@ NJoy acv rinse is apple cider vinegar right?! What are the benefits of this and how is it done? I tried using some the other night but I felt like I was just doing it wrong... Don't know what to mix it with or how to get a lather and I felt like I had to keep pouring huge amounts in my hair to cover ever inch ! HELP!

Not NJoy, but I've used acv in the past to carify my scalp- rid it f build up. Instead of using a harsh shampoo w/ sulfates, I'd use a mixture of water/act. Mir water than acv.
When I had locs, I would fill up the sink w/ water and add about 1/2 cup of acv and dunk my head in the sink. Some people add put their mixture in a spray bottle. It doesn't lather.
Applied my mix and will baggy overnight. Not sure if I've gotten a lot of growth from this or not. I did cut my hair though and I it doesn't look any shorter just thicker :) either way ill try to keep up with my growth better this time. I'm 2 weeks post and I already feel like there's a lil something going on.
About to shampoo

then apply my Njoy mix.

at 1am. :look:

Cheers to the freakin weekend.
I've been applying at least 5 days a week and have never felt it tingle. Is this proof that's it's working? I hope not because I want some extra growth. Also, I originally committed to 4 months I believe I will be extending it to 6 months instead.

BW1 - I've been applying regularly 4x's per week. I don't get the "tingle" sensation either, but I still proceed to massage the oil mix into my scalp right before I cover with the plastic cap. I have noticed that my new growth is extremely manageable with this oil mix. I get nearly no shedding at all for being 10/11 weeks post. I will be able to measure exactly how much growth I achieved, when I get my next relaxer in december. So, just to be sure, its not necessarily the "tingles" that determines whether or not the mix is working. HTH :spinning:
Just received my relaxer and can start back applying my mix this time next week!!! I don't know if its working or not but i'm going to complete my four month challenge.
I used this concoction for almost a whole year them my cousin cut my hair off. THIS WORKS!
This when my cousin cut my hair

this was in April or May2012

This was in June 2012

I had an abundance of growth and thickness from the end of June 2012 to June 2012
I am going to make this concoction up this weekend. Thank you Njoy!
Well I've been slacking in this challenge! Sorry! I've just been so busy. The kind of busy where if I have time to be rubbing my head I should be using that time to get work done.

I applied the mix twice this week though. :yay: My scalp always feels a touch sore in the morning after.
Is now too late to join? I am interested in using this concoction i just got all my ingredients delivered. I am a newbie too - started posting in September i think. I want to use the concoction for general growth but also especially for my edges - they need desperate help. i am apl at the back and my hair gets to my bottom lip (just) in the front.
baddison said:
BW1 - I've been applying regularly 4x's per week. I don't get the "tingle" sensation either, but I still proceed to massage the oil mix into my scalp right before I cover with the plastic cap. I have noticed that my new growth is extremely manageable with this oil mix. I get nearly no shedding at all for being 10/11 weeks post. I will be able to measure exactly how much growth I achieved, when I get my next relaxer in december. So, just to be sure, its not necessarily the "tingles" that determines whether or not the mix is working. HTH :spinning:

Thank you Baddison! :)

Oan: how long are you all massaging your scalp? I've been massaging the oil in for application, but I'm not doing a long scalp massage.
I got REAL lazy and skipped the last week or so. But I'm back on the ball today for sure. :yep: Applied my mix this morning.

I found an old bottle of Chlorella pills I had from my beginning PJ days and did a little research and it says it can be applied topicallly so I broke one open and put it in my mix. I was afraid when it turned my mix green. Oh well, we shall see.
I'm skipping this weeks application. Had to have emergency surgery Sunday night to remove my gallbladder but I will continue next week.
Finishing up my last WGHO so I ordered some JBCO, peppermint essential oil and tea tree essential oil from Amazon. My JBCO has already shipped.
I am soo ready to start applying my mix again, it's bee far too long. 1.5 weeks prior to relaxer and now i'm 6 days post relaxer. NJoy Is is safe to start applying my mix again??
Still being dilligent. Can't wait to relax in December. Need to see if all this hard work was worth it! Hmmm.....judging by this NG, I have a feeling it truly is!!:yep:
I have to drop out of this challenge ladies. The funk is way too much for me! It is now way too cold to be washing the sulfur oil out of my hair all the time.
I am soo ready to start applying my mix again, it's bee far too long. 1.5 weeks prior to relaxer and now i'm 6 days post relaxer. @NJoy Is is safe to start applying my mix again??


I always waited at least a week. 6 might be close enough but, better safe than sorry. Hold on, mama. Give it one mo' day....just in case. :grin:
KaramelDiva1978 said:
Thanks for posting this! KiWiStyle my week is on Saturday and I'm itching to get back on the grind!! We got this girl!! Back in my protective style too.

YES, YES!! I am maximizing my entire regimen, if I can get 1 inch by December-31 I will meet my hair goal for the year. WE GOT THIS KaramelDiva1978!!
I have to drop out of this challenge ladies. The funk is way too much for me! It is now way too cold to be washing the sulfur oil out of my hair all the time.

Meritamen make a version without the sulfur and apply it when you can do without the funk. :giggle: That's what I've been doing and so far, so good. :yep: It don't have to stank to work...:look: :lol:
YES, YES!! I am maximizing my entire regimen, if I can get 1 inch by December-31 I will meet my hair goal for the year. WE GOT THIS @KaramelDiva1978!!

Okay, 1 inch by Dec 31st?? Okay, Imma join you that's very doable! Oh btw, I received my HairFinity and started taking it on Wednesday 10/31, so that would exactly 2 months of HairFinity in my system along with sulphur oil and my workouts. OH IT'S ON NOW!!! :lachen: Let's get this!! GROW LONG or GO HOME!!!:lachen: