Nikki's Length Check

^^^. I do a high ponytail and then take eight to ten pieces of the ponytail and twist and pin. Very easy and most of the time it looks okay. LOL.
NikkiGirl, the second post with your progress pics made me light up! Just absolutely gorgeous and your hair's looked great every step of the way. LOVE, I mean LURRRRVE your bun. :drool:

Congratulations on making MBL!
Very nice, there was a Marine Corps Ball in my area also last night and I must say those are some of the best dress uniforms. My husband is retired Army so mums the word on that. Hehehe... Great Progress!
Pretty. Your ends look really good. How often do you trim? What are you doing to protect your ends?

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I trim about every six months usually. I know lots of people will kill me for saying this LOL, but I don't retain well when I don't trim.
NikkiGirl your hair is so lush! Very pretty. I love your dress from the back as well. One shoulder dresses make me

Are you going to post a LOTD from the ball? Pretty please!!!
Lovely hair NG!
You've had some wonderful progress in the past year.
I think I will try your updo while my hair is straight.
NikkiGirl I posted in the MBL thread my :congrats: But I had to say it again...:congrats: :congrats: :congrats: Your hair is lovely!!! Great progress!!!!

Thanks Janet. I am just thinking to myself since we are in the MBL challenge, man waist length will be cool. But I will probably need the whole year. LOL.
NikkiGirl, Join me over there, won't you...and while you're at it...If your hair grows next year, the way it did this might be grazing HL by years end!!! Wouldn't that be something?!!!
I can't believe you're MBL've had some fantastic progress. Your hair looks really great! That outfit and your eye makeup are beautiful, too!
You and your hair are gorgeous! Those pics are sooo motivating!
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NikkiGirl, Join me over there, won't you...and while you're at it...If your hair grows next year, the way it did this might be grazing HL by years end!!! Wouldn't that be something?!!!

That would be something. I did join the Waistlength in 2011 challenge. But I hardly ever post there. I will definitely try to keep up on the challenge. It keeps me involved and motivated, and knowing I am not in this by myself.