Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

ok so i started off with 2 a day, but some mornings i forget and see it at night and take one before bed, but i dont want to double up at night so i think i'm gonna stick with the one a day for now...i havent noticed body hair growth, and my nails still suck, but my hair has definitely grown b/c there's a lot more black roots than there was last week...last week i was just under .5 inches of new growth, and now i have over .5 inches...if i get a full inch of growth this month i'll be happy.
LOL at all the body hair comments. Ever since I began my HHJ my leg hair will get like whoaaaa if I don't shave like every couple of days. At least it keeps me warm during winter!! :lol:
My nails are looking gorgeous, I'm going to run out and buy a few new polishes today to show them off! As for my hair, well I'm not shedding as much and the breakage has really halted. So looking good so far, I just ordered another bottle.
i am taking the intensive therapy recharging complex. i've been taking it for 3 weeks on sunday and i am 4 weeks post as of yesterday.

one of my nails was very short - beyond the nail bed - and i used one of the lines to mark my growth. the line is almost completely covered. this is in less than 10 days.

i also have more new growth than i typically do at this point. i'm excited to see where i am in another 6 weeks when i relax.

just wanted to check in with an update. i'll admit i was a skeptic but would be more than happy to be proved wrong. i certainly don't expect 2 inches in 2 months, but i will take any additional that i get!

eta - i have had no adverse effects on my skin. i rarely break out and this hasn't caused me to either. it has given me a glow that i can only attribute to the vitamin, since i haven't changed anything else. i take one a day per the instructions. i wonder if increasing the dosage has anything to do with breakouts or if someone had issues with break-outs before..just a thought.

anyway, will be back in 6 weeks! keep the updates coming!
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I am on week 2 ( I believe). I started out taking two pills because my regular vitamins had larger dosages of the ingredients (that they both have listed). My scalp was a little tender and they made my stomach hurt a little but both issues lasted only two days. Then I started having headaches everyday. I have now started taking only one pill and the headaches are gone. I did wake up with a pimple on my chin though :-(

As for growth I've seen a little but nothing impressive as of yet besides my eyebrows are growing like crazy. My nails are stronger thank goodness!

My dad is taking them as well because he was losing his hair and he said he felt like he is growing a unibrow lol.

I follow up in a month.

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I really want to try these but I don't know if I want the Recharge or the Intensive formula. I can't decide.:wallbash: I may end up ordering one of each.
I really want to try these but I don't know if I want the Recharge or the Intensive formula. I can't decide.:wallbash: I may end up ordering one of each.

There's only one vitamin...I think a couple ladies on the thread thought that there were two. It just has a really long name: "Nioxin Intensive Therapy Recharging Complex". So, they're one in the same. Don't waste your money buying two of them. HTH!


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There's only one vitamin...I think a couple ladies on the thread thought that there were two. It just has a really long name: "Nioxin Intensive Therapy Recharging Complex". So, they're one in the same. Don't waste your money buying two of them. HTH!

Damn.:sad: I don't know why I thought there were two.:wallbash: Thanks Traci!
Has anyone noticed bright yellow-green colored urine?

That is probably from the B - vitamins. I don't take Nioxin but I do know that anything with alot of B-vitamins will make you urine bright yellow.

It scared me the first time it happened to me. :lol: You will get used to seeing it. Drink planty of water.
I drank a crap load of water yesterday - almost 14 cups. I was pretty much fused to the toilet. So I am dialing it back down to 11 - 12.
GJIna: I drink out of a 1.5 L bottle that I almost fill up twice, and decided to try your ACV in the first bottle. So I added 1/4 cup (I hope I did that math correctly...) and am drinking it now. It's not too bad. I am going to start with just putting ACV in half of my water everyday to see if it helps. The bumps don't look horrible and no one has said anything (I have a very honest family... and that's putting it nicely), so I guess I am just making it seem worse than they are since I've always had really smooth skin and inspect it very closely every morning with my face all up in the mirror... lol. I've relaxed a little with the urgency I was feeling to get rid of them for aesthetic purposes, but the ones on my forehead itch and it's driving me bananas!

ETA: I am going to try to make sure I eat more vitamin B-rich foods as well. When I looked at the list, I can see why I may not be getting enough vitamin B because a lot of the foods are ones I don't eat often, if at all. I do love broccoli, chard, collards, and romaine, but haven't been eating them as much lately so I am definitely going to up my intake of those. And anything that causes me to need more mussels, lobster, and crab is definitely okay with me! I lurrrrrrv seafood :grin:
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That is probably from the B - vitamins. I don't take Nioxin but I do know that anything with alot of B-vitamins will make you urine bright yellow.

It scared me the first time it happened to me. :lol: You will get used to seeing it. Drink planty of water.

Thanks NicWhite! i figured that i was just wondering if i was the only one lol...and i have increased my water intake a great deal.
@davisbr88: For every 8oz of water I add 2 teaspoons of ACV. I've been sipping on it (with a straw) throughtout the day as opposed to knocking it back once a day like I used to. I only changed the method to make sure I drink this daily. (Sometimes I would *forget* at the end of the day) Just as a warning, I've noticed that with natural remedies like this I tend to go through a flare up period but it passes after a day or two. I guess that was my body getting out whatever toxins I had build up in my system. This time around it wasn't the case. My diet has changed & I drink more water along with it. I really do recommend ACV drinks. It tastes like...yeah..but for what it's done for my skin & energy my taste buds can suffer some.

What is Acv?
So ladies, I found 2 more pimples. I am now going to stick with one a day for now! I want my clear, glowing skin back and an extra .25"-.50" ain't worth that :nono: My skin was looking lovely with taking one, so I'll stick with that :yep:
Yeah, my skin has definitely gotten worse today. I don't know if it's worth it. I am going to give it 3 weeks, just because I've heard that's how long it can take for your skin/body to adjust to something new. If I'm not mostly clear by then, I'm about to sell these things. I'd rather have average growth and beautiful skin.

your skin is beautiful in your avatar. were you taking 2 a day? how long have you been taking it? i'm at 3 weeks on sunday and no problems thus far. i'm getting nervous reading about the break-outs.:look:

Yeah, my skin has definitely gotten worse today. I don't know if it's worth it. I am going to give it 3 weeks, just because I've heard that's how long it can take for your skin/body to adjust to something new. If I'm not mostly clear by then, I'm about to sell these things. I'd rather have average growth and beautiful skin.

your skin is beautiful in your avatar. were you taking 2 a day? how long have you been taking it? i'm at 3 weeks on sunday and no problems thus far. i'm getting nervous reading about the break-outs.:look:

Thank you, but if you could zoom in, you would see that my forehead has a million tiny little bumps. At first it wasn't a big deal because they were so small and were my complexion, but then they started itching more and now they're red and some have grown bigger. Now it looks like a rash. Not cute.
And no, I knew I had a problem with breaking out from biotin, so I have only been taking one a day since the 8th.
But like I said, I will give it some time before I chuck them. I've done detoxes before that caused me to break-out but then cleared up around the 3-week mark. I've also drastically changed my diet this week, so I'm not completely blaming the Nioxin, but I know that I usually normalize around week 3. If I haven't by then, I'm getting rid of them.
Ok, semi-random question here: Is anyone here having to shave their pits like every two days? :nono: I know that's a good thing b/c that means my hair is growing faster but dang.

And don't let me get started on the leg and hoo-ha hair...:blush:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: yep !!!!! same here !!!!!!!!!!
and....I'm having to shave the legs every other day !!!!!!!!!
i've been takin these vits for a little over a month now....i don't notice any spectacular growth but then again it's only been month.....leg hair and nails have been growing like crazy! i haven't had any break outs on my face but i do notice that i am hella itchy.....
blessedandlucky- Don't be scared :) Nioxin actually helped my skin glow when I was taking it the past two months (1 pill/day)...the problems/breakouts started to occur when I upped the dose to 2 pills/day over the last 2-3 weeks :nono: So give it a chance, it may give you a fresh faced glow :yep: But I would try 1 pill before doubling the dosage to 2/day
I've been taking 2 pills and have not experienced any breakouts (knock on wood). Then again, I'm not sensitive to biotin at all - at one time I was taking 10mg a day and still didn't break out.