Nioxin OD=2 inches a month

I'm currently taking two Nixon per day along with a prenatal vitamin. Should I add a B Complex or Biotin with this combination?
I got my Nioxin yesterday and sofar I've taken 1 @ 9am. I was planning to do another at 9pm and so forth but I'm kind of scared of breaking. even though I'm not satisfied, my skin has been in its best, consistent shape in a long time and I don't wanna mess it up. Hopefully increased water intake will curb anything but if I notice acne worsening i'll drop down right anyway. its not worth it, I can hide my hair but not my face
Can't say it's the Nioxin for sure but I swear I've never felt like I "needed" to "Face Nair" my upper lip...but this fuzz is OC...
Can't say it's the Nioxin for sure but I swear I've never felt like I "needed" to "Face Nair" my upper lip...but this fuzz is OC...

Lol yeah my face broke out along my jawline but it was my fault because I was trying to correct this problem lol. I was looking at my upper lip and I need to address the hair there again already smh...

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Just and FYI....I don't think you have to take more than the directed dose (one tablet per day) to see results from the Nioxin. It worked well for me with just one per day. I think LHCF has a habit of finding something that works and doubling it or over doing it, therefore, you run the risks of developing other side effects like the facial breakouts.
So, I took the pill-its huge! I plan to take one right now, one a day. But my skin is doing fine. Well see in one, week. A for the lip fuzz...none yet.
I've been taking the Nioxin 2wice a day since last week & I can definitely attest to it making the nails stronger & retaining length. Even in on the index nail of my right hand where the top kept flaking, it hasn't chipped off. I'm going to see if I can buff it down just in case. But I haven't seen any further chipping that I've been suffering from for the last 2 months.

I did get a bit of a breakout after a few days. Nothing drastic because I'm eating better but it was a strange sight after being clear for a while now. I see that this stuff has biotin in it & I remember taking straight biotin last year & it was a breakout fest. I don't know if it's just that my body doesn't absorb biotin well..HOWEVER..I found a work around by getting back on drinking ACV. THAT has quickly balanced me back out. Hope that helps someone having a similar problem.

I feel bad not taking starter pics yet. It'll def get done this wkend after the salon.
For those who's used these and other vitamins over the years can you really tell a difference in hair growth?

I've heard Country Hair, Hair finity are also good. They are better than these?
Hi ladies! I'm still taking Nioxin but really considering going back to Hair finity simply because I'm breaking out really bad. I mean it's to the point where you can play connect the dots on my forehead. I have always had acne prone skin, and got it under control years ago and plus I added Proactive to my arsenal but now it's just like that's not working any more other than drying my skin out causing my face to over produce oil cuz it's so dry. So I don't know I haven't taken the Nioxin all week and my skin is starting to look somewhat better so I don't know. I'm gonna monitor it and see, I'm upset too cuz I just finished the 30 day bottle and just started on the 90 day..smh
GJIna: How much ACV do you drink everyday?
I still haven't gotten up to my usual daily water intake - I got to 9 cups yesterday. My face hasn't gotten worse, so I guess that's good news but I'm not used to having bumps on my face, so I really want them to go away... lol.
I'm going to definitely get back to drinking at least 11 cups everyday for the next week and see if it helps. If not, I am interested in trying the ACV you're talking about. I have a HUGE bottle that I need to get rid of, since I only use like 1 cup per year for my rinses... lol.
Which formula is everyone taking? Recharging Complex or Intensive Therapy Recharging? What's the difference between the two formulas?
Which formula is everyone taking? Recharging Complex or Intensive Therapy Recharging? What's the difference between the two formulas?

I'm taking the intensive therapy. I didn't know there were two different ones... weird. I just typed in Nioxin Recharging Complex in Amazon and the intensive were the ones I bought because I tried to buy the cheapest ones and both the bottles I bought ended up being intensive. Hmmmm...

Also, on an unrelated note, I wanted to add that I am also seeing nail benefits like other PPs have stated. My nails have always been long but very weak... like, pulling up my jeans = broken or bent nail. :perplexed
I've been keeping them trimmed to nubs basically, but they sprouted again in what seems like an overnight spurt and despite the everyday things I continue to do that would usually result in breaks, bends, or chips, I haven't had one yet. So that's pretty nice. I don't notice any extra hair elsewhere on my body, but I've only been taking them for 12 days so... who knows? I honestly don't care much about getting body hair, especially since I barely grow any anyway, and don't think it would be all that big of a deal to have to do more than two shaves per year like I do now. Seems like a small price to pay to recover from my setback (I am hoping by the end of these two bottles to be back to where I was before). But I'm really not feeling potential facial hair. I would definitely prefer to not have a Monopoly Man mustache by the time I get deep into this 90-day bottle.
I take the Recharging formula...I can't say that I've started breaking out but I have also upped my water intake as well. Also, no excess hair issues either, but as davisbr88 said, I've only been taking them for about 2 weeks so...
I've been taking the Nioxin 2wice a day since last week & I can definitely attest to it making the nails stronger & retaining length. Even in on the index nail of my right hand where the top kept flaking, it hasn't chipped off. I'm going to see if I can buff it down just in case. But I haven't seen any further chipping that I've been suffering from for the last 2 months.

I did get a bit of a breakout after a few days. Nothing drastic because I'm eating better but it was a strange sight after being clear for a while now. I see that this stuff has biotin in it & I remember taking straight biotin last year & it was a breakout fest. I don't know if it's just that my body doesn't absorb biotin well..HOWEVER..I found a work around by getting back on drinking ACV. THAT has quickly balanced me back out. Hope that helps someone having a similar problem.

I feel bad not taking starter pics yet. It'll def get done this wkend after the salon.

Ditto. My nails grow long, but usually break in the nail bed after a certain length. Now, they're clearly stronger and I've only been taking the vitamins about 10 days (2 a day). I've gotten two small pimples, but nothing outrageous. I haven't noticed any facial hair issues, but my brows are growing in sooner than they would have.
Just and FYI....I don't think you have to take more than the directed dose (one tablet per day) to see results from the Nioxin. It worked well for me with just one per day. I think LHCF has a habit of finding something that works and doubling it or over doing it, therefore, you run the risks of developing other side effects like the facial breakouts.

I agree. But I'm curious and impatient. Don't judge me. :lachen:
The one I'm looking at says..Intensive Therapy Recharging Complex...Says $25.00 90 Tabs..
Is that the same bottle (Sliver) every-one have?

*Just looking right NOW!

Happy Hair Growing!
@davisbr88: For every 8oz of water I add 2 teaspoons of ACV. I've been sipping on it (with a straw) throughtout the day as opposed to knocking it back once a day like I used to. I only changed the method to make sure I drink this daily. (Sometimes I would *forget* at the end of the day) Just as a warning, I've noticed that with natural remedies like this I tend to go through a flare up period but it passes after a day or two. I guess that was my body getting out whatever toxins I had build up in my system. This time around it wasn't the case. My diet has changed & I drink more water along with it. I really do recommend ACV drinks. It tastes like...yeah..but for what it's done for my skin & energy my taste buds can suffer some.

I have the Intensive Therapy RECHARGING COMPLEX version (same silver-ish bottle). I didn't know there was an alternate.
Ok, semi-random question here: Is anyone here having to shave their pits like every two days? :nono: I know that's a good thing b/c that means my hair is growing faster but dang.

And don't let me get started on the leg and hoo-ha hair...:blush:
Ok, semi-random question here: Is anyone here having to shave their pits like every two days? :nono: I know that's a good thing b/c that means my hair is growing faster but dang.

And don't let me get started on the leg and hoo-ha hair...:blush:

drmuffin hoo-ha hair ...What kind are you taking? The Intensive Therapy Recharging Complex..That one...

*Just weighing the odds..Before I take the plunge.

Happy Hair Growing!
My nioxin arrived today... just took the my first one (i'm taking one a day). MUCH easier to take than the Countrylife Maxi-Hair. I love how flat the pill is.

My stretch ends in two weeks so the week after I have my touch up (3 weeks into the pills) I will begin to take weekly pics of my new growth to track progress.
Can't say it's the Nioxin for sure but I swear I've never felt like I "needed" to "Face Nair" my upper lip...but this fuzz is OC...

Omigeez, me too! I've never had this *ahem* experience before!

Also, my skin improved with nioxin recharge. I'd broken out with biotin and went down to every other day. Taking 2 nioxin vits made my stomach hurt (not something that normally happens to me), so I quit that on day 3. I think nioxin has increased my growth rate. I also take MSM, vit C, biotin, spirilina, iron and echinacea/goldenseal, but nioxin and sulfur are the only new things since mid January.

Mid January, 2011


March 16th, 2011


I'm nearing my 3rd month with the product.

Eta: sorry about my low sweats!
Lita Girl yes!:lachen: I mean like every time I'm in the shower I look down and just smh... That Recharging Complex is the shizz-nite!

*Off to remove moustache*
i've noticed the increased body hair growth as well. i usually had to shave every 2-3 days now it's everyday if i wanna wear a skirt or tankish shirt! and the nails are definitely stronger. they just don't break! i accidentally bent one all the way back 2weeks ago and my finger started bleeding (usually that nail would just break off) but i bent it back in place, polished and it's just like normal.