc.

IMO our bodies communicate with use very clearly and it's important to listen to them.

lol too funny! :lachen: I am no where near REPULSED by him. I'm just simply not attracted to him. I bet there's a lot of women out there that would LOVE they way he looks.

Just to give a clue of what he looks like.... He is on the chubby side... slightly though. And I am attracted to guys with a particularly SMALL waist :look: (many people think I'm weird for that), he also tends to have a "wondering eye" when he stares for too long. He is also deaf in one ear but that doesn't bother me to much. I would just have to always be conscious of to which side I sit when I'm with him because I have a "quiet" voice. He also has NO fashion sense. It seems as if he wears walmart jeans and cheap polos. (if you live in atlanta, you will understand when I say he has no real swag) He is also on the nerdy side and has only had one real girlfriend so he doesn't have much experience in the dating game when I've been with two guys for at least two years each. We are both 19 btw.

So there's nothing that makes me want to completely gag when I'm with him. I'm just simply not attracted. And the only reason why I would hesitate to kiss him is because he has NO real experience in dating. He seems like the type that has only been kissed once. And I can not tolerate a guy who cant kiss. It's a complete turn off for me, so I don't want to find out he can't kiss and then it be done with :ohwell:

PLEASE BE HONEST! Am I being shallow?
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I totally disagree with what the other ladies have said. I say give him a try. You'd be surprised at how your feelings can change and grow. I wasn't all that interested in DH when we first met, but he was very sweet and inteligent, and he was also persistent. Because of his persistence, I really grew to know and like him a lot, and then I wanted him around more and more. Now I can't imagine life without him.

I know a lot of ladies on this board don't agree with my opinion, but if you're always looking for Boris Kodjoe, "butterflies," and supersized well-experienced crayons, I think you miss what I think is most important. A real relationship. That's just my opinion.

Preciouslove, it sounds like this is a guy that you just met rather recently. If that's the case, I'd say that it's too early to be worrying about physical attraction.

Now, I definitely think that physical attraction should be a part of a healthy relationship. There are men who physically turned me off in the past, and no matter how sweet they were, it was NOT going to happen. One guy was 5'9", 265 pounds... sorry, but that's just NEVER going to be attractive to me and I wasn't going to push myself to give that man a chance.

But, in the case of reasonably decent looking guys who just might not be my usual type (say, 2-3 inches shorter than my ideal, not chiseled but not fat, a little dorky, etc.), then I give them a chance. Women I know in happy relationships often found themselves warming up to a man AFTER he pursued them... I know so many women who love their husbands' dirty drawls now who said that initially, they were just like "eh" about them.

I think one of the biggest mistakes many women make is to dismiss too many potential Mr. Rights too soon while hanging on to too many Mr. Wrongs.

So, I'd say keep dating the guy and just see what happens. Stop having expectations right now for the future and just enjoy each date, one date at a time. Let yourself at least be open to the possibility of loving him.

probably to early to tell. takes time

I agree give it a shot, he may grow on you.

I think you should give it a try. I actually had something similar like this happen years ago. But as I spent more time with him, I started to really like him, and the physical attraction grew too. It's too early at this point.

How long have you two been dating? Are you repulsed by him when you think of kissing him or if he tries to kiss you? Does he have bad breath, horrible skin, buck teeth? If he looks decent and smells decent and he does not repulse you, then I guess it wouldn't hurt to give him a little more time. Just be careful to not try to convince yourself you like him if you still don't. Don't let his feelings for you make you feel guilty either if it doesn't work.

To everyone (including the ones I'm quoting) thank you so much for your responses!
Ok so I've only been on ONE date with him. It was REALLY nice. I then (dumb move) told my then roommate about the situation and she too thought that I should break it off. We talked for a good hour about it and I decided to take her advice. Now this was last summer. Since then I've seen him around and he asked me what happened? Well not outright but just a casual 'hey i havent talked to you in awhile?' thing. I had no real answer to give him. I didn't want to seem shallow because our first date went pretty well.
Besides the fact that I am not attracted to him physically, I also am not use to dating anyone like him. "Class"-wise. He is on the... very wealthy end of the spectrum :look: EVERY other boy was poor as heck. But their personality CLICKED so well with mine from the VERY beginning. It really didn't matter. (keep in mind I'm talking about teenaged boys, not people who should have established careers). My exes were like the other half of me. Which is why I am really cool with them to this day. He, the boy in question, like I said is on the geeky end, so that on top of me not being attracted to him, is making it worse.

Now I know that seems like a lot of rants but this is the reason why I even care to be thinking about dating him
- We both have the same long term goals (he wants to become a surgeon and i want to also go into the healthcare field)
- We both have similar backgrounds, so I don't have to act like New New from the movie 'ATL'
- He is extremely sweet and kind
- Because he is not the 'hood' type, like the guys I am use to dating, he will have no problem respecting my wishes of staying celibate.
After reading your description I say give him a chance. Seems you ha e a thug preference. I was like that when I was dumb:nono: the broke thug boys ain't going no where. Your geeky dude us headed to a prestigious career. As much as women have a hard time finding a guy on their level you are dating "down." Less experience means he's less likely to cheat, give you an STD or both.

You make me feel so dang old posting this but dang girl I look back now on all the "Mr. Swagger" dudes I dated back then and think "what the he'll was I thinking???"

Give dude a chance. In 10 years when all the thug boys you're attracked too have a record and 50-11 baby mommas you won't be thinking about them (I hope:look:) meanwhile nerd dude will be rocking Stacy Adams and Armani, big house, kids, and treat his wife like a queen and you'll be single wondering where all the good brother are at:lol: Don't be a Monica girl leave them thugs alone !!
After reading your description I say give him a chance. Seems you ha e a thug preference. I was like that when I was dumb the broke thug boys ain't going no where. Your geeky dude us headed to a prestigious career. As much as women have a hard time finding a guy on their level you are dating "down." Less experience means he's less likely to cheat, give you an STD or both.

You make me feel so dang old posting this but dang girl I look back now on all the "Mr. Swagger" dudes I dated back then and think "what the he'll was I thinking???"

Give dude a chance. In 10 years when all the thug boys you're attracked too have a record and 50-11 baby mommas you won't be thinking about them (I hope) meanwhile nerd dude will be rocking Stacy Adams and Armani, big house, kids, and treat his wife like a queen and you'll be single wondering where all the good brother are at Don't be a Monica girl leave them thugs alone !!

I agree. Only by grace did I manage to give Dh a chance. He was just sooooo sweet and polite. I made fun of him. Boy am I so glad his good naturedness won me over. Also i decided to listen to what my bf and Mum advised me. Its the best decision I ever made. Obviously it doesn't mean to say your experience will be the same but at least try to get to know what he is really like. You may surprise you self

However, you say that you have been dating already. You may have given it enough chance. Move on if there's nothing there.
You just met him. Why not give it a go and at least date. He may do something that melts your heart and makes you attracted to him when you normally wouldn't be. Unless he is unattractive there is no way...that's another thing, then. But if he is just different from your usual "type", you never know unless you give it a whirl.