Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

Ordered my pills from Amazon on Thursday and I woke up this morning and they were here :grin: :grin: I love there 2-day shipping its the best. I already took some pictures last night of my hair and I will start taking my pills today....

Wish me luck :spinning: !!!!
I'm still stalking this thread for inside info :giggle: Were any of you recent posters experiencing major shedding and these Nioxin pills reduced it? Thanks girls! :)
I'm still stalking this thread for inside info :giggle: Were any of you recent posters experiencing major shedding and these Nioxin pills reduced it? Thanks girls! :)

I'm wondering the same thing...i plan to use it until I reach my goal and then I will swtich back to Phytospecific cap energy.
@BlackHairDiva Are u experiencing alot of shedding? Thats what I need. A shedding or hair loss stopper! :yep:

I haven't Tried Nioxin yet. I want to try it. But I have used Phytospecific cap energy and saw results in 2 days later. I had no shedding with Phyto. But it seems that Nioxin would work much better than Nioxin and that is the reason why I want to try it.
I started Nioxin on April 20th. I've noticed 1 or 2 or 3 pimple since then but I upped my water intake (60 oz a day) and they've decreased.

The Nioxin has helped with shedding, and is thickening my hair overall.

Also, I wouldn't advise ordering the NoNo. That things is expensive and didn't seem to wor well and the company is a rip off :-/
I started Nioxin on April 20th. I've noticed 1 or 2 or 3 pimple since then but I upped my water intake (60 oz a day) and they've decreased.
I started Nioxin 2 a day and its been almot two weeks. I noteced a breakout on mt cheeks, but it was so small you could barely see it. I didn't up my water, but it is going away already.
I don't know about growth but my hair is darker and shinier. My mom noticed it too this morning and asked me did I dye my hair or give myself a rinse :perplexed My response was "No, don't you see all this gray up in here." But really it's shiner and darker. :grin: I'm going to keep taking them. I got a breakout this week but I'm not sure if it's the Nioxn or the period monster.
I started taking these and using JBCO on 4/18, right after my perm. I cheated and stretched my hair, to notice I have some growth and my roots feel thicker.
My right side grows faster than the left, and this is still evident, the left is 1-1.25 in shorter, but the nioxin jbco is helping decreases the difference. Overall I will continue, may throwing sulfer into the mix in the form of Bee Mine shampoo.

Also working on this from the inside, now to trim those ends......
I'm a member of the slow, slow growers club. I just finished a full bottle, taking 2 pills a day. Last week I checked my length and had almost one inch of growth. I believe it was accurate as I henna'ed one month prior to that and have a few grey hairs in the front. I could see the difference from the color change from grey to the orange/red henna'ed hair. My normal rate is just over a 1/4 inch per month. (sad, I know)

I don't want to get too crazy with excitement so I will be checking again from the date of my next henna treatment. I'm not looking for 2 inches per month or for the hair that I already have to look different. I never thought that was possible for me. So as long as the growth rate improves, I'm happy. I'm not getting breakouts which is good. My nails are fine but I have not seen spectacular, speedy growth there. But so far, so good.

On to the second bottle...
I haven't Tried Nioxin yet. I want to try it. But I have used Phytospecific cap energy and saw results in 2 days later. I had no shedding with Phyto. But it seems that Nioxin would work much better than Nioxin and that is the reason why I want to try it.
:blush: 2 days? Really? :thud:
I'm on my second bottle. My first bottle I took 2 per day. I' m going to start taking 3 per day and finish up this bottle and the next at that rate then I'll drop down to 2 per day or 1 per day. I'm just experimenting to see which one produces the best results.

I liked the 2 per day. My eyelashes got longer and yes my hair grew faster than normal although I didn't measure. I did measure today so in a month or so I will come back and give an update.
Kimbosheart, you are gonna put people in perfect uproar talking about 3 Nioxin vits per day! *Clutches pearls* The absolute gall of it all!

I bet you'll get fantastic results, too.
Please, oh please, keep me posted. This i wanna see. I may just follow suit. Waiting waiting waiting for my order.....
@Kimbosheart, you are gonna put people in perfect uproar talking about 3 Nioxin vits per day! *Clutches pearls* The absolute gall of it all!

I bet you'll get fantastic results, too.
Please, oh please, keep me posted. This i wanna see. I may just follow suit. Waiting waiting waiting for my order.....

OT how do you "mention" someone?

LOL @ uproar. Truthfully, I think 3 per day will be excessive especially at $25 a month. I'm just thinking that for me I seem to need higher doses of vitamins/meds usually to see results whether it's vitamin C, E, Aspirin, 3 per day may work for me the same way 2 per day works for the next person. Also it may not make a difference how fast my hair is growing if I'm not retaining that length. But I've got $25 bucks now and time so we'll see how it goes you know?
To mention someone, simply type "@" and then the exact screen name see -

I totally getcha about your own special needs.
But did you see all the tumult and anxiety upthread about the two-a-days? Have mercy! You'd athunk OP suggested taking arsenic. Oh my!

OT how do you "mention" someone?

LOL @ uproar. Truthfully, I think 3 per day will be excessive especially at $25 a month. I'm just thinking that for me I seem to need higher doses of vitamins/meds usually to see results whether it's vitamin C, E, Aspirin, 3 per day may work for me the same way 2 per day works for the next person. Also it may not make a difference how fast my hair is growing if I'm not retaining that length. But I've got $25 bucks now and time so we'll see how it goes you know?
I've just lost about four of my nails over the last few days due to splits, so I just went ahead and cut them all down to the same size - very annoying! Oh well back to square one!
I've just lost about four of my nails over the last few days due to splits, so I just went ahead and cut them all down to the same size - very annoying! Oh well back to square one!

I just cut all of mine off too. When May is over and I can gauge my hair growth, I'm thinking of adding my 5mg of biotin back into my regi (not adding it right now so I can give you guys a better review) nails are still strong but I definitely had surface splits on the top of a couple of my nails. I feel like biotin made my nails stronger in the long run.

Thanks for the tutorial. I forgot about the 2 per day uproar. I will check the toxicity of vitamin A again before I go for 3 a day. If I'm safe then I'm gonna try it.

ETA: I checked and I'm well below the toxicity levels for Vitamin A. So I'll be back in a month or so with updates.
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i'm getting the body hair! i pulled this long arse hair off my cheek today, and i see some little hairs tryna come in on my chin. i gotta look for my tweezers or buy some tommorow b4 i end up like this lady with a beard who gets her whole face waxed at the nail salon that i get my eyebrows done at :nono: ...also i was rubbing my leg which is still practically hairless, but i touched my knee, and my knee has peach KNEE!! who has hairy knees???:barf: i definitely have to get some nair also still seeing growth on my head, just waiting on my nails...

iri9109 Not the knee..Oh No!

Happy Hair Growing!
I'm on my second bottle. My first bottle I took 2 per day. I' m going to start taking 3 per day and finish up this bottle and the next at that rate then I'll drop down to 2 per day or 1 per day. I'm just experimenting to see which one produces the best results.

I liked the 2 per day. My eyelashes got longer and yes my hair grew faster than normal although I didn't measure. I did measure today so in a month or so I will come back and give an update.

Kimbosheart Keep us posted....Cant wait to see your results.

Happy Hair Growing!
I just purchased my bottle today at a Beauty Outlet Store.

I paid $22.00 for 30 tablets.

I am going to take two daily.

I hope I see some progress.
I just bought a bottle of 90 caplets off of Amazon for $26 (with free two day shipping, even better!) I'm going to start off taking one a day and see how it goes. I got a touch up on April 22nd and I already have some new growth, but I don't know if it's from these pills or the GNC Hair, Skin, & Nails that I finished before I started taking these. Will be monitoring this very closely!
Just following up, I'm still taking nioxin once a day and my skin cleared up so I don't think it was the pills probably just stress. But so far so good, I also started taking a high protein shake called spiru-tein which has lots of good minerals for hair growth.

Where do you purchase the protein shake? Thanks:)
:hiya: :hiya: Still taking the vits...I won't be doing a length check until July so I'm hoping by at taking 2 vits a day, I'll have hair to my booty...:lachen: Just kidding :look: :look:
Where do you purchase the protein shake? Thanks:)

Hi! I brought the shake from GNC and they have a lot of different shakes to choose from. I just chose that shake because I work out alot and needed something for recovery. Plus I couldn't buy just the normal protein shakes cuz they mess my stomach up I don't have a gallbladder so depending on the day it's hard for me to digest some dairy products and heavy foods. The ingredients in that one looks pretty good as far as hair growth and health. I have been taking it with nioxin for about 2 weeks and haven't had any adverse effects.
I've always had hair on my knees but it's blonde so you can't really see it... :look:
lol atleast yours is blonde! i never had hair on my arms or legs until i started taking i dont have hair anywhere on my legs, but my knees? wtf!?! lol
So with Nioxin it increases growth all over your body?

I may have to think about this.....I hope once you stop taking the vitamins it stops growing hair in the WRONG places.