Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

I got quite a shock at the doctors yesterday. The doctor said that my symptoms sound like lupus.


The symptom that had me running to the doctor was, ironically, my hair. Not the chronic fatigue, or muscle aches, or joint pain, not even the redness I thought was rosecea (butterfly rash) but my dramatic hair thinning.

Does anyone here know if nioxin would help lupus related hair loss?

Anakinsmomma So sorry ,about the lupus..Glad you went to the Doctor..I always encourage people to get (complete blood work-up) if they begin to experience unusual systems...HAIR TELLS YOU A LOT....Good luck with your treatment..

Got a LOT of shedding today - minimal broken hairs (thank God) so I am going back to my daily garlic as well. I usually only shed like this during the winter so I'm thinking it must be the Nioxin. My shed hair are looking a bit thicker though, so that was interesting to see.
I'm not worried about it too much since I know garlic usually takes care of it. If it continues or becomes too, too much, I will assess. But I am trying to get sewed up this week for at least 2 months so I guess I'll decide then based on how much comes out during the takedown.
Anyone with updates now that a month has gone by?


My nails are much much much stronger and grow fastr, my eyebrows are thicker/fuller and the hair on my head is thicker and i'm seeing growth in my temple area that was damaged by relaxer/color and i'm seeing growth in my nape area finally (as of last week though) my nape area was damaged by a relaxer. So i'm loving what it's doing for my nails and hair. And not to mention my skin looks lovely and like it's glowing.

As far as growth. I defintely have seen growth. I just don't really know how to measure to show you guys. :-( What are good measuring points?? I just bc'd in Oct btw.
can someone tell me what the active ingredient in this vitamin is? I am already taking what I perceive to be a far higher quality multi by biocare so if it's the Saw Palmetto/DHT compound in this which is really having the effect then I will look into supplementing with that first in the form of e.g. shen min.
UK ladies, has anyone noticed that Holland&Barrett's Skin.Hair.Nails has the EXACT same vitamins included? I started this today, will report back in a month to see what happens :yep:

I dont think it has the saw palmetto/ dht complex which i suspect is the active ingredient here for some. You can probably take any good muti and achieve the same effect almost.
i got highlights today and my stylist asked how many weeks post i was. i told her 6 weeks on wednesday. she responded, "you must be going through a growth spurt." :drunk:

thanks, nioxin :yep::yep:
I'm on a detox for the next 3 weeks, so I am going to stop with the Nioxin and restart. Detoxes always break me out and I don't want those AND the biotin bumps. Hopefully after I get my general health back on track, when I restart the Nioxin, it will work even better. We'll see. But I'll be back in 3 weeks. :)

My nails are much much much stronger and grow fastr, my eyebrows are thicker/fuller and the hair on my head is thicker and i'm seeing growth in my temple area that was damaged by relaxer/color and i'm seeing growth in my nape area finally (as of last week though) my nape area was damaged by a relaxer. So i'm loving what it's doing for my nails and hair. And not to mention my skin looks lovely and like it's glowing.

As far as growth. I defintely have seen growth. I just don't really know how to measure to show you guys. :-( What are good measuring points?? I just bc'd in Oct btw.

I usually just straighten my hair or stretch a section to show progress. Congrats on you progress.
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Ok, I must be a weirdo or something b/c everyone's is talking about how strong and healthy their nails are and mine still suck! They're still fragile and chip and bend waaayy too easily. And it happens no matter what I take: along with the Nioxin I've been taking 6,000mg of MSM for about 7 months and 5,000mcg of Biotin since forever! On the plus side though my skin has never looked better, and I mean never! But I'm still struggling with the unwanted hair know...:look:

My hair is doing pretty good: I have about a full inch of growth in two months when normally my hair grows slower than that. Although I could be going through a grow spurt like everyone seems to have this time of year.
Ok. So, I read up to page 15 of this thread. It's almost 11:30 and I need to go to sleep since I have to be up at 6:30 tomorrow (even though I'll probably keep reading :look:). My inquiry: I just want to take the Nioxin until I reach between sl and apl. If I take the vitamins then suddenly stop, will I experience major shedding or will my growth go back to the way it was before? If there is an answer in a post I haven't read yet, just give me the post number ans I'll find it. Thanks. :)
I did not stop permanently, however I did have to stop taking them for two months having to paying for other things. I only took/take one a day. I didn't see a big difference in shedding. I do not know if this has something to do with the fact that I was still taking biotin .

