"No Fat Chicks: Navigating the Dating World as a Fat Girl"

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
No Fat Chicks: Navigating the Dating World as a Fat Girl | Clutch Magazine: The Digital Magazine for the Young, Contemporary Woman of Color

Thick, curvy, voluptuous—nah. I’m a proud fat Black chick with no hangups about my size, and I have the nerve to expect a romantic interest to be comfortable with it. I learned a long time ago that I needed to love myself before anyone else was going to love me, so I’m perfectly happy being on my own if I can’t find a partner who accepts me as I am. But my past experience has borne out that it’s not impossible for a fat chick to get a date. Being sexy and fat isn’t as hard as some people would have you believe.

That said, society doesn’t exactly make it easy on fat women to develop healthy self-esteem. Even within the Black community, where fat is supposedly accepted so much more readily than in other cultures, fat women experience discrimination, disgust and ridicule. Fat might be more acceptable, but you have to be a certain kind of fat—padding in all the “right” places and none where it’s not desirable. Fat women with bodies that don’t fit the bill are either desexualized and Mammy-fied, or their sexuality is seen as a joke—take for example, Eddie Murphy’s Rasputia in “Norbit.” Black men dressing in fat woman drag and overpowering skinny men with their animalistic desire gets a lot of laughs because society has conditioned us to see fat female sexuality as something to be laughed at or disgusted by.

Where dating is concerned, there’s another stereotype regarding fat women to contend with that runs rampant in the minds of men in particular—the mythological fat chick with low self-esteem who will let any brother still breathing have a taste. While there are, of course, fat women out there with low self-esteem, most of the fat chicks I know aren’t down to settle for just anyone. This stereotype tends to be applied most often if you’ve got boobs and a booty. You might be carrying that spare tire, but that won’t stop men from hitting it and quitting it the morning after. Just don’t tell their boys.
The images we’re bombarded with via sources such as fashion magazines, hip hop videos, “reality” TV, and other outlets of mainstream media, reinforce the dominant cultural paradigm which states that only thin bodies can be desirable. Fat women are taught that they are less-than and unworthy of love or sexual pleasure. Being Black women, we already are made to believe that we’re not as attractive or desirable as our White counterparts—add fat to the mix and you’ve got a cocktail deadly to our self-esteem. Not to mention the constant barrage of news stories telling us we’re doomed to be single. If thin Black women aren’t getting any love, what are the chances for us fat Black chicks?

It’s often said that being a Black woman means you have to work twice as hard as the next White woman to be seen as equal. That goes doubly for fat Black women in the dating game. Everything has to be on point—hair bangin’, makeup perfectly applied, style impeccable—just to be noticed. Is it fair? Of course not. Is it real? Unfortunately, yes. But although appearance may be the key to get you in the door, even more important for your well-being and success at finding a quality partner is your internal game. It may be cliché, but confidence in yourself is your best asset. All you’re going to attract are scrubs if you don’t have a self-assured aura—and, yes, that means some nights you might be alone. It’s better to not have a date than to end up with some fool who doesn’t appreciate your value. You have to realize that you deserve a partner who isn’t out to take advantage of you or isn’t ashamed to be seen with you in the daylight. Don’t end up on someone’s “booty call” list.

If loving your body as it is is new to you, I suggest you get familiar with some voluptuous Black women who are famously comfortable in their own skin–and offering their tips on how to feel the same. I’m talking our lady Afrobella, the amazing Marie Denee of The Curvy Fashionista, everyone’s favorite MTV TJ Gabi Gregg, the forever fashion-forward Xtina from Musings of a Fatshionista, and any of the other gorgeous Black “fatshion” bloggers out there repping for the stylish plus-size chicks. Seeing these women work it just might give you the self-confidence to say no to the next zero who’s trying to hook up for a one-nighter. Unless, of course, you feel like a one-nighter, to which I say go get yours–as long as you’re doing it because you’re feeling sexually liberated and not downtrodden and lonely. Not judging, just saying.
Despite all of the obstacles fat Black women face while trying to find a potential partner, it’s not all bad. There are good prospects out there, you just need to be patient, refuse to suffer fools gladly, and practice self-love. Trust that if you send positive energy out there, you’ll get it in return. You might have to whack a few weeds down, but it’ll be worth it when you find that person who’s going to make you feel like the gorgeous fat Black woman you are. Belly, hips, thighs and all.


GG Comment: I really applaud the author re: the bold text. Given the lengthy discussin in the most recent "ugly girl" thread in OT, I think we all (including me) have to come clean and admit that, yes, personality and smarts are important, but looks really do matter.
Okay now 83 folks done peeked in this thread . . . nobody got nuthin' to say???? C'mon . . . you know you wanna!
I experience the same thing but not because I'm overweight. My personality is more quiet and I seem shy.
I seem to go through similar hardship.
I think a lot of what she said about self esteem applies to all of us. It may not be PC to say this, but being fat might make it harder to feel good about yourself. Luckily, being fat is also not insurmountable. :look: I'm not saying it's a negative thing, because clearly the writer is saying she accepts herself the way she is and is not trying to change. That's a good thing. I'm happy for her. There are some fat women who aren't so positive about their self image and don't date or socialize much, and I understand that society makes them feel like they aren't good enough to find someone to be happy with. You could switch 'fat' with 'ugly' or 'disabled', and still have a truthful statement. The difference being that it might be easier to overcome being fat than it is to heal or repair a severe disability, or to 'fix' an unconventional face. I am absolutely not saying any of those things need to be 'fixed' to have a fulfilling life, just saying that the people suffering from them might BELIEVE that it does. Just my opinion, don't stone me! :cowgirl:
I mean, there's not really much left to say. No women likes to be told they're on the bottom of the totem pole constantly and this topic has been done to death.

Maybe this can provide a somewhat different perspective:

The following statement doesn't apply to me in anyway, but I'm going to post what some ladies usually post in these kinds of topics: "Well I'm a big girl. And I have to beat men off with a stick. Men love the curves, so I've never had a problem with dating. In fact, I get more play than my girlfriends who look like sticks. If you're big girl and can't get a date, look in the mirror to find the problem."

What's your view when people make these kinds of statements about being successful in the dating world as a big girl? Do you see them as the rare exception/that there is a bias against bigger women in dating or is it more an issue with the fat individual going through the dating struggle?
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I've seen a lot of so called fat and/or unattractive women with men so looks ain't everything. In fact one of my co-workers would be considered pretty unattractive by anyone's definition and she is right now fighting off the advances of a much younger man. So while you may not be everybody's cup of tea, you can find love.
That goes doubly for fat Black women in the dating game. Everything has to be on point—hair bangin’, makeup perfectly applied, style impeccable—just to be noticed. Is it fair? Of course not. Is it real? Unfortunately, yes.

In response to the above. I'd say that it is fair. No matter what your color or body type, if you're looking to attract a mate, you want to put your best foot forward. It's the same for everyone. I'm only responding because coincidentally, I had a conversation about this today.

I know lot's of overweight women that for some reason don't take care of themselves. Meaning, they go outside regularly without their hair styled, they dress plainly and often times they're pessimistic about their situations. Which is probably why they have a "why bother" attitude.

Whereas my sister on the other hand, who is also heavy, makes sure that her make up is done, her hair is always done, she dresses nicely and she is beating men off with a stick. She has tons of confidence and people are attracted to that.

Meanwhile, my friends who are not like her, frequently complain that they can't find a man. I've personally never had that issue because I'm like my sister. It's not vanity. I just feel that when you look good you feel good, have a good attitude, you exude confidence and attract people. It's that simple. Size doesn't matter, IMO. But I do have to stress attitude. I know of a girl who is slim and very attractive, but has a bad attitude and can't keep a man to save her life.

I saw a thread here today about being "that girl". I'm sure that a lot of people who find that thread handy aren't overweight. They just realize that it's easier to attract people (and even find desireable employment) when you show that you take pride in your appearance and love yourself enough to do so.
The following statement doesn't apply to me in anyway, but I'm going to post what some ladies usually post in these kinds of topics: "Well I'm a big girl. And I have to beat men off with a stick. Men love the curves, so I've never had a problem with dating. In fact, I get more play than my girlfriends who look like sticks. If you're big girl and can't get a date, look in the mirror to find the problem."

What's your view when people make these kinds of statements about being successful in the dating world as a big girl? Do you see them as the rare exception/that there is a bias against bigger women in dating or is it more an issue with the fat individual going through the dating struggle

I envy these women . . . and I wish I had some of that same confidence . . . .
Meanwhile, my friends who are not like her, frequently complain that they can't find a man. I've personally never had that issue because I'm like my sister. It's not vanity. I just feel that when you look good you feel good, have a good attitude, you exude confidence and attract people. It's that simple. Size doesn't matter, IMO. But I do have to stress attitude. I know of a girl who is slim and very attractive, but has a bad attitude and can't keep a man to save her life.

@ the bold - I know one such girl as well. She's really beautiful but her attitude is SO jacked up (she's mean-spirited and spoiled) so most dudes don't even mess with her.
Some men are genuinely attracted to women of a larger size. As the article says, fat in the right places does make a difference. My experience is like some, I was in shape until I was about 21ish (now 26) and I gained from pregnancy and depression. I haven't taken it off yet. Fortunately, I kept the same pirouette.

I take value my appearance. I dress neatly, my hair is done etc..While I don't feel my body is the best and it's a source of stress for me, I do keep up my appearance. On my daily travels, I am approached by men of various "statuses".

However, I don't think FAT is something one need to come to accept. I am accepting it as not "disgusting" per se which had kept me from wanting to participate in some social situations, but I am working on my anxiety and other issues that lead me to overeating. I had a health scare last year where my cholesterol rose to into 240's. I had to start walking/working out daily and cutting out the junk food as well as learn new strategies for my emotional eating. Luckily after a few months, I went back to a healthy range. Over the summer I slacked, but I was reminded of my cholesterol scare and realized that whether I lose weight or not, I need to exercise and eat healthier if I want to avoid health problems that result from bad food choices. Hopefully, the weight will decrease like it did before ( I lost 25lbs) when i concentrated on my health.

I dig what the sista is saying, I just hope in women "accepting fat" and workinf on their confidence and self esteen, they not forget that their health is still in jeopardy from excess fat or unhealthy food or portion choices (if that's the cause of the larger size).

Unlike "ugly" or race, excess fat is a health problem.
I'm overweight myself and this has been an ongoing issue for me since 2nd grade. I always thought and still think that it's hard for me to date or be in a successful relationship because I'm overweight. I have gotten, you're pretty but you're be more prettier if you lose weight. Or I'm the fat friend of a group of skinny gals. I have no problem with that but I just think it's unfair so to speak because some people think that we who are overweight asked to be this way. I'm this way because I have PCOS. I couldn't help the weight gain I've accumulated over the past few years of my life. As a ballet dancer, it was hard to do pointe with the weight on so I had no choice but to stop but I had no idea about PCOS when I was younger it's only recently that they found that I have a polycystic ovary and each time I would have these strong pains on the right side of my body I would scream because of the pain and the whole time, it's because of the PCOS and it's been verfied that it's been there for a while and said this will explain why I've been having a hard time losing weight.

Anyhoo, sorry for the long explanation. It's hard to find someone who will love you for you in this world because every guy is different. My mom used to say, "oh those boys are checking you out" and my next question would be, "then why aren't they approaching me". It's mind-boggling because I knew I wasn't being approached because of my weight and it's not fair. At 29, I've come up with excuse, explaination as to why i'm not in a relationship and the weight issue is one of the reasons that I've come up with. My self-esteem does get low but I believe in my heart that my cuddle bug is out there somewhere looking for me. But he's going to have to accept the weight, the skin problems, my quirky personality and all that.
Honestly, I'm not overweight but I really don't think it's a big deal. When I say that I'm not negating the experience of people but I really believe men will genuinely have interest in big women. I've seen it happen before
I understand where the author is coming from but we really need to lose this culture of complacency prevalent in the Black community regarding our obesity epidemic. Being a health risk and having a reduced life-span as a result of a preventable condition is not something that should be accepted, embraced or celebrated. I'm sorry. We really need to stop tryna put a pretty pink bow on something that is killing us.

To the author of the magazine article I'd tell her to start valuing herself and her body more and in turn people will treat you in keeping with that. Confidence translates no matter what size you are, but it doesn't mean you should embrace a condition that will diminish your quality of life.
i think if certain women feel that their weight is holding them back, then they should just lose the weight, its just that simple.
i'm not saying anyone should try and conform. but if you want (a) but (b) is standing in your way, then get rid of (b), no?
i think if certain women feel that their weight is holding them back, then they should just lose the weight, its just that simple.
i'm not saying anyone should try and conform. but if you want (a) but (b) is standing in your way, then get rid of (b), no?

If only it were that easy. Just lose the weight!!

The weight loss industry is a multi billion dollar business. Not everyone is genetically thin and not every overweight or obese person is a glutton that can't push away from the table. People are overweight for many different reasons, only one of them being they just eat too much. It is especially tricky for women because a lot of us can have banging bodies in our younger days and then because of time, childbirth , age we can blow up and never have that banging bod again.

I'm not correcting you or chastising because the point you made is very popular and has been said by millions of others about overweight people .

I guess I'm just sensitive about it because I too suffer with being overweight. I have lost a lot and gained it back barely eating and exercising regularly. I've fainted in Macys and been hospitalized on another occasion from passing out from not eating or barely eating trying to lose weight. I've fasted and been on every other diet known to man. I personally have spent thousands trying to get to where I am truly comfy with myself. My weight is the bane of my existence even though I have accomplished and have many other good things in my life.

I finally found a solution for my problem through a lot of hard work and research and it's still not simple.

It's just not that simple for some to "just lose the weight" .

ETA: Oh, GG . I was overweight when I got married to a man that loves me for me. He's younger than me , very handsome by all accounts and has a great career. I'm a stay at home wife now. He's supportive of whatever I do and I've been married for ages. Your time will come. Just be yourself, go out and enjoy your life . Get into some new activities to broaden your horizons and take this time to prepare yourself for the good man that's out there waiting for you.
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If only it were that easy. Just lose the weight!!

The weight loss industry is a multi billion dollar business. Not everyone is genetically thin and not every overweight or obese person is a glutton that can't push away from the table. People are overweight for many different reasons.

I'm not correcting you or chastising because the point you made is very popular and has been said by millions of others about overweight people .

I guess I'm just sensitive about it because I too suffer with being overweight. I have lost a lot and gained it back barely eating and exercising regularly. I've fainted in Macys and been hospitalized on another occasion from passing out from not eating or barely eating trying to lose weight. I finally found a solution for my problem through a lot of hard work and research and it's still not simple.

It's just not that simple for some to "just lose the weight" .

My thoughts exactly. So tired of folks saying just lose the weight as if it's truly that simple. A lot of factors can and do affect weight loss. If only it truly was that easy obesity would not be an epidemic in this country.
I don't think anyone was implying that it was simple to lose weight. They were saying that if you feel that your weight (or whatever factor) is holding you back, do whatever you can to work on it without hurting yourself.
I don't think anyone was implying that it was simple to lose weight. They were saying that if you feel that your weight (or whatever factor) is holding you back, do whatever you can to work on it without hurting yourself.

