Last 2 months of the year and I am going hard. Didn't do a length check at the end of last month cuz I don't want to apply any unnecessary heat. I have just been applying the oil at night and wiggin it during the day. Really trying to get an extra 2 inches by the end of December :drunk::drunk:
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HELP!!!!!! I'm FREAKING OUT!!!!! Is my hair thinning????? I've been applying shapleys MTG directly to my scalp at night daily, then applying JBCO, coconut, avocado, and grapeseed oil to my hair. Then i do the green house effect over night. Also taking hairfinity vits. Soo tonight as I'm doing it I notice I can see my scalp through my hair wtf!!!!! I'm extremely scared, I've never seen this before Tonight and I do pay close attention to my sides because I'm ALWAYS wearing my hair up in a bun... I've NEVER noticed this! Could it be that because of all those thick oils it's making my strands stick to each other??? I'm hoping because I'm about to cry. In the 3 weeks I've been doing this to my hair I'm already noticing new growth. Also when I comb or brush my hair there is never any hair in the teeth or bristles. So wtf is going on. I'm supposed to be getting my sew in tomorrow and I was going to treat my hair the same but I can't risk this not knowing if it's cause my hair to come out. I'll be a plucked duck when I take it out... Someone PLEASE tell me I'm over reacting****hearts racing, about to cry **** :'( I'm posting this all over the forum. I really need answers and I really want my sew in tomorrow!


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How are you all applying and massaging without getting your hair tangled? I want to commit more to this challenge, but I'm concerned about tangles. When I massage the oil in, my hair starts to tangle a little. Not too bad, but I'm worried about doing it more often. I use an applicator bottle that has multiple teeth; I think I should switch to a regular applicator (they were out when I purchased it for this challenge).

AJellyCake said:
How are you all applying and massaging without getting your hair tangled? I want to commit more to this challenge, but I'm concerned about tangles. When I massage the oil in, my hair starts to tangle a little. Not too bad, but I'm worried about doing it more often. I use an applicator bottle that has multiple teeth; I think I should switch to a regular applicator (they were out when I purchased it for this challenge).


AJellyCake You might be massaging wrong. You should press the pads of your fingertips firmly on your scalp and massage in a circular motion. You shouldn't be disturbing your hair too much. You will know if you're doing it right because your scalp moves. For instance, when massaging the front of your hair near the hairline, you should see the skin on your forehead move. I hope I helped :).
I just applied and massaged my mix for the first time in 2.5 weeks!! Because I just relaxed my hair and cowashing every two days, I will be applying my mix daily. Hopefully I can maintain this for the duration of the year.
AJellyCake You might be massaging wrong. You should press the pads of your fingertips firmly on your scalp and massage in a circular motion. You shouldn't be disturbing your hair too much. You will know if you're doing it right because your scalp moves. For instance, when massaging the front of your hair near the hairline, you should see the skin on your forehead move. I hope I helped :).

KiWiStyle Thank you so much! I think you're right: my technique may be off. I understand exactly what you're talking about, too! Thank you! I'll try it this way next time.
I last applied my mix on Friday.
Planning on applying tomorrow.

Tomorrow is supposed to be my wash day (I wash Mondays & Thursdays) but I am going to see if I can go a week before my next wash.

I am trying to get a solid heat regimen together and I think blowing out on Mondays and Thusdays might cause more harm than good in the long run.
I'm seeing results finally. I didn't measure before I started but I can tell my hair is longer when I stretch it out in various sections. I apply my mixture on average every other day and on wash days which are every 3-4 days anyway.
I've slacked off alot but I'm getting back to it because I've seen growth when using it twice a week. Using it now under a plastic cap. :yep: Using a blend without sulfur.
Yesterday was my first day applying post relaxer. Gonna apply daily and add an extra scalp massage here and there. Close out the year strong!!
Back on my game today. I just applied my mix and now I'm sitting under my hood dryer with a conditioning cap for optimal penetration into my scalp. I'll shampoo and DC on either Sat or sun.
Just applied my mix. I never thought about going under the dryer KiWiStyle- I think I'll try that on Sunday. How long do you stay under the dryer.
I applied my mix early yesterday afternoon and massaged. Then I applied EVCO to my length and sat under the dryer for a prepoo. I ended up leaving it in until this morning because I was too lazy to shampoo and DC last night.
Hey!! :hiya::hiya:

Still going strong. Thought about relaxing my hair but I don't want to take a break for 2 weeks (week before and after) so I am just going to continue stretching until I reach my goal length :yep::yep:
HELP!!!!!! I'm FREAKING OUT!!!!! Is my hair thinning????? I've been applying shapleys MTG directly to my scalp at night daily, then applying JBCO, coconut, avocado, and grapeseed oil to my hair. Then i do the green house effect over night. Also taking hairfinity vits. Soo tonight as I'm doing it I notice I can see my scalp through my hair wtf!!!!! I'm extremely scared, I've never seen this before Tonight and I do pay close attention to my sides because I'm ALWAYS wearing my hair up in a bun... I've NEVER noticed this! Could it be that because of all those thick oils it's making my strands stick to each other??? I'm hoping because I'm about to cry. In the 3 weeks I've been doing this to my hair I'm already noticing new growth. Also when I comb or brush my hair there is never any hair in the teeth or bristles. So wtf is going on. I'm supposed to be getting my sew in tomorrow and I was going to treat my hair the same but I can't risk this not knowing if it's cause my hair to come out. I'll be a plucked duck when I take it out... Someone PLEASE tell me I'm over reacting****hearts racing, about to cry **** :'( I'm posting this all over the forum. I really need answers and I really want my sew in tomorrow!

CoiledByNature Did anybody respond??? I just saw this... How are you?

If your hair is fine then loading it down with oils can make it feel thin. The hair around my perimeter is fine and curly/kinky/coily and does what yours does when it's wet and gelled. If you're not seeing any shedding or breakage maybe your hair's just weighed down. I think I'd wash and not apply heavy products just to see how it reacts. If it still seems thin maybe some of the other ladies will chime in. I was beginning to freak out a bit but I realized that my wet gelled hair looked different from damp and/or dried hair.

I hope everything is ok.
@CoiledByNature Did anybody respond??? I just saw this... How are you?

If your hair is fine then loading it down with oils can make it feel thin. The hair around my perimeter is fine and curly/kinky/coily and does what yours does when it's wet and gelled. If you're not seeing any shedding or breakage maybe your hair's just weighed down. I think I'd wash and not apply heavy products just to see how it reacts. If it still seems thin maybe some of the other ladies will chime in. I was beginning to freak out a bit but I realized that my wet gelled hair looked different from damp and/or dried hair.

I hope everything is ok.

yes, turns out i was reacting and my hair was definitely weighed down with produxt..thank you for the concern
xu93texas said:
I mixed up my second batch last week. I'm still applying 5-6 times per week.

Hey xu93texas! How is the concoction working for you? Have you gotten any significant results!? I admit, I have been lazy with my mix because I get tired of smelling the sulfur, I'll have to do a same day application and wash to avoid my pillowcases and head scarfs from smelling like a match, lol.

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I have been too lazy with the mix.
The front section of my scalp is totally disagreeing with multiple time weekly applications of sulfur (scalp gets really dry).

I am going to have to leave this challenge, and try something else that caters better to my scalps needs. Since I already have a full batch of HTGE mixed with peppermint oil and sulfur ready for use, I will just use it once a week on my scalp before shampooing.

Good luck ladies!!!

The concoction is working OK for me. My scalp is OK with the frequent applications. I'm still only getting 0.5 inch of growth per month, nothing significant. Once I'm done with this batch, I'll be moving on to something else.
xu93texas said:

The concoction is working OK for me. My scalp is OK with the frequent applications. I'm still only getting 0.5 inch of growth per month, nothing significant. Once I'm done with this batch, I'll be moving on to something else.

Yeah me too. I only have a small amount left in my batch so I'll use it just before washing until its gone and then I'm done.

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Not really in the challenge been a lurker since day 1.

I'm mixing up my 2nd batch today. My dear husband is loving it too. He has straight , curly hair and used to use Murray's but he says the oil lays his hair down better.

As for growth my hair is doing well. I don't know if its the concoction but I'm gonna stick with it at least throughout the Winter.

Thanks NJoy
Going to oil tonight and moist and seal. Here we grow y'all!! Hang in there. 5 1/2 weeks and tryna make 12 weeks this stretch.