Ok. So, I read up to page 15 of this thread. It's almost 11:30 and I need to go to sleep since I have to be up at 6:30 tomorrow (even though I'll probably keep reading :look:). My inquiry: I just want to take the Nioxin until I reach between sl and apl. If I take the vitamins then suddenly stop, will I experience major shedding or will my growth go back to the way it was before? If there is an answer in a post I haven't read yet, just give me the post number ans I'll find it. Thanks. :)
Ok, i'm off the master cleanse & back on my nioxin 2 a days! Even though I stopped taking them for 2 weeks, I still feel like my hair is growing like crazy. I'll post more update pics sunday.
Ok, i'm off the master cleanse & back on my nioxin 2 a days! Even though I stopped taking them for 2 weeks, I still feel like my hair is growing like crazy. I'll post more update pics sunday.

I've stopped taking them but my eyebrows are starting to grow in like crazy, and I just got them done last week. My eyebrows usually only grow in that fast after waxing, but since I've been threading, they have stayed pretty clean for up to about 2.5 weeks after, so this is definitely unheard of.
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LushLox - what happened to your pics? i saw them on my phone a few hours ago and now they're gone! your hair looks good!

i also wanted to ask if you were taking 1 or 2 a day? hope it was 1/day cause i don't plan to increase:)
KandyCurls omg:notworthy your nails are so amazing! I dream for nails like yours- I think your pills sound like they were heat damaged or something- I've never seen a pill that looked like that and I'm on my 3rd 90 count bottle.
drmuffin try 2000mg of l cysteine - weak nails you'll have, no more. Give it a solid month.

Ok, I must be a weirdo or something b/c everyone's is talking about how strong and healthy their nails are and mine still suck! They're still fragile and chip and bend waaayy too easily. And it happens no matter what I take: along with the Nioxin I've been taking 6,000mg of MSM for about 7 months and 5,000mcg of Biotin since forever! On the plus side though my skin has never looked better, and I mean never! But I'm still struggling with the unwanted hair know...:look:

My hair is doing pretty good: I have about a full inch of growth in two months when normally my hair grows slower than that. Although I could be going through a grow spurt like everyone seems to have this time of year.
Look at my nails! I haven't had any peeling or splits since taking nioxin. I've always had long nails but they normally start to break around this point.



*Also, I have a question. I ordered another bottle and noticed that all of the vitamins have long cracks along the sides. I tried taking a clear picture but they all turned out blurry. I ordered from Cost2Sell on Amazon, who I think I ordered my first bottle from, and the bottle was sealed. I poured them out and I mean every vitamin had cracks. Should I be concerned? The exp. date is 11/12.

Ooh ihatechu! Grrr!
KandyCurls Gorgeous nails!!

You know what?? Since my nails have grown I've purchased quite a few diferent nail polishes lol!!!

I had my ends clipped this weekend :-) No split ends. My hair was blown out, but I didn't get to check the length myself but it definitely looed thicker/healthier and it's grown from what I could see!!

And my skin is super clear and feels soft and moisturized all day. It's never felt like this before.
LushLox - what happened to your pics? i saw them on my phone a few hours ago and now they're gone! your hair looks good!

i also wanted to ask if you were taking 1 or 2 a day? hope it was 1/day cause i don't plan to increase:)

blessedandlucky Thanks I was going to try and resize them cause they were a bit big. I'll try again a bit later.

I'm only taking one a day. I was taking two for a while but I've decided to back to one.
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Just following up, I'm still taking nioxin once a day and my skin cleared up so I don't think it was the pills probably just stress. But so far so good, I also started taking a high protein shake called spiru-tein which has lots of good minerals for hair growth.