Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

UK ladies, has anyone noticed that Holland&Barrett's Skin.Hair.Nails has the EXACT same vitamins included? I started this today, will report back in a month to see what happens :yep:

Wow, thanks for the heads up. Yes please come back and let us know what you think. :yep:
I am still bummed about my skin breakout :cry2: I was just getting over the biotin breakout disaster and my skin was completely clear/glowing from taking the Nioxin once a day. Then I upped to 2/day and breakout city again SMH I just want my clear skin back :nono: I think anything over minimal amounts of biotin just doesn't agree with my skin :sad: But all you ladies gorgeous hair pics/excellent growth make me wish I could stick with the 2/day regimen...sorry to be Debbie Downer, I just hate having pimply skin! Plus, I am a picker and I now have scars from this latest breakout :sad: But things are going to turn around, I know it :yep: Just gotta be patient

I feel you sis... I'm going through a major breakout myself and I'm not sure why. I'm getting dark marks where the bumps were and more and more keep popping up everyday.

Its hard to deal with when you're used to having flawless skin. :sad:

Working on having patience though...I keep asking people what am I supposed to do about this cause I'm clueless. I have always taken excellent care of my skin ie: wash, toner, and moisturize. I don't know what to do about these pimples though.:perplexed
When i first started taking nioxin i had break outs, but then i started drinking 64 oz of water a day and the break outs cleared up and i havent seen a pimple since.
my morning routine....:grin:
#7 with a Carmel Iced Coffee (light and sweet) and my Nixion :lick:
My hair is DEFINITELY thicker. My new growth is soooo much thicker than the rest of my hair (i'm natural). I also have 1"+ of growth in most places. I've been taking them since the beginning of march.

And my hairline is filling in like CRAZY. I would post pictures but i'm a little embarrassed at the current condition of my hair :-(
So, I think I have it figured out! When I wake up in the mornings, my skin is pretty much as clear as usual, but then after I take the Nioxin, it breaks out (I guess as my body is absorbing it), but when I wake up the next morning, it's mostly gone and has become progressively better over the last couple of days. I am going to start taking it at night from now on and see what happens. Is there anything wrong with taking at night? I assume not, since some people are taking it every 12 hours... obviously, you're sleeping during some of that time.

ETA: My roots do seem thicker than usual now! And my hooha hair is definitely growing in much thicker. I have seen more arm hair as well. I'm pretty excited. I definitely wanted length more than thickness, but I will take the thickness too. :)
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davisbr88, i take it in the evenings and i think it's still working fine. i have more new growth than usual and can't wait to relax in a month. i can't wait to see where i am in 3 months!
I've always taken my Vitamins (in particular Hair Vits) at night/evenings, (after a meal) or right before bed.:grin:

Plan to purchase Nioxin this Weekend.:grin:
Sorry I took so long to post ladies. Here are the pics as promised:yep: sorry for the poor lighting in the second pic, I took it at night. These pics are 4 days apart..the first is from 4/18 the second from 4/22

I'm skeptical because my hair is longer on the right side, and shorter on the left.

Can you take a pic with the hair on the same side?
i've been taking nioxin now for 4 weeks from april 1st. i dyed my hair on mar 14th and i think my roots have grown out 2 inches but i trimmed my hair so i only have an inch on the length from my last post. i guess they worked? maybe added an extra 1/4in a month.

Purchased my Nioxin Today!:grin:

2 90 Ct. Bottles....Bring it On! :lol:

I will be rotating the Nioxin with Andrew Lessman Hair, Skin, Nails.
I got quite a shock at the doctors yesterday. The doctor said that my symptoms sound like lupus.


The symptom that had me running to the doctor was, ironically, my hair. Not the chronic fatigue, or muscle aches, or joint pain, not even the redness I thought was rosecea (butterfly rash) but my dramatic hair thinning.

Does anyone here know if nioxin would help lupus related hair loss?
i colored my hair 24 days ago so im gonna use my roots as a growth indicator...i measured my roots and they were almost .5 inch, so my growth rate now is pretty much average...i hope yall can see the demarcation between red and black at my roots, i tried to adjust the contrast to make it more obvious...i'll post update pics 5/11


(my shirt was on inside out all day smh...atleast i had a cardigan over it lol)

the back comes to like .5 inch past my collarbone....i trimmed about .5 inch a couple weeks ago...i would be estatic to make APL by the end of the summer, but i have to see what the nioxin does before i move my goal up from the end of the year...oh and yall see my despicable nails (excuse the polish) so hopefully those improve too...after 3 months i'm probably gonna re-dye my hair and start charting the growth from my roots all over again

Your hair is beautiful. You are the first natural that actually made me :thud:. I got a relaxer on Thursday but for a split moment .....
Thought I was done with bandwagons.... Guess I thought wrong :nono:. I just ordered my Nioxin from Amazon for $19.99. Should have them in a few days. I already have fast growing hair so this is going to be off the charts. I think I will do the twice a day regimen.

Lets do the math :brainy: :

1st six months of 2x a day @ $19.99 for 90 pills = 182 days @ 2 pills a day=364 pills or 4 bottles which is $79.96

2nd six months of 1 pill a day @ $19.99 for 90 pills = 182 @ 1 pill a day = 182 pills or 2 bottles which is $39.98

for a grand total of $119.94. Okay, I will get the Sedu next year :rolleyes:

These pills betta work :lol:
I got quite a shock at the doctors yesterday. The doctor said that my symptoms sound like lupus.


The symptom that had me running to the doctor was, ironically, my hair. Not the chronic fatigue, or muscle aches, or joint pain, not even the redness I thought was rosecea (butterfly rash) but my dramatic hair thinning.

Does anyone here know if nioxin would help lupus related hair loss?

I know JJamiah's sis has it (she's mentioned it in previous threads)...You may want to shoot her a pm and ask her...I'm not sure.
Just placed an order for the 90-day supply- even though I'm taking two a day so they are only lasting me 45 days...I haven't really noticed anything different, but wearing it curly makes it a little bit more difficult. I'm excited for all of you ladies getting awesome growth!
I've been taking these vitamins for a few days now. I think it's too early to tell if they're giving me a growth spurt but I'm getting a tingling sensation/slightly itchy scalp. I hope that means that they're working.:look:
Ya'll know I look up everything, and here is what I found :look:. Some of these claims are very interesting. hth

Does Recharging Complex® contain Gluten?
Gluten is not currently in the Recharging Complex® Formulation.

Does the NIOXIN Recharging Complex® contain any copper peptides?
There are no copper peptides in the NIOXIN Recharging Complex®.

Why is Red Dye used in our Recharging Complex®? Is it harmful?
NIOXIN® uses the color dies to have a consistent pill color each time the Recharging Complex® is produced. The Colorant used is approved by the FDA as safe for ingestible food.

How much Biotin is in Recharging Complex®?
300 micrograms or 0.3 milligrams.

What is Tocotrienols, which is found in the Recharging Complex®?
Both tocotrienols and tocopherols, whose derivatives are in eight different isoforms, belong to the Vitamin E family. However, some research suggests tocotrienols are more potent in their anti-oxidation effect than the common forms of tocopherol due to significant differences in chemical structure.

Why doesn’t Recharging Complex® contain Vitamin E like most hair and nail supplements?
Recharging Complex® contains Tocotrienols which is a Vitamin E derivative and very beneficial as a part of this dietary supplement for the healthy growth of hair, skin and nails.

What is Bladderwack?
Bladderwrack is a type of brown or green algae (seaweed) that grows on the northern Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States and on the northern Atlantic coast and Baltic coast of Europe. This ingredient has been shown to aid in skin health, including improvement in elasticity, thickness and collagen formation.

Does Recharging Complex® contain synthetic material?

Does the Recharging Complex® contain any type of mushroom?
No, there is no form of mushroom in Recharging Complex®.

Are there any possible side effects from taking the Recharging Complex®? Is there a suggested diet while taking these pills?
There are no known side effects associated with Recharging Complex®. There are no specific changes in your diet to be made when taking this vitamin complex. Recharging Complex® is a daily multi-vitamin supplement that provides nourishment to promote the healthy growth of hair, skin and nails. As with any nutritional supplement, you need to determine how it fits in with any other medication or supplements you currently take. Please consult with a physician as to how the NIOXIN® supplement will fit in with your current regimen. If you have any concerns regarding this vitamin or any other, you should out of common sense discontinue use. These vitamins are a way to internally provide nourishment to your hair, skin, nails and supplement the topical application of our hair and scalp care line.

Can you cut or crush the Recharging Complex® to make it easier for someone to swallow?
Yes; however the vitamin complex should be consumed immediately afterward and may be unpleasant to taste.

Will Recharging Complex® replace my daily multi-vitamin or should I take it along with my multivitamin?
Most daily multi-vitamins can be supplemented with items like Recharging Complex® without adverse effects, but if medical conditions exist or if you have concerns, the combination should be reviewed by a medical professional.

Can I take Recharging Complex® after the expiration date?
No, you should not use any NIOXIN® product past the expiration date.

What type of results should I notice from taking Recharging Complex®?
Recharging Complex® was designed to improve the structure and function of hair, skin and nails.

How long after I begin taking Recharging Complex® should I notice a difference?
We recommend taking Recharging Complex® a full 30 days to see the benefits. Recharging Complex® was designed to be incorporated into your daily beauty routine.

Is Recharging Complex® safe for children?
Recharging Complex® is not designed to be used by children under the age of 18.

Can I take Recharging Complex® while pregnant?
The NIOXIN Recharging Complex® is a dietary supplement providing nourishment targeting your hair, skin and nails. Any time you have concerns about taking a supplement while pregnant you should contact your physician first.

Will Recharging Complex® interfere with other medications?
Please consult your physician for questions in regard to taking a supplement in conjunction with other medications.

Can I take more than one Recharging Complex® a day?
We do not recommend it.

Will the Recharging Complex® be compromised by heat?
Extreme Heat may damage any pill; therefore, we recommend storing Recharging Complex® at room temperature or a cool dry place.

How long is the shelf life on the Recharging Complex®?
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^^Those refer to Nioxin hair products - gel, shampoo, conditioner, etc. I agree with them. The Nioxin vitamin is the same as any other multi or hair vitamin.

ETA: Above post changed to reflect qs about the vitamin. Good info.
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For ladies who have experienced tender scalp while taking this vits, how soon did it set in? I'm 11 days in and just wondering if I should be expecting increased tenderness soon? I truly hope not. I'm all ready tender-headed, I hope Nioxin doesn't exacerbate the situation! If it did, I might :crying3: haha.
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I know there's gotta be ladies that have been using this for longer than a month. I need some straight hair comparison pics before I take the plunge.
Taking the vitamins at night has really helped. I wake up with nearly clear skin now, so I will definitely be continuing with this!