I'm officially out of this challenge, it isn't for me. Happy Hair Growing Ladies!!!

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applied my mix this morning. i made my second batch a week ago and changed a few things around like switching out castor oil for tea tree oil to help my itching scalp
Hi everyone,

I got a relaxer yesterday. Surprisingly, my scalp did not feel like it was on fire this time. I took Njoy's advice and used a chelating shampoo the week before my relaxer. I really do see some progress in my hair and so does my hairdresser. I have attached some pictures.
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Hey, Ive been doing this since Dec 1, I guess I can update once I post my straighten hair on Jan 1st for bhm hardcore challenge, to see If I really got an inch..
I took a break from applying. No reason. Just was not focused.... started back yesterday and will be applying daily again. My hair is now in celies which I wear under my wig. HHG
I applied last night after a few weeks of outta sight outta mind. I'm back on it though. My newgrowth needs the ease of parting through it. The oil makes it easier.
Is anyone still doing this? Did you get more growth than usual? I'm getting a relaxer (1st in 3 yrs.) tomorrow but I'm thinking of making a batch of this for next week.
Is anyone still doing this? Did you get more growth than usual? I'm getting a relaxer (1st in 3 yrs.) tomorrow but I'm thinking of making a batch of this for next week.

I am. Now that I'm no longer transitioning and have cut off my frail relaxed ends, I'm able to use it on the regular. I'm getting great growth as a natural but will have to see exactly how much when I length check next week.
I'm still applying my concoction several nights per week. I will stick it out until I'm finished with this batch.
I am too. After these two batches are done I will do it again. I made a batch then I bought a bottle of Liquid Gold. I use both mixes interchangeably.
Going back to daily cowashing so, that means daily applications for me. Mixing up a new batch.
I'm still doing this, I pretty much apply it every night. I am doing it for length but also cause it reminds me to massage my scalp and the HTGE that I use in my mix has made my dandruff a thing of the past.
Anyone who was in the 4 month challenge see any progress? I basically just restarted, so I guess I'm on a two month challenge to finish up with the rest of the 6 month challengers.
I'm going to start back doing this. My last batch was sulfur/olive oil. This time I will use castor oil and sulfur.
NJoy, are you still using this?

I am using it 3x/week followed by 5 min scalp massage and I'm curious -- should my scalp tingle? Should i feel anything? Is the only way to know it's working is to see growth?

@NJoy, are you still using this?

I am using it 3x/week followed by 5 min scalp massage and I'm curious -- should my scalp tingle? Should i feel anything? Is the only way to know it's working is to see growth?



Yes, I back to using it. My scalp does tingle when I massage it in. It eventually subsides. And then, before washing it out in the morning, I massage it and it gives tingles anew. I suppose not everyone is the same but, that's what happens for me. I think it's the stimulating oils that give the tingles tho. Doubt if it's the sulfur. HTH.
I 'm still doing this 4-5 nights per week. I have enough for another week. I'll be making another batch next week to get through February.
I orginally joined the 4 month challenge but I have continued past that. I noticed that February will make it 6 months. NJoy is 6 months the maximum time we can use this or can we continue for as long as we want? My hair has had some great progress (my sister calls it the magic potion LOL) and I don't want stop using it. I just want to make sure that there are no side effects if I use it for longer than 6 months. I apply the mixture once a week after I wash and dc.
I orginally joined the 4 month challenge but I have continued past that. I noticed that February will make it 6 months. @NJoy is 6 months the maximum time we can use this or can we continue for as long as we want? My hair has had some great progress (my sister calls it the magic potion LOL) and I don't want stop using it. I just want to make sure that there are no side effects if I use it for longer than 6 months. I apply the mixture once a week after I wash and dc.


I used it the whole year straight. Well, I started towards the end of February but still used it a whole year straight. If it's working fine for you, going beyond 6 months should be no problem. HHG!
I want to make the following recipe. Can anyone tell me if this is okay, or if I should add/take out something?

6oz JBCO
2oz Sweet Almond Oil
1 tsp Sublimed Sulfur
20 drops of Pure Orange Essential Oil

I want to make the following recipe. Can anyone tell me if this is okay, or if I should add/take out something?

6oz JBCO
2oz Sweet Almond Oil
1 tsp Sublimed Sulfur
20 drops of Pure Orange Essential Oil



A few quick comments. First, jbco is pretty thick so, I think you'd have a problem with getting the sulfur to mix/remix with your oil blend. I would suggest about 2-3 oz of jbco instead and adjust the remaining oil(s) to get your total of 8 oz.

Also, with essential oils, a little goes a long way. In my first mix, I got carried away with rosemary essential oil and the smell was SO strong I had to throw it out. Start with a few drops and add, if desired. I'm sure 20 drops is going to be way strong.

And lastly, I suggest you add a stimulating oil or essential oil to the mix.

Hope that helps.
Thanks for the reply NJoy.

My JBCO will arrive this week, so I'm happy I didn't make the concoction before hand.

Does this sound better?

3oz JBCO
2oz Sweet Almond Oil
3oz Extra Virgin Olive Oil
5 drops of Pure Orange Essential Oil (Is orange considered stimulating)