When someone says "just lose the weight, it's just that simple" that does not imply ...it says outright it's simple .

I am a sane person with lots to live for I never dieted or did whatever I could to be rid of this burden of overweight thinking that I'm gonna be standing on line in Macys' and faint dead away risking my life and well being surrounded by strangers . I never counted on waking up one morning and fainting dead away and breaking my ankle in the process and then being in a hospital for a week because my BP was so low that it was undetectable on a monitor.

For some people trying to be thin takes us to depths that people that think "just lose the weight, it's just that simple" couldn't even imagine.

I love me, I'm not intentionally trying to hurt myself but in the pursuit of "just lose the weight" I have.

I'm not a glutton . I don't even like ice cream or sweets. I have inherited this weight problem and I've done all I can to combat it. It's Saturday night, I'm not sitting here typing eating Bon-bons , I'm drinking a Diet Snapple peach iced tea...ooooh yummy!!

I don't get into e-fights and it's my pet peeve when I see other folks tell someone what they should say or feel on the net. Like I said in my previous post I guess I'm just sensitive to that "just lose the weight " statement so ignore me. I'm just venting.

I envy you naturally thin women maybe if I was born that way I could sit on my finely sculpted hip bones and say to women like myself "just lose the weight, it's just that simple" too.

I sincerely wish you all well.
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Again, I didn't interpret that post as losing weight is simple. To me, it came off as, you're fat, and you're having trouble getting dates. If everything else about you is fine, the answer to the problem is simple as in obvious: lose weight. Not saying that losing weight is easy.

Another example: If you're fat, shy, insecure, don't get out, smell, can't dress, negative, rude, etc etc, and you're having trouble getting dates, the answer to the problem is a bit more complicated. There are a lot of factors that may be hindering you from getting dates. Fixing any of the above traits may or may not be an easy task.

And of course, feel free to vent all you want. This thread is about the chronicles of being fat and dating. Oh, and I don't do e-fights either.
I thought it'd have more to do with environment. If you are around a large population of men that like over-energized women then you'd probably have a better chance at meeting someone. Living in the south, I see men everyday with women over 200lbs. on their arm.

PS- Since fat is unused energy, I've decided to start calling obese people "over-energized" because it was recently brought to my attention that "obese" and "fat" can be offensive/confrontational.
If you compare pictures of Black women from the 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s to today, you will clearly see a drastic difference in the proportion of fat Black women. While I know that certain conditions like PCOS or even medication like some birth control can make weight loss challenging, I refuse to believe that we have all of these fat Black women walking around because of a medical condition. It is more than likely lack of portion control when it comes to food and the kinds of food that they choose to indulge in.

Do you all think Obama would have married a fat Black woman? Nope.
I think the point is size doesn't necessarily attract men, but self acceptance does. And regardless of size, self-acceptance is something we all should strive for.
The question should be why wouldn't Obama have married a fat black woman? And really I think it comes down to lifestyle - Obama clearly values his health (sans smoking) and his fitness. So him being someone who doesn't is counter-intuitive.

But because a woman is heavy doesn't mean she's automatically destined to be alone (or not deserving of partnership). And because a woman is thin doesn't mean partnerships and relationships are a guarantee.
Again, I didn't interpret that post as losing weight is simple. To me, it came off as, you're fat, and you're having trouble getting dates. If everything else about you is fine, the answer to the problem is simple as in obvious: lose weight. Not saying that losing weight is easy.

Another example: If you're fat, shy, insecure, don't get out, smell, can't dress, negative, rude, etc etc, and you're having trouble getting dates, the answer to the problem is a bit more complicated. There are a lot of factors that may be hindering you from getting dates. Fixing any of the above traits may or may not be an easy task.

