Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

okay ladies-

I would say I'm ALMOST 4.5 inches, .5 in 2 weeks:yep:


Excellent length in the back


So Full and luscious in the back


Done being pic-happy, loving Nioxin!!!
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My hair feels quite a bit thicker from taking them, and my skin is looking really clear. I'm liking the results so far!
Hmp. Why in the Debil did I come Up in This Piece?:nono: ..... :lol:

I guess Imma try them. Durn LHCF!:lol:

I'm currently using Andrew Lessman's Hair, Skin, Nails. Will rotate Andrew Lessman with Nioxin.
I bought a second bottle from costsell on amazon on thursday and got them on saturday!!!

I'm still experiencing a lot of shedding : /
:hiya: :hiya: :hiya: Ladies!!! I've been using my Nioxin for about 2 weeks and I'm n excited...I will not be straightening my hair again until at least June- for the Hide Your Hair Reveal, but I am diligently taking two pills a day!!!

:congrats: omnipadme- that's great growth!!!
okay ladies-

starting pic

Today (2 week update):

I marked the hair line with eyeliner:drunk: Definite growth! I'm so happy!

I would say I'm ALMOST 4.5 inches, .5 in 2 weeks:yep:


Excellent length in the back


So Full and luscious in the back



Done being pic-happy, loving Nioxin!!!

Your growth is really exciting. I'm taking GNC's Hair Nail Skin vitamin right now and I'm not sure if I've had growth or not, but I can't wait to start the Nioxin. WOW!!!!!!

Are you doing one or two pills a day?

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Okay, i've been poppin' in and out of this thread and I think I may hop on this train. I'm already well into an amino-lcysteine reggie, and I kinda wanna start some viviscal i have sitting in my pantry before I start. Hmmmmmm....

Those pics and posts of progress make a Sista hyped!
*sigh* I KNEW there was a reason I never came into this thread until got vits should be here by tuesday .SMH
Your growth is really exciting. I'm taking GNC's Hair Nail Skin vitamin right now and I'm not sure if I've had growth or not, but I can't wait to start the Nioxin. WOW!!!!!!

Are you doing one or two pills a day?


fxdiva - yes ma'am, 2 a days - will be 3 months Friday. Now I expect things to really explode- if I'm getting 1 inch a month already, its about to pop off:look:
lhcf finally got me! i started taking nioxin one week ago. needless to say, i haven't noticed any changes in hair length, but i had to comment on the glow that my skin seems to have acquired over the last week. my skin is typically very dry and drinks moisturizer and i don't have a problem with break-outs. my skin looks better than it ever has. i don't know how else to account for it.

i'll check back in a month or two if there are any significant changes with my hair.
I just got really annoyed with my current length (was looking at wigs), so I think I'm going to start taking two pills a day rather than keep doing one (I've been taking them since Wednesday).
My insomnia hurts my pockets when I come on here.:perplexed:. I just hopped on the bandwagon and ordered the ninety day supply. Balls to the wall,i'm going all in and starting with two a day. I'm sick of sl hair! Ugh!
Anyhoo,I'm going to go force my eyes close and bore myself to sleep now. If this doesn't work for me,it's still a vitamin,and I'll get something good out of it anyway. It's all good.
so ladies I wanted to post a comparison picture from December 30th to April I relaxed on the 10th.. My last relaxer was Jan 21st.. I tried to hold out. I did want to show you guys the pictures.. I started taking my Nioxin, unfortunately not consistently but I posted pictures so you can see the growth. I want to say I got about 2inches I will let you guys be the judge..


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I just ordered these last night. I'm hoping they will help w/ my nails some. Extra hair growth is a plus also. I heard about how good these vits are years ago.

It will definitely grow your nails. I had a bad habit of always biting them. And last week, I decided to STOP and see how well these vitamins are working. They've already grown back (in a week). I can't wait to see them in two weeks lol.
just got a text from amazon that my nioxin should be here today...i'm so desperate for length i might start taking them 2 weeks earlier than i planned...that could be an extra .5 inch lol
Is anyone feeling tenderness from double up with there vitamins?

I felt tenderness after about a week. It drove me crazy, so I stopped taking Nioxin to see if it went away. It did. Now that I know the tenderness was caused by the Nioxin I'm starting over again with the double dosage. Tenderness from hair growth = "A good thing" :grin:
THicknLong you have some good growth there....what is your regular rate of growth?

I'm about .5 in a month. I'm hoping by the end of july I'm at Apl I'm 3 inches away. So if I can get an inch per month I would be happy. I'm on my second bottle of nioxin im just starting to double up.

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I felt tenderness after about a week. It drove me crazy, so I stopped taking Nioxin to see if it went away. It did. Now that I know the tenderness was caused by the Nioxin I'm starting over again with the double dosage. Tenderness from hair growth = "A good thing" :grin:

How long had you been taking them before you experience the "tenderness"?
I got mine today and I took my first pill with a super stress b complex at 1:45 pm, I will be taking my next dose at 9:45 pm. I took starting pics and I will show a comparison on July 11!!!:grin:

ETA: I am taking Super Stress B complex with these nioxin pills because i'm acne prone.
i colored my hair 24 days ago so im gonna use my roots as a growth indicator...i measured my roots and they were almost .5 inch, so my growth rate now is pretty much average...i hope yall can see the demarcation between red and black at my roots, i tried to adjust the contrast to make it more obvious...i'll post update pics 5/11


(my shirt was on inside out all day smh...atleast i had a cardigan over it lol)

the back comes to like .5 inch past my collarbone....i trimmed about .5 inch a couple weeks ago...i would be estatic to make APL by the end of the summer, but i have to see what the nioxin does before i move my goal up from the end of the year...oh and yall see my despicable nails (excuse the polish) so hopefully those improve too...after 3 months i'm probably gonna re-dye my hair and start charting the growth from my roots all over again