NOOOO!!!! Wt%#%!!! Everytime I try to leave someone DIES!!!


Well-Known Member
I don't want to even talk about the horrible relationship I've been in for the past two effin years. Anyway, I decided on the day of second anniversary (yesterday) that I'm gone! Don't even ask what he did :nono: He calls me today in tears, his uncle passed. Last year it was his father and grandmother. I know this seems stone cold, but this negro gone KILL ME if I don't shake him. I don't even wanna answer the phone. Why me!??!?!??!! How do I console this fool without misleading him? Oh, and I do love him, by the way, so I don't want to get sucked back in either! I called his grandma to wish her condolences (really to make sure he hadn't made up a big a** lie - he's capable!)..and it's true. It seems when I gather the strength to leave, when I've had enough and I'm more DISGUSTED than hurt, some ish happens that forces me to BE THERE. Then, our relationship issues are forgotten, and I'm in this seemingly never effin ending cycle of misery!!!!! He ain't even know his uncle all that well...ughhhh!!!!!!!!!
Why do you feel like you owe him something?

You don't have to console him, I'm sure he has family and friends that can do this.

Mail him a sympathy card and be done with it.
I don't want to sound insensitive, but just his uncle dies doesn't mean you still have to be his gf. If you want out, by a sympathy care and KIM.
There's no need to 'be there' he has family members and friends I'm sure. You need to be looking out for your health.
I don't want to even talk about the horrible relationship I've been in for the past two effin years. Anyway, I decided on the day of second anniversary (yesterday) that I'm gone! Don't even ask what he did :nono: He calls me today in tears, his uncle passed. Last year it was his father and grandmother. I know this seems stone cold, but this negro gone KILL ME if I don't shake him. I don't even wanna answer the phone. Why me!??!?!??!! How do I console this fool without misleading him? Oh, and I do love him, by the way, so I don't want to get sucked back in either! I called his grandma to wish her condolences (really to make sure he hadn't made up a big a** lie - he's capable!)..and it's true. It seems when I gather the strength to leave, when I've had enough and I'm more DISGUSTED than hurt, some ish happens that forces me to BE THERE. Then, our relationship issues are forgotten, and I'm in this seemingly never effin ending cycle of misery!!!!! He ain't even know his uncle all that well...ughhhh!!!!!!!!!

IK, get going, you have no obligation other than a sympathy call. Love yourself FIRST, THEN you CAN truly love the deserved!
You're going to have to give yourself permission keep your distance from him and stick with your plans to move on. It doesn't sound like he deserves your love and support. If he really messed up and hurt you then he will have to pay the price for that.
The fact that someone in his family died does not oblige you to stay with him. People die every day - ain't nothing stone cold about you choosing to leave him now. Take hold of your power, and move on.

Shoot, it'll make it easier for him to find the next one. :lachen:
Wow, my ex, who is married ,just called and told me his aunt died. I didn't even know the lady. I started talking about Disney World. He hung up. Guess it's something in the air.
Wow, my ex, who is married ,just called and told me his aunt died. I didn't even know the lady. I started talking about Disney World. He hung up. Guess it's something in the air.[/quote]

Men use this tactic a lot--pulling at a woman's emotional heartstrings, hoping to re-enter into their lives or at least to keep the woman attached to them some type of way.

Most women continue to fall for it over and over again--and the only way it stops is if the woman says "Enough"!

If women for a moment can separate the "emotion" from the "game that's being played on them", they'll have to strength to see it for what it's worth and move on.
What does your leaving have to do with the death of his uncle? You should continue with your plans and comfort him from afar.
Offer your condolences and keep it moving if you truly want to be free. If there really is a conspiracy going on might as well nip it in the bud and escape!
Wow, my ex, who is married ,just called and told me his aunt died. I didn't even know the lady. I started talking about Disney World. He hung up. Guess it's something in the air.[/quote]

Men use this tactic a lot--pulling at a woman's emotional heartstrings, hoping to re-enter into their lives or at least to keep the woman attached to them some type of way.

Most women continue to fall for it over and over again--and the only way it stops is if the woman says "Enough"!

If women for a moment can separate the "emotion" from the "game that's being played on them", they'll have to strength to see it for what it's worth and move on.

Preach it.
[FONT=Arial, Sans, Verdana] Staying in a relationship out of pity is truly a waste of time. Give him about two weeks to mourn, then tell him you want to end the relationship and LEAVE.
Thanks ladies :bighug: I thought I was being cold. I'm actually on my way to Walgreens to mail his family a sympathy card. My job, DONE. Thank God for you ladies. What would I do without you.

@ Adrian, ya know, I wouldn't put it pass this fool :nono: