Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

I just started taking Nioxin yesterday. I am usually really bad with pills but I am going to try to stick with this.

Those of you who are taking two doses a day, are you doing them at the same time or twice a day?

I take 1 at breakfast and 1 at lunch. The only reason Why I don't wait until dinner is becasue once I get home from work, I know I'll forget.
I bought Nioxin vitamins 1.5 years ago and only took 30 VERY sporadically...I put them away in my medicine drawer and forgot about them :nono: I am a ridiculous bandwagon jumper/PJ...I abandoned Nioxin for someone raving about prenatals, then I bought Spring Valley Hair Skin & Nails and only used a little, then I bought biotin and didn't use it, bought another bottle of 5mg biotin and used it, but it broke me out :nono: So I stopped using it in February and found my long lost Nioxin vitamins in my medicine cabinet when I was looking for something to replace my biotin supplement in my regimen :lachen::lachen: I have been taking them for the last 2 months and I haven't necessary noticed a difference in my hair, but it is too early to tell! Plus I am only taking one/day

So I ordered some more last week and got them pretty quickly :yay: I am now going to take 2/day (12h apart)...but I have to tell yall the real reason I am continuing taking these vitamins. Before I saw this thread I decided to order some more pills & it was bc these vitamins have worked miracles with my skin!!! It has cleared up from the biotin disaster and has such a glow lately :drunk: People have even started commenting about my "glow" :yep: I think some people are wondering if I am preggers :lol: But I love how my skin is looking! Has anyone else seen this effect?! I have been taking 1 pill/day for 2 months and just started 2/day a couple days ago
I just got my Nioxin and am going to start with 1 pill a day. I'm cutting off my nails b/c my nail growth was off taking the chizain when I started taking the 5mg biotin supplements so I want to see how fast they grow back.
Ok this is exciting...sorry for the delay...I had to plow my way though 4 lbs. of crawfish :look: :lick:

Ok this is when I first lost 1/3 of my hair on my right side, Feb.4:

BC Feb 25:

Next two are from March 7:


Then exactly one month later, Today April 7:
I can definitely see the growth, you have coilies now!

I know it's soooo cool! I'm so in love with them! They're really tiny, but I just find myself playing with them all day! I bet my students look at me crazy while I'm sitting in class, on LHCF, playing with my coils! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
i just ordered mine a few minutes ago...i should get them on tuesday, but i'm not gonna start until april 25th...i'm gonna do 1x/day for a month & then 2x/day for a month & if i see results i'll reorder...i really hope it helps with my nails too b/c they are horrendous.
Forgot to post starting pic! Well I ended up getting mine on the April 1st so I've been taking 2 a day at 7am/7pm since then. I tried to measure from my crown, I think somewhere between 20-21in. I'll post again May 1st!

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Ok this is exciting...sorry for the delay...I had to plow my way though 4 lbs. of crawfish :look: :lick:

Ok this is when I first lost 1/3 of my hair on my right side, Feb.4:

BC Feb 25:

Next two are from March 7:


Then exactly one month later, Today April 7:

drmuffin Congrats! I see the growth & the curlies...Love it..We see that its working...

*Sorry about your relaxer issue

Happy Hair Growing!
Ok, so I have officially been taking Nioxin for one week (2x daily) and I have yet to take a starting pic :hide:. I really have to buy a new camera this weekend so please smack me :spank: if I don't come back and post a pic by Monday. I will never know if these things truly work if I don't document the progress or lack of.
Okay, I'll be at the 3 month mark next friday & just ordered a new bottle. I posted pics on 3/27, so I'll post another update Sunday. Every week I feel like my hair is getting more...luscious? :lachen:I wear a wig every day - cowash mid week and on the weekend & every time a take my wig off my hair looks fuller and longer- esp. in the back.
I'm on the comeback from a setback, so I started these today!
I will have a starting pic later on after I straighten. :)
I plan to take one a day for 2 months, and then 2 a day for 2 months to start.

ETA: My starting pic. I lost a lot of length, but I am determined to get it back.


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davisbr88- What happened to cause a setback? :sad:

I had in some mini individual braids that obliterated my ends. They were so rough and knotted, I just went and cut them off. Took me from APL to maybe a couple of inches past SL.
I'm kind of bummed, but at the same time, my ends feel really great and cutting the ends really affected the way my hair hangs so I may be able to do some different styles and really keep it simple with my hair.
I probably won't straighten again until I get to my final goal and then I will cut off .5" every month until my hair catches up (since I cut it kind of unevenly - I cut where the damage was without regard for it being even or aesthetically pleasing and it definitely isn't either of those! LOL!)
I made two mistakes.... one, I popped my head in this thread, and two I read through 90% of it!

You ladies have piqued my interest so much!!!!!!! I have about 3 weeks worth of my Countrywide Maxi-Hair vitamins left and I really, really want to be good and finish off this bottle but now I also want to try Nioxin and see what type of growth I obtain.

My current stretch ends in 4 weeks so I think I'm going to behave and finish up my bottle of maxi hair, cave in and purchase Nioxin and use my fresh touch up as a starting point.

I haven't even purchased the darn pills and I'm already excited lol!
againstallodds you'll appreciate the change for those Countrywide Maxi-Hair horse pills. I used to take those and I didn't care for those at all. I just started the Nioxin and they are much thinner than those are.
Ok so here are my starting pics

ETA: a pic of the back, I'm lingering between SL and APL


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Okay, I'll be at the 3 month mark next friday & just ordered a new bottle. I posted pics on 3/27, so I'll post another update Sunday. Every week I feel like my hair is getting more...luscious? :lachen:I wear a wig every day - cowash mid week and on the weekend & every time a take my wig off my hair looks fuller and longer- esp. in the back.


I definitely agree!! I am seeing alot of growth, but for the most part my hair seems healthier, and it's getting fuller.

I took my install down after about 6 weeks and I when I detangled I didn't have the HORRIBLE shedding that I usually have!!! (which i used to think was normal). SO the overall health of my hair has definitely improved as well. And areas of my hair where bald patches were, are filling in very nicely. I can actually rock my hair out it'self now. Before it was too thin. (Still wigging it out though:look: )

Oh and I started off with 1 per day the first month then 2 per day from there on.

I think you should order the nioxin but finish what you already have. I had the GNC HSN vitamins and I just took those (had a couple weeks left) until they were done then started the nioxin. I'm sure you will get SOME benefit from it and it won't be a waste of your money :-) . I did this also because I had a problem keeping up with the HSN vitamins, so this time around it helped me form a habit of taking them. So I never skip a beat with the nioxin!

I think you should order the nioxin but finish what you already have. I had the GNC HSN vitamins and I just took those (had a couple weeks left) until they were done then started the nioxin. I'm sure you will get SOME benefit from it and it won't be a waste of your money :-) . I did this also because I had a problem keeping up with the HSN vitamins, so this time around it helped me form a habit of taking them. So I never skip a beat with the nioxin!

Yeah, I think that's what I'm going to do, finish up my current bottle and get my money's worth. I'll order the nioxin sometime this week and hide it until I'm ready to start it; I'll be way too tempted if I don't :look:

againstallodds you'll appreciate the change for those Countrywide Maxi-Hair horse pills. I used to take those and I didn't care for those at all. I just started the Nioxin and they are much thinner than those are.

That's great to hear. While I don't have an issue swallowing pills, the Countrywide Maxi-Hair pills are still huge! Smaller pills will be greatly appreciated.