Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

So, last month 9/6 I took a pic of where my hair burned competly off (relaxer & the rest roped out by blow dryer) that I was using/hoping nioxin would regrow. Hair stretched, I'm texlaxed in these here parts:

9/6: 3 inches (lead hairs/long strands not counted, I'm looking at growth and thickness)


10/6: 4 (a bit over)



So that's 1 inch in exactly one month...I started talking these feb 18, and started seeing an inch per month around july, and stated retaining it around august (poorly placed flexi rods ate my ends).

For anyone on the fence! I will post update on Nov 6.

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I've been taking this for a week with a killer combo of vits.

I just want to know: Is any body else growing hair EVERYWHERE? :look: I mean my eyebrows are longer, my lashes are falling in my eyes, I have had to do a "trim":blush: sooner than usual and my pits are growing too. The hair on my head seems fuller not sure about length I've barely let it down though I feel a bit of new growth already at 4 weeks, I start feeling ng usually from 6 weeks I just want to know I won't turn into a gorilla:spinning:...
hothair :lachen:to funny! Well maybe it's the killer combo :lol: What else are you taking?
@hothair-Yes I have hair everywhere! I am excited because my body years ago went into a alopecia shift.

Since I have been taking Nioxin. My eyebrows,eyelashes, arm hairs everywhere is hair.

I am hyped!

I have to shave more frequently but I don't care.

If they ever go out of business I will be sad.

These are the first hair vitamins that are literally reversing my hair loss.

Great info. Thanks!
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@hothair :lachen:to funny! Well maybe it's the killer combo :lol: What else are you taking?

Gurl... I've been on chlorella and spirulina, flaxseed oil, biosil, Rosehips vitamin C, my hair and skin and nails were looking great, with nioxin added I started getting growth EVERYWHERE. I'm hoping to make BSL for Dec so just going to ignore the body hair and keep my waxer happy.
Kalia1 is your hair loss Androgenic Alopecia?

chica-My hairloss is similar yet not as severe as Androgenic Alopecia.

I believe excess weight and my dietary habits were the main culprit.

Now that I'm conquering those along with Nioxin and other vitamins I'm reaping the rewards.

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@chica-My hairloss is similar yet not as severe as Androgenic Alopecia.

I believe excess weight and my dietary habits were the main culprit.

Now that I'm conquering those along with Nioxin and other vitamins I'm reaping the rewards.

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Nexus S 4G

Thanks, I only ask because I seek out people with my same problem that have found solutions that work, because very very few things work for that type of hair loss and usually if it works for 1, it works for others.

Best wishes for you! :yep:
chica-Thanks for the well wishes.

Are you going to begin taking the vitamin?

Please give them a try you may find that they are beneficial.
mzteaze where have you found them on sale?

I can go to Ulta locally (there are bunch near me) and I can use a coupon to help the price. But other girls have found them at JC Penney's salons. That might work for you too esp since they always have coupons/discounts too.

I'm thinking about trying these vitamins out. It's a vitamin, so I'm assuming it has all positive things in it. But I thought I'd ask (just in case) whether anyone experienced any side effects or any negatives from taking them?
For the ladies waiting for Ulta's 20% coupon -

I just got an email for a 20% off coupon for use in store & online good until 10/15/2011. Keep in mind that you canNOT purchase the Nioxin vitamins online from Ulta. (Check their website as the link isn't work right at the moment)
BTW, despite my right regular complaint that I was not getting a change from the vitamins have been totally unfounded. I finally did a length check and found that I am finally getting a noticeable growth towards APL. I should reach my goals before the end of the year.

My skin is a trainwreck. Considering going off all of my vitamins for a few months to get this under control. :nono: I wanted to make waistlength by December but it's not looking good if I can't get a few more inches out of this by then. :sad:
So is the Amazon Nioxin not good, I have been out for a couple of months looking to start again. I guess I have to go to ultra!
My face is clearing up and my scalp is itching like crazy :weird: I have a sew-in in, so I cant measure my growth but I feel like I have mosquito bites all over my scalp. I washed my hair the day before yesterday, so I know my hair isn't dirty & I didn't have any weave added to my braids (because I know that has caused scalp irritation for some ppl). I've been spraying Mane N Tail Herbal Gro spray on my scalp to keep it moisturized but I have only been using it for 3 days tops. So its definitely the Nioxin. I have another month with this weave, then I'll post pics! I'm exited too :grin:
Any Updates? I just finised my first bottle (1-day) and noticed about 1.5". Since I didn't do an offical measurement before I started, I can't be certain, but I do observations in the shower when I wash my hair, and it is noticably longer. I started 2-day last week. I'm really curious to see what happens.
Hey!! I'm still taking it!! My computer crashed so I lost my starting pics :-( I did get quite a bit of growth. I began taking them in February.


Thats good to hear, because everyone was getting scared of the cracks i thought nobody but me was still taking them. But I'm glad you are getting growth, I believe I'm getting a lot of growth from them and I'm going to keep taking them.
Hi Ladies,

I am still using the Amazon pills even though they had cracks and here is why. I bought a bottle from a salon authorized to sell Nioxin products and guess what...the pills are absolutely identical AND several of them had cracks along the sides.

I think that Nioxin must have had some type of product malfunction and sold them off to other distributors and that's how they found their way to ebay. I think the ingredients were good just the processing caused the pills to crack or whatever.

So my results:

1) I've noticed more density, something we all search for.

2) Increased length. Enough that I comfortably cut off my 3 inches of scraggly ends and now my hair looks thick and full again.

3) My edges are much more filled in. I'd had significant thinning from my last set of twists.

I started on the 90 count bottle and was initially taking two caplets a day one at night and one in the morning. I did that for about 3 weeks. Before dialing it back to one caplet a day.

And yes, I've noticed stronger nails (less splitting and peeling) and YES more chin, eyebrows, and body hair.

By the way I'm semi-relaxed or texturized 4b. I recently switched to Mizani from no-lye and I'm sure that is also to be credited for some of the improvement I've seen. My hair is definitely less dry.
I can not believe I finally made it to the end of this thread! Thanks to you all for a year of leg work, my god! I haven't done a lick of work today either.

I will:

1 Buy from an authorized seller (for peace of mind and hassle-free refund purposes)
2 Continue taking my 10,000mcg Biotin and 15,600mg MSM (Lol, I know)
3 Take Nioxin 2x daily and use as a multi since I don't have one
4 If I see any breakouts do my usual TCA at-home peel

*For those of you with breakouts, like SingBrina and MzTeaze, I do an at-home chemical peel 4x a year and have never had and maintained more flawless skin. I do a TCA 20%, you can maintain with a weekly or bi-weekly Lactic acid, Glycolic Acid or Mandelic Acid peel which is super mild I do a monthly 65% Lactic Acid peel and it barely causes a light sting but everyone is different. It's less scary than it all sounds I swear and the payoff is phenomenal, take a look for yourself at MUAC*

For reviews check out:

Thanks again, I hope to share updates soon!
ElizaBlue I totally agree about the cracked pills. My last bottle had cracked pills, but I bought them before from an authorized salon and some of those pills were cracked, too. I think it's just a cosmetics concern due to processing and the pills still work. I noticed the same benefits.

I just started taking my pills again regularly. I think I was on a hiatus for about 3 months... maybe 4. I started in January, had some setbacks due to anemia and vitamin slacking, but still felt comfortable cutting a few inches in June. At times, I'm upset that I probably won't really reach APL by the end of the year and I have to remind myself that I cut off 3-4 inches this year and now my hair looks better.

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I can not believe I finally made it to the end of this thread! Thanks to you all for a year of leg work, my god! I haven't done a lick of work today either.

I will:

1 Buy from an authorized seller (for peace of mind and hassle-free refund purposes)
2 Continue taking my 10,000mcg Biotin and 15,600mg MSM (Lol, I know)
3 Take Nioxin 2x daily and use as a multi since I don't have one
4 If I see any breakouts do my usual TCA at-home peel

*For those of you with breakouts, like SingBrina and MzTeaze, I do an at-home chemical peel 4x a year and have never had and maintained more flawless skin. I do a TCA 20%, you can maintain with a weekly or bi-weekly Lactic acid, Glycolic Acid or Mandelic Acid peel which is super mild I do a monthly 65% Lactic Acid peel and it barely causes a light sting but everyone is different. It's less scary than it all sounds I swear and the payoff is phenomenal, take a look for yourself at MUAC*

For reviews check out:

Thanks again, I hope to share updates soon!

Okay thank you for the information on the peels. I know this is off topic but I've been wanting to do this for some time. I just don't know enough about them or how to get started.
I'm only taking 1/day at night since the beginning of October. I feel my hair is growing quicker (no pics sry). Eyebrows need to be done weekly (I use to be able to go months without that much of a change), leg and face hair is outta control as well as the hair on my head. My skin! It's so soft and I'm only getting about 1-2 small breakouts a month (that's a great improvement for me). I'm still taking my multi in the morning and night, but I've stopped with my 4000mg of MSM, fish oil pills 2/day, and B-complex 2/day out of laziness and being more focused with dedication to the Nioxin. I have not skipped a single day. :) I gave myself a 1/2" trim on 11/9 so hopefully I can dust from here on out and retain a bit more. I've began baggying ends or whole head almost daily since my trim. BTW these are the cracked pills I purchased from amazon. I just restocked on my other supplements so I will incorporate the others I mentioned now.

My plan is to increase to 2/day in January for 6 months and then increase again to 3/day in July. IDK if 2/day will really make that much of a difference from what I am getting now. I'd love to see what others have to say who have made an increase from 1 to 2/day. I don't want to re-read this long arse thread.
I've been having thinning issues, so I just got these. (Im kicking myself for not buying the sooner)

I'm trying to decide if I want to do 1 + multi or 2 a day. And I need to figure out what else I want to take.

So far I'm thinking

saw palmetto
Here out there in cyber world....

Anyone still taking the pills? No updates? No setbacks? Anything to add.....

I have had great results from these pills. However the bottle I received the other day from Amazon Costell contained pills that were cracked and looked like it had water damage. I contacted them and they are giving me a refund. I am going to get a bottle from the Ulta store I looked up on-line
I NEED my Nioxin! :yep::yep::yep: