Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

This is one bandwagon I keep getting tempted to hop on. Then the price hits me in the face and knocks me back down. I can't do it. sulfur and msm are soooo cheap so I will stick to those and maxi hair vitamins.
Darn. I've avoided this thread all year and now I wish I hadn't. Lol! I'm going to switch to these for several reasons. I have thin edges/nape and it would eliminate some extra vits (saw palmetto, msm, biotin). I'm not screaming 2" a month. I'd just be CRAZY happy if this filled in my edges.
Got my Nioxin pills today. I was surprised to see that the bottle is really only like 8 or 9 inches tall. The pills are packed in there. I got mine from ApexSuppliers on Amazon, and no cracked pills so far as I can tell.

I plan to take 2 a day, along with other supplements. We'll see in 6 months were things are.

ETA: Don't know if I'm hoping for 2 in./month. Somehow I feel like that has to be biologically impossible or something. :drunk:
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My pills arrived today. No broken pills.

Any of you ladies use Nioxin shampoo?
My scalp has been crazy for awhile now. I would always get some type of crusty build up on my scalp a day or two after I shampooed. It itched like crazy. My edges aren't doing well either. Used the Nioxin shampoo this weekend and my scalp feels great. Can't say I'll use it for every wash, but I think I finally zoned in on dht and dermatitis issues.
My pills arrived last night. So far no broken pills. I ordered 2 of the 90ct. bottles. I took one last night and one this morning at work. I got them from I hope they aren't placebos. Im going to be mad as ****
Just two pills, once a day. I have been taking them for over three months and I have had a significant amount of growth. My hair has also thicken up in spots that were thinning due to whatever reason....

I think these are great vitamins. I love the way my eyelashes have also gotten longer. When I wear mascara, people always ask me if I am wearing falsies. I have my have in faux locs until the summer, but as soon as I take them out, I will post pics. :-)
I did at first. I don't anymore.
I just take Nioxin, Super B-complex and Omega 3.

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ive been taking nioxin for about 2 weeks one a day. Cant really tell if my hair is doing anything yet but i know for sure my eyelashes are doing some GREAT things....:grin::grin:
Been takin them for two weeks also.. one pill a day.. Not sure what it's doing for my hair yet.. I'm axious tho! Might consider taking two a day since there's a lot of ppl on here getting good results frm that
I recently went back to two a day (at night) about three weeks ago. I've noticed significant body hair growth. I take the ver expensive cream Vaniqa to control facial hair growth and I have to say these pills have totally made my last tube of Vaniqa a complete waste of money.
I am taking one a day for the next 3 months (12/15/11-3/15/12). I'm not convinced that 2/day results in significant growth. It seems like you would just urinate the excess..I will document my one/day journey and post pics at the end.

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One week of taking 2 a day in addition to 10,000mcg of Biotin. Sounds crazy, but I do think I've seen new growth in my hair. I mainly notice because the Biotin in particular makes my hair grow in really defined spirals (like a pen spring) and I've noticed a lot of those popping up all over my head.

My skin looks great.
I bought my 3 bottles from Ulta. They are running a buy two, get one free. I used my 20% off coupon. Works out to $24 per bottle.
Been taking them for about 6 mths. my hair is longer than it ever has been but i think that is due to the ps. My hair texture has changed. i am relaxed with 4b hair. my new growths isnt kinky looking anymore.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using SPH-D710
Bumping this up. Few questions for current users.

1. Will you continue w/Nioxin in 2012 or switch?
2. Will you continue with 1 a day or 2 a day?
3. Happy with your growth or did you not see any growth at all?
4. Are you using any other Nioxin products?
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Bumping this up. Few questions for current users.

1. Will you continue w/Nioxin in 2012 or switch?
I'm going to continue
2. Will you continue with 1 a day or 2 a day?
1 a day works for me
3. Happy with your growh or did you not see any growth at all?
I can't say since I'm using growth aids as well but I will say it is helping my nails and eyelashes
4. Are you using any other Nioxin products?
No just the pills

My answers above
Bumping this up. Few questions for current users.

1. Will you continue w/Nioxin in 2012 or switch? Continue
2. Will you continue with 1 a day or 2 a day? 1 a day with green smoothies and other supplements
3. Happy with your growh or did you not see any growth at all? My growth has been excellent
4. Are you using any other Nioxin products? No

See comments above.
Bumping this up. Few questions for current users.

1. Will you continue w/Nioxin in 2012 or switch? Yup
2. Will you continue with 1 a day or 2 a day? I'm going up to 2
3. Happy with your growh or did you not see any growth at all? Growth was good; retention could have been better, but thanks to the extra boost from Nioxin, I can't really complain.
4. Are you using any other Nioxin products? I just bought the step 1 shampoo. I'm hoping it'll help with thickness

Answers above
1. Will you continue w/Nioxin in 2012 or switch? Continue

2. Will you continue with 1 a day or 2 a day? 1 a day

3. Happy with your growh or did you not see any growth at all? Happy with my growth

4. Are you using any other Nioxin products? No, but I do want to try others, but they are not in my price range right now
Bumping this up. Few questions for current users.

1. Will you continue w/Nioxin in 2012 or switch? yes and will look into the msm thing i see people talking about
2. Will you continue with 1 a day or 2 a day? 2
3. Happy with your growh or did you not see any growth at all? Ok with growth was hoping for more.
4. Are you using any other Nioxin products?
Just got hair booster. i am trying to get my edges fuller. they just thinned out for reasons unknown.

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