And of course, feel free to vent all you want. This thread is about the chronicles of being fat and dating. Oh, and I don't do e-fights either.

thank you. that's exactly what i meant.

msdeevee it seems that i've struck a nerve and deeply offended you. bc of that i won't argue my post. ill just apologize if what i said hurt your feelings.
I mean, there's not really much left to say. No women likes to be told they're on the bottom of the totem pole constantly and this topic has been done to death.

Maybe this can provide a somewhat different perspective:

The following statement doesn't apply to me in anyway, but I'm going to post what some ladies usually post in these kinds of topics: "Well I'm a big girl. And I have to beat men off with a stick. Men love the curves, so I've never had a problem with dating. In fact, I get more play than my girlfriends who look like sticks. If you're big girl and can't get a date, look in the mirror to find the problem."

What's your view when people make these kinds of statements about being successful in the dating world as a big girl? Do you see them as the rare exception/that there is a bias against bigger women in dating or is it more an issue with the fat individual going through the dating struggle?

Here's my .02 cents:

I'm a big girl, and I don't have problems attracting men. I'm not going to sit here and say that I attract more than my skinny friends, cause they attract men too. I guess I don't really look at it as a competition thing on which size can attract the most men :perplexed. I just know that I do spend time shooing away men who try and get with me. It's noticeable by me and others who have brought it to my attention.

When I watch those reality shows that deal with weight, it's hard for me to relate to the girl who claims that she's never been on a date because of her weight. I've never had that problem. I guess people expect all big girls to have this issue. I don't let it be a hinderance to my love life. Fat doesn't keep me from living and being flirty *bats eyelashes* lol.

Now, I will say that the dating pool for big girls is smaller since fat is not a hot commodity, but that doesn't mean we don't have our fair share of men.

ETA: But this is all from *MY* experience. Of course, everyone is different.
Priss Pot it's no surprise to me or others you have no problems attracting men. You are straight up gorgeous. I am sure your sweet personality has something to do with it as well:yep:

Here's my .02 cents:

I'm a big girl, and I don't have problems attracting men. I'm not going to sit here and say that I attract more than my skinny friends, cause they attract men too. I guess I don't really look at it as a competition thing on which size can attract the most men :perplexed. I just know that I do spend time shooing away men who try and get with me. It's noticeable by me and others who have brought it to my attention.

When I watch those reality shows that deal with weight, it's hard for me to relate to the girl who claims that she's never been on a date because of her weight. I've never had that problem. I guess people expect all big girls to have this issue. I don't let it be a hinderance to my love life. Fat doesn't keep me from living and being flirty *bats eyelashes* lol.

Now, I will say that the dating pool for big girls is smaller since fat is not a hot commodity, but that doesn't mean we don't have our fair share of men.

ETA: But this is all from *MY* experience. Of course, everyone is different.
thank you. that's exactly what i meant.

msdeevee it seems that i've struck a nerve and deeply offended you. bc of that i won't argue my post. ill just apologize if what i said hurt your feelings.

runway...I'm sorry you feel that way. I am in no way deeply offended by you. I did not take your statement personally because you don't know me personally nor I you.

What you said has been said by many others and I have heard it many, many times.

I just took this opportunity to "try" to explain that it is not that simple to just lose weight , if it were the great majority of people that are overweight would not be. I don't know many that are thanking God that they were born with this problem . Like I said in one of my posts my weight issue has been the bane of my existence.

However, with that being said , My experience in life has been much like Priss Pot . I have a good life. I have had boyfriends. I've been in love more than once . I've been told all my life that I'm pretty. Yes , a few have said if you'd only lose weight you would be beautiful . I've been married for years to a man that never mentions my weight unless I ask him about it. I'm happy and the biggest thing in my life now besides my relationship with the creator is that I have finally solved my weight problem so I can move on .

Thank you for being sensitive to my feelings but I'm good, and I mean that sincerely no sarcasm or snarkiness at all.

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