Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

Hallelujah - my prayers have been answered!
The bumps are starting to crust over and dry out, so I am hoping that means I will be clearing up soon. If they continue to improve and are gone or mostly gone by the end of the month, I'm sticking with them but I am definitely NOT going to 2 a day. :nono:
I've been taking 2 pills and have not experienced any breakouts (knock on wood). Then again, I'm not sensitive to biotin at all - at one time I was taking 10mg a day and still didn't break out.

This has been my experience as well, hopefully it stays that way.:yep:
Ok, semi-random question here: Is anyone here having to shave their pits like every two days? :nono: I know that's a good thing b/c that means my hair is growing faster but dang.

And don't let me get started on the leg and hoo-ha hair...:blush:

:blush: I guess that means I'll have to stock up on a case of razors now.:sad:
Can't remember if this was mentioned in the thread before but I've been taking Nioxin 2x daily since January (only missed two or three days the entire time). Has anyone experience a tender scalp?? I thought this was from the sulfur oil but I haven't been using that for the last month so I'm thinking it has to be the Nioxin
Can't remember if this was mentioned in the thread before but I've been taking Nioxin 2x daily since January (only missed two or three days the entire time). Has anyone experience a tender scalp?? I thought this was from the sulfur oil but I haven't been using that for the last month so I'm thinking it has to be the Nioxin

tell us about the amazing growth you have gotten!!!:yep:
tell us about the amazing growth you have gotten!!!:yep:

I got about an inch of growth from the end of Jan to end of Mar but i had to cut the ends off due to damage and SSKs. So now I'm focusing on protecting my ends to retain the growth.

So tender scalp = growth?? :perplexed
I got about an inch of growth from the end of Jan to end of Mar but i had to cut the ends off due to damage and SSKs. So now I'm focusing on protecting my ends to retain the growth.

So tender scalp = growth?? :perplexed

if members are getting & expecting an inch per month, then 1 inch for 3 months would appear to suggest that the Noxin is not accelerating your growth. Unless your growth rate was slower than 1/3 an inch per month. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I am desperately trying not to jump on this bandwagon.
I got about an inch of growth from the end of Jan to end of Mar but i had to cut the ends off due to damage and SSKs.

if members are getting & expecting an inch per month, then 1 inch for 3 months would appear to suggest that the Noxin is not accelerating your growth.

End of Jan to end of Mar would be 2 months @ 1/2" per month. I only get about 1/4" per month so this would be an improvement for me as long as I retain what I have.
So I stopped taking them for about a week and a half, and my skin has cleared up and no new pimples. I'm going to do a little experiment though and start taking them again to see if it is them or just stress. I hate to waste money, so I'm determined to finish this 90 day supply either way. lol!
I started taking these vits on March 5th, so I'm 1 month and 18 days in. I've been taking them 2x's a day (1 in the morn, 1 in the evening). I experienced breakouts but not that bad (I guess it because the accutane I took last year has helped control my acne). The only time I broke out was right before my period so I'm not sure if its from the Nixion. The pimples were really small...nothing dramatic.

My nails have always been strong (they actually hurt when they grow so I HAVE to keep them short) but I've noticed that I have to cut them almost every 10 days now so the nail growth rate has def sped up.

As far as facial and body hair, I haven't notice an increase in growth since I always shave daily and
every time I see a new hair on my face I tweeze. I'm still waiting for the eyelashes to grow : /

I haven't noticed an increase in my hair growth. The only thing I did notice is that my edges are nice and full. My hair is still shedding and breaking. Right now I'm in an install until May 7th. I will relax my hair one week after then post before and afters.

I think the vitamins will help my growth around month 3 like Hairfinity did for me. So I'm not judjing them for now. Just waiting for them to do their thang. I really want healthy hair (the increase rate would just be the bonus) :grin:
if members are getting & expecting an inch per month, then 1 inch for 3 months would appear to suggest that the Noxin is not accelerating your growth. Unless your growth rate was slower than 1/3 an inch per month. Correct me if I'm wrong, because I am desperately trying not to jump on this bandwagon.

She only started taking them at the end of Jan. I think it's realistic to allow 2/3 months for the pills to start taking effect. Personally I will give it six months.
I just got and started taking my Nioxin Monday night. 2x a day. I was taking Hairfinity for a bit over a year (2x a day) and I have had great results with them but I want to see what Nioxin can do for me because as much as I LOVE Hairfinity, I didnt get no 2" in one month! But errr um, anyway, I am not saying that I see growth in my hair yet ( its only been a week and I am braided up under a half wig) but I do see my nails pushing out more, which I appreciate because I went to get them done in Jan and Feb and the "technician" dug ALL the way down into my nail bed so everytime they grow out, they break all over the place, usually they are long and strong amd the free edge was soo white :lick: ( I miss them ), thats what I get for being extra and getting a full set knowing doggon well I didnt need one :ohwell: I am going to file them down nice and neatly as to not frighten anyone and take pics every 10 days for a month, then show the progress of my nails. I will be able to answer the ladies questions about MY experience with Hairfinity vs Nioxin because I took Hairfinity religiously, maybe missed 4-5 days out the time I was taking it for. Oh and also I am doing the sulfer challenge but I have seen the growth with the sulfer by itself so the added boost SHOULD be from the Nioxin. If I get any significant growth I will post every little thing I did so you ladies can dissect it and find what may or may not work for YOU...:yep:
She only started taking them at the end of Jan. I think it's realistic to allow 2/3 months for the pills to start taking effect. Personally I will give it six months.

Thanks for explaining this. I was told by my doctor that you usually don't see the full effect of vitamins until after 3 months of consistently taking them.
I'm not sure how to feel about this... I have two pictures, one from 4/18 and the second from 4/22 2011, the first picture the hair just barely passes my mouth and the second pic the hair is right at my chin almost hanging off my face in the front.

I'm at work right now so i can't post pics but i'll try to post tomorrow after work when i get a chance. Is this a placebo effect? How is this even possible?:lol:

I know i've been experiencing alot of itching which i attribute to new growth coming in but dang, this just blew my mind:perplexed

Let me also add that the front is the slowest growing part of my hair:nono:

I've been contemplating weather to post this or just keep it to myself for the time being, i just had to share:lol:
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It's very interesting how differently our bodies react to these vitamins. I've been on them for 11 days and I've already got over 1/4 inch. I usually gotten about 1/2 in. My scalp itches and tingles all day everyday, but it's worth it if I get double my normal hair growth :)
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It's very interesting how differently our bodies react to these vitamins. I've been on them for 11 days and I've already got over 1/4 inch. I usually gotten about 1/2 in. My scalp itches and tingles all day everyday, but it's worth it if I get double my normal hair growth :)

So i'm not imagining things then?!!:lol: my comparison pics had me staring in disbelieve at the dramatic change in only a matter of days :)

Congrats on over 1/4 inch:yep:
So i'm not imagining things then?!!:lol: my comparison pics had me staring in disbelieve at the dramatic change in only a matter of days :)

Congrats on over 1/4 inch:yep:

Thank you! And no, you're not imagining things. My husband even commented on how shiny my hair is and how nice and strong my nails look. He's always been very observant, but has no idea that I'm taking these vitamins, so they really must be making a difference.
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Has anyone seen a reduction in shedding? Not breaking as shedding is long strands falling out from the scalp and its an internal problem. Like to know if these vits are that strong.
Has anyone seen a reduction in shedding? Not breaking as shedding is long strands falling out from the scalp and its an internal problem. Like to know if these vits are that strong.

I fell into the bandwagon and got a bottle of Nioxin. So its been under a month since I started taking the vitamins ( don't know exactly how long). I've noticed a reduction in shedding. I also noticed some increased growth but I think that has more to do with the sulfur I've been applying for a couple of months now, plus I was using another vitamin before I started the Nioxin.

Basically growth I don't know if it is the Nioxin, but the shedding I think Nioxin has helped.
Has anyone seen a reduction in shedding? Not breaking as shedding is long strands falling out from the scalp and its an internal problem. Like to know if these vits are that strong.

This I have noticed. I naturally shed like a freakin' cat. I'm surprised I still have the volume of hair I have. The only way I've been able to halt the shedding is by steaming every wash. That helps A LOT.

However, I wasn't able to steam my last wash which was around the same time I started these pills, give or take 2 weeks ago. I still shed but it wasn't the beast mode quantity I usually get when I miss steaming. I'm hoping these vits with the steaming completely halts any shedding.

PS. 'monsterous' amounts of shed hair to me is the average (?) 50 a day. That seems like waaaay to much to be losing on a daily basis in my opinion. I shed heavy all through my life but now that I've been actively taking care of my own hair it freaks me out to still see so much hair on the floor.
Y'all are making this soooooo hard for me
The thick full edges comment almost sent me ova the edge.
1/4 of an inch didn't help matters...t-r-y-i-n t-ooooo h-o-l-d-dddd outttttttt