No more length checks until December


New Member
As if anyone besides me cares :lol:. After my big setback in June due to stretching gone wrong, I've decided not to do anymore length checks until December. December was SUPPOSE to be the month I reach my original goal of BSL. That probably won't happen, but I'm hoping that I will at least be at Full APL. Right now, I'm happy after a very careful 8 week stretch and plan to do another 8 weeks and then one last one to finally check near Christmas. I didn't check my length after my last relaxer in August, but after styling it, it didn't look anywhere as unhealthy as it did when I completed my 16 and 12 week stretches :nono:.
I've decided to do the same thing. I had a major set back as well moving to a place that is so dry, my hair went into shock!!!!! So I won't reach my goal this year:sad: I'm hoping by the time I do a length check at the end of the year, my hair will have adjusted to this crappy weather. In the mean time I'm protective styling and babying the heck out of my hair.
I've decided to do the same thing. I had a major set back as well moving to a place that is so dry, my hair went into shock!!!!! So I won't reach my goal this year:sad: I'm hoping by the time I do a length check at the end of the year, my hair will have adjusted to this crappy weather. In the mean time I'm protective styling and babying the heck out of my hair.

I'm protective styling too (I've been buying lots of hair candy for my buns). I also make sure I stay up on my hard protein treatments. Good luck!
Same here...i dont do checks too often, but once i get started, i get obsessed im gonna do december 31. im sure ill be pleasantly surprized.
Yep, that's when I'm going to do my next one. I was doing them monthly for a while, but that obsession had to stop! are ALL up in my head!! Only my issue isn't so much length... My hair is growing, but it has thinned (lack of moisture setback) and my curl pattern no longs BANG BOOM POWS!! Overall... I am just not in love like I was at the start of my journey---my OVERALL satisfaction with my hair, is just not what it once was and that makes me feel some kind of way.

So, no more (personal) length checks, reason being---I might have to cut back depending on just HOW thin my hair really is once straigthened.

I'm doing the same. I had a friend (who's a stylist) relax, cut and style my hair back in June ( which resulted in a major setback) and my hair is just starting to turn around.
Same for me. :yep:

I'm doing my own "6-month/lead hairs/no-trim challenge" from 7/1 - 12/31/2011.

I hope all of you, who have suffered setbacks, recover strong by year-end.
i'm not doing any length checks until dec (or actually Jan 1st) either. Partially because i want to avoid heat right now and focus on healthy hair. Last year was my last major setback (that resulted in me cutting back to about chin length due to heat damaged ends) and now i'm hovering around apl when straight and hope to be full apl in Jan.
Is it even possible v_v" !!!!!!!!!!!?? when I wash/dc my hair my hand is out of my control, I didn't ask , i've said nuthing until I realized it's done..., i've length check.. again... fpr the 8983th time of the month :lol: