Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

Update, no pics as my head is a matted mess. Ok, i'm feeling that taking 2 pills a day seems more effective than one pill plus biotin 10,000mcg. And I was taking a day off per week to save pills for my first bottle. These pills do work, uncertain of how many inches per month as I took a 2-3 month break due to being broke. I started with 17.5" and now have 19.5". I was praying for 20" by December, I'm hoping it will be more by then. Trying to budget for more pills.
@mzteaze WOWWWWW!

Cracked pills. Tastes different. Unauthorized sellers. Stamped fake names on bottles.

this is about to be 2 much. I'm gonna work on returning mines to amazon's costell and buying from ulta when they do the 20% off.

case closed.

I too ordered from Amazon - Costsell and the pills are cracked. Amazon now has a message on the site that they are looking into this. I requested a refund $56. for three bottles and got it the next day. No one even asked for the vits back.

Costsell sent me an email asking me to remove the 1 star I gave them on service saying it was the product not their one star will stand because they didn't send a reivew request for the product.
Interesting. I look forward to hearing about the results of their findings.

But I wonder if I request a refund, would they think it odd if I turned around and ordered another bottle. :<) just kidding!!
I'll update in August that should give me at least 5 months worth of growth with Nioxin to post comparison pics:yep:. I already have my before pics so to the skeptics (i'm still one myself actually:look:) i'll update in August :grin:

Etherealsmile, how did it work out for you after taking it all these months?


its been almost 2 months (will be on the 11th), but i was taking pics for another challenge, and i dont think my growth is gonna change that much in 5 days:

iri9109 are you still taking it? How is your hair now?
Etherealsmile, how did it work out for you after taking it all these months?

iri9109 are you still taking it? How is your hair now?

mwedzi, i had stopped taking them a few months ago when i ran out...also i rinsed my hair black so i didn't have roots and couldnt measure from them anymore , but now its kind of faded...last week i heard about the suspect nioxin from amazon with the cracks in them which is what i had, and i was eager to see how some official nioxin vitamins from an authorized seller would work, and i got a bottle from supercuts which i just started taking 2 days ago...i'll measure my hair tonight and then again when i finish the bottle...
@Etherealsmile, how did it work out for you after taking it all these months?

@iri9109 are you still taking it? How is your hair now?

mwedzi, I honestly hadn't been taken my nioxin consistently so i can't answer this question! Sorry:lol::lol::lol::nono:. I switched to a liquid multivitamin a few days back and i'm extremely satisfied. I also felt like the nioxin was breaking me out? I know others complained of that side effect as well. All in all i wasn't too impressed with nioxin after all:ohwell:
The weird thing is I am taking a 5000 mcg Biotin tablet WITH the Nioxin. The only thing I can think of is I was doing more skin peels early on. Will see if doing one this week makes a difference.

Adult acne is a part of life unfortunately.

Skin peels? Girl you bad. My good friend does these and I'm always forever amazed she hasn't severly damaged her skin. But the chile just comes out beautiful. She laughs about peeling like a lizard for a few days....I couldn't do it. I'm too much of a punk...:lachen:
So I should not order from amazon? *sigh* Well there is no Ulta or Sally's anywhere near where I am. Any more pics? :) I think I'll just take my chances with cracked pills because I have a lot of breakage I need to grow.
Skin peels? Girl you bad. My good friend does these and I'm always forever amazed she hasn't severly damaged her skin. But the chile just comes out beautiful. She laughs about peeling like a lizard for a few days....I couldn't do it. I'm too much of a punk...:lachen:

LOL ElizaBlue

The trick is to select something mild enough to work with over a series of peels. Most of the time, the DIYers with problems select something far too strong and/or try to do too much all at the same time. It worked for me. I haven't done a peel in a few weeks and now have a huge whitehead on my cheek :ohwell:

I haven't had as many problems with Biotin as I thought I would though.
Has anyone been able to find info about the Nioxin vitamins in their website. All I see r shampoos and stuff

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I've been taking this for a week with a killer combo of vits.

I just want to know: Is any body else growing hair EVERYWHERE? :look: I mean my eyebrows are longer, my lashes are falling in my eyes, I have had to do a "trim":blush: sooner than usual and my pits are growing too. The hair on my head seems fuller not sure about length I've barely let it down though I feel a bit of new growth already at 4 weeks, I start feeling ng usually from 6 weeks I just want to know I won't turn into a gorilla:spinning:...
I just started taking Nioxin about 2 days ago. Unfortunately I started 2 regimens at once so I'm not sure what's what. I take Nioxin and coconut pills 2x a day (but I'm not always able to get them exactly 12 hours apart). When I wake up in the evenings I take 1 super b12 (newly added), 2 different daily antibiotics, 1 probiotic, and a women's 1 a day. I've had some mild stomach cramping (level 1-2, just minor discomfort) and my poop now smells a little sweet (sorry for the tmi). I'm happy that I haven't had any scalp itching from this though. I can't comment on any increased acne because I already have a chronic case of it that I'm treating with 2 topical creams. But it doesn't seem to be getting worse
@hothair-Yes I have hair everywhere! I am excited because my body years ago went into a alopecia shift.

Since I have been taking Nioxin. My eyebrows,eyelashes, arm hairs everywhere is hair.

I am hyped!

I have to shave more frequently but I don't care.

If they ever go out of business I will be sad.

These are the first hair vitamins that are literally reversing my hair loss.
That's great girl.

Just noticing the fuss about Amazon nioxin. That's what I ordered with no problems at all. Goody you guys will stop buying there and the prices will go down :yay:
That's great girl.

Just noticing the fuss about Amazon nioxin. That's what I ordered with no problems at all. Goody you guys will stop buying there and the prices will go down :yay:

The prices (on Amazon) have actually gone up since the last time I ordered back in July. Nioxin is updating their bottles and product line so be sure to look at local places as much of the "older" product containers are on sale.
Hey Ladies!!!!! :bighug:

I'm Markisa & I must admit, this thread did it! After 7 months of lurkdom, I paid that $6.50 yearly subscription to comment on this! I used Nioxin vitamins for 45 days (I started in April sometime) doing a double dosage every 12 hours. I was pretty consistent and obtained great results! I wasn't as into it as measuring my growth BUT I definitely had noticeable results AFTER my bottle was finished. My hair was growing like a chia pet. The hair on my head, legs, arms, toes, fingers, my hoo-haa, E-VE-RY-WHERE! Too bad I didn't have extra money to purchase another bottle :sad:
Until Now!!!
Sooo...I went on Amazon and ordered some more. I was upset that the same 90 day supply was nearly $10 more! SMH :nono: No Bueno! I guess that's what happens when it's in popular demand though.
I took pics (and will upload them a.s.a.p.) before I got a sew in about 2 weeks ago. I've only been taking the Nioxin for a week. I've been varying between 1&2 pills. I wont be so strict on myself as to take them exactly 12 hours apart. I've also added NOW MSM powder 3600 mg, Biotin 10,000 mcg, Cod liver oil pills (I take the suggested dosage-3 pills per day). I only take them after I've eaten and I make sure to drink plenty of water. I'm only 120lbs soaking wet so I don't overdue it. I'm between shoulder length and apl BUT I'm transitioning & must admit, I've got a long way to go! I will keep track of my progress and will be sure to keep you ladies posted, as you all having been very inspiring to me! Thank You for your wisdom :grouphug2: I want jaw-dropping hair so even Rapunzel will have to stop and stare :evillaugh: :giggle:
Well I been taking nioxin once a day everyday for two months so far. Well I did not get two inches in a month :-). However I did get one and half inch in two months and kept it!! It does not sound like much to most but for this head its a whole lot. Hair seems to feel a little thicker or something too. When I attempted to take biotin a while back, that caused breakouts. But this did great for my skin. As a matter of fact I think it improved it! I think I am going to push and see what two a day comes up with. If any breaking out I will go back to 1 a day.
I have 1 90 ct. bottle left in my Stash. I think I'll go back to Andrew Lessman Hair, Skin & Nails until Dec. 1st and then go back to Nioxin.

Then I will decide if I wanna re-up on Nioxin.
Ordered from the seller on Amazon. Of course all the pills were cracked, and the taste :barf: and smell :barf: :barf:. They smell like paint and fish. Do I really have to go to find a salon that sells them? There's no Ulta or Sally's around here so..:ohwell:
I've gone back to Andrew Lessman for a few months.:yep:

I have 1 90 ct. Nioxin left and a 500 ct. bottle of Andrew Lessman.:lol:...:blush:

I'll stay on Andrew Lessman until December and maybe go back to Nioxin in January.
Ordered from the seller on Amazon. Of course all the pills were cracked, and the taste :barf: and smell :barf: :barf:. They smell like paint and fish. Do I really have to go to find a salon that sells them? There's no Ulta or Sally's around here so..:ohwell:

You can find a local location on the Nioxin website using your zip code.

Bumping...Any of our 90 day & beyond ladies getting awesome results?

I am retaining my growth which is awesome